This is the Real Me

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Ross's PV:

Laura's so far gone it's sad. Seeing her at the party tonight made me so sad. That's the place me and her first said our feelings for each other and then seeing her almost kissing Parker. Oh my god I'm beyond pissed but I did it to myself.

She's like a fucking vampire now. There's no emotion there once so ever. Her eyes are nothing but black circles. She doesn't smile anymore and if she does even a blind person could tell it's fake. She looks like she hasn't slept in days and I'm pretty sure she's back to cutting herself.......and it's all my fault.

Laura's PV:

Oh my god I have such a headache. I don't know what the fuck happened last night besides me and Ross fighting, playing beer pong with Parker, getting drunk and high as fuck, oh and Ross telling me I turned my emotions off. Whatever the fuck that means.

He's a real prick. I haven't slept in days, I have even gone back to cutting myself which is something I promised myself I would never do again. But Ross ruined me and cutting makes me feel better. In fact it's funny because Ross is the one who saved me from cutting and killing myself the first time. Now he's the reason I'm cutting again.

(At school............)


Raini: what are we going to do about Laura guys. She's not herself anymore she's cutting again, going to clubs every night, getting drunk and high. We need to help her before she kills herself or does something she regrets
Calum: yeah we do
Ross: she's cutting again😵😵
Raini: yeah she is and it's all your fault😠
Ross: I know it is
Calum: guys what r we going to do
Raini: I don't know baby. All I know is I want my friend back😔
Ross: we all do.
Calum: we should try to get her alone in school and then talk some sense into her.
Raini: that would be a good idea but she hasn't showed up to school in days.
Ross: she isn't coming to school. That's not my Laura she always comes to school.
Raini: yeah well she would rather stay home and sleep off her hangover so she can repeat the cycle.

????:I ain't your Laura no more now move.
Raini: Laura your here
Laura: unfortunately
Calum: hey Laur what's up
Laura: nothing just here in the hell hole they call school getting ready to rot away. Move out of my way Ross I need to get to my locker Jesus.
Ross: sorry😔
Laura: you should be😒
Raini: so Laur u want to hang after school
Laura: sorry I can't Parker and some of his teammates are taking me to this new bar and then we're going to go to his house after
Raini: oh okay
Laura: sorry maybe next time
Raini: yeah
Ross: so now u and Parker are hanging out
Laura: yep he's pretty cool and he's super funny and an awesome kisser😏💏
Ross: does he know u cut because I bet if he did he wouldn't want to deal with u after that.
Laura: actually he does. Me and him had a real heart to heart about are pasts and his past was just as fucked up as mine was. I should have been more like him not cared or let anyone in. That's where I made my mistake.
Ross: u don't mean that
Laura: oh yes I do
Raini: you guys really need to work your shit out
Calum: I agree
Laura: I've said all that has to be said. Now I'm having my fun with Parker. Ross is the one who lost out and u all know it.
Ross: wow Laura your going right back to your old ways except there worse.
Laura:No Ross I'm becoming myself again. See I changed for u I became the person u wanted me to be. This is the real me and deep down u know that.
Ross: whatever Laur when he breaks your heart don't come running back to me.
Laura: hahahaha oh god Ross I wouldn't even dream of it.

????: yo Marano
Laura: yo Mack
Parker: u want to blow this hell hole and go have some fun
Laura: hell yeah where we going
Parker: well it's a surprise😏
Laura: oh is it now😏
Ross: (clenches jaw) Laura doesn't skip school
Laura: that was the old me Ross. She's gone and she ain't coming back. Peace Marano out.
Raini: bye😕
Calum: bye👋
Ross: we need to get Laura back the real Laura because that's not her. She would never skip school.😔😔

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