Busted and Parties

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(Left is Laura's cloths right is Raini's cloths at the party.)


Maia: Ross what r u doing
Ross: fucking it up like I do everything (kisses her)
Maia: (kisses back)
????: Ross............


Ross: oh no Laura
Laura: (crying) how could you Ross
Ross: Laur I'm so sorry baby it's not what it looks like. (Try's to grab her hand)
Laura: no don't you dare touch me or call me baby ever again.
Ross: Laur please
Laura: no Ross I've given u everything. I treated u like a fucking king. You were the love of my life and u know I don't just throw that word around. I gave u my fucking virginity Ross. Our 2 year anniversary is tomorrow well was tomorrow. If u wanted to break up Ross u should have told me because this is much worse than a break up.
Ross: Laur I don't want to break up. I fucking love u more than anything. Your my forever and always baby. Come on I know we can get through this.
Laura: well u have a funny way of showing it and no Ross it's over I'm taking that cheerleading scholarship to NYU. Then will only have to see each other for the rest of this month and then I'm gone. I hope u and Maia have a good life together. Oh and Maia you better get your shit out of my house by tonight or it will be thrown in the pool.
Ross: baby please don't do this
Laura: it's already done Ross (leaves crying)

(Next day with Raini and Laura........)


Laura: (crying) Raini he was full on making out with her it was awful.
Raini: I'm so sorry Laur
Laura: no you know what I'm not. I'm not going to sit here and sulk anymore and wallow in self pity. I'm going to go out and party have fun maybe get drunk and find a hot guy to make out with.
Raini: that's the spirit Laur. I think Parker is throwing a party. He's a senior captain of the hockey team.
Laura: well what are we waiting for we have to get ready. Your coming right?
Raini: yeah let me just txt Calum
Laura: okay cool I'm going to shower and get dressed do my hair and then will meet back here.
Raini: okay get ready to mingle
Laura: oh I'm ready😊😁

(2 hours later............)

Ross: Calum idk what the hell I'm going to do. She's leaving in less than a month and going all the way across the country. I really fucked up bro.
Calum: yeah u did. But u made your bed now u have to lye in it.
Ross: I know man just please help me I can't lose her.
Calum: (sighs) all I know is her and Raini r going to this party that Parker is throwing
Ross: oh hell no she isn't I know how much Parker has been trying to get at her since freshman year. We're going to the party.
Calum: fine man but don't start any shit with Parker. Maybe she just needs time to calm down.
Ross: whatever no ones going to be with Laura but me let's go.
Calum: fine.

(With Raini and Laura at the party......)


Laura: this is a great party right
Raini: yeah it is
Laura: let's dance
Raini: I'm good
Laura: suit yourself I'm going to dance
Parker: hey Laura u look sexy tonight
Laura: well thanks Parker and u look sexy to.
Parker: I heard about Ross. I'm really sorry he missed out on a really great and beautiful girl.
Laura: (blushes) your to kind. And it's not your fault. Ross didn't want me anymore. You want to dance or something I don't feel like talking about him.
Parker: sure lets go get a drink and then play some beer pong.
Laura: sounds good to me.
Parker: cool

( Ross and Calum walk into party......)

Ross: Cal do u see her
Calum: no not yet
Ross: I don't either. I swear if she's in Parkers room or something.
Calum: calm down man. I found her she's playing beer pong with Parker and the rest of the hockey team. Ross u need to think before u go over there
Raini: baby why r u here not that I'm not happy to see u (pecks his lips)
Calum: (points to Ross) that's why
Raini: oh no
Calum: oh no is right

(With Laura and Parker)

Laura: oh my god Parker this drink is so good
Parker: I'm glad u like it
Laura: your really good at beer pong u know that
Parker: not as good as you
Laura: (blushes) well I used to be a kick ass softball player that's why I have such good aim
Parker: oh really (starts leaning in)
Laura: yeah really (starts leaning in to)
Ross: Parker get away from her
Laura: ( pulls away) Ross wtf
Parker: last time I checked Ross u weren't together and I think Laur can speak for herself. Laur do u want me to leave u alone
Laura: (looks in his eyes) no Parker I don't
Ross: Laura your coming with me ( grabs her wrist)
Laura: let go of me Ross
Ross: is that really what u want Parker Mack captain of the hockey team
Laura: yeah I do he's kind to me and he doesn't lie to me or cheat on me when I do nothing fucking wrong.
Ross: fine then have Parker I'm going to go home and fuck Maia.
Laura: guess what Ross I don't give a flying fuck what u do go ahead fuck Maia for all I care.
Ross: wow u have turned it off
Laura: turned what off?
Ross: your emotions.

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