Forgetting and Bar Hopping

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Laura's PV:

Parker and a couple of his friends from the hockey team are taking me to this new bar called 716. We just walked in and it's pretty poppin. There's huge TV's all over the place and a big ass bar with a lot of alcohol plus there's a ton of hot guys here. It'd definitely going to be a good night.


Parker: isn't this place awesome
Laura: yeah it is and there's so many hot guys here.
Parker: hey I thought I was your rebound from Ross.
Laura: you are but that doesn't mean I can't have a little fun and you should to. No strings attached right.
Parker: no strings attached
Laura: cool now I'm going to get a vodka and then dance with a hot guy.
Parker: okay I'm going to get a whiskey straight up then I'm going to dance with a hot girl. I'll see u later.
Laura: okay

(15 minutes later with Laura........)

Laura: hi
????: oh hey Laura
Laura: wait r u on the hockey team
????: yeah it's me Pat
Laura: right Pat sorry I'm a little drunk so I forget names.
Pat: we haven't even been here an hour and your already drunk
Laura: yeah well I like vodka it's my friend
Pat: oh really.😏
Laura: yeah really.😏
Pat: you want to dance
Laura: I would love to
Pat: well let's go
Laura: alright
Pat: wow u got some moves.
Laura: oh this is nothing I'm a cheerleader baby. I got moves u ain't never seen before.
Pat: oh really
Laura: yeah really
Parker: hey guys this is Kristin.
Laura: hey
Pat: what up
Kristin: hi
Parker: so Laur what r u doing later
Laura: idk Pat what r we doing later.😏
Pat: hey Parker I think we're going to get out of here
Parker: why
Pat: you know why. Let's go Laur
Laura: peace Marano is out✌️
Parker: bye Laur 👋

(The next day at Laura's house......)

Laura's PV:

Oh my god I have such a headache. I drank way to much last night. I had more shots and more vodkas than I can count. Then Pat and I left and went to get high. But he took me to Denny's after because I was fucking starving and would have passed out if I didn't eat anything. I have school today but I'm definitely not going I'm taking aspirin and going back to bed. Im so tired😴😴😴

(Doorbell rings.......)


Laura: who the fuck can that be? Waking me from my sleep when I have a massive hangover. (Opens door) why in the flying fuck r u here?
Maia: I came to apologize
Laura: okay u apologized by (slams door in her face and goes back up stairs)
(Doorbell rings again......)
Laura: who the fuck is it (opens door) wtf do u want?
Ross: u need to hear me out
Laura: why should I u prick
Ross: because I love u and ik u love me to
Laura: no I used to love u. Now can u leave I have a huge hangover and I need my sleep so I can hang with Parker and Pat tonight
Ross: who are u because the Laura I know would never get drunk and high every night or not show up to school just because they don't feel like it. The Laura I knew had a soul this Laura whoever she is definitely doesn't.
Laura: first of all thats the Laura u knew as in past tense. This is me Ross take a good look because in a few weeks I'll be gone and u won't have to look at me anymore.
Ross: Laur please don't do this
Laura: your the one that fucked up Ross
Ross: you know this isn't completely my fault.
Laura: oh yeah and how is that you fucking asshole I never did anything to you.
Ross: you practically drove me to Maia.
Laura: oh yeah Ross and how is that please tell me
Ross: well for one u were clingy and we always had to do what u wanted, you got upset over the littlest of things, you didn't appreciate anything, the biggest thing is you never considered my feelings about college.
Laura: wow u mother fucker. Let me tell u everything u said was a lie you were explaining yourself. I wasn't clingy u were fucking jealous of every guy who came near me, your the one who freaked over the stupidest shit. I'm a go with the flow idgaf kind of person, your the one who didn't appreciate anything I did you never said please or thank you. I mean seriously have some manners. Oh and the college thing that's bullshit because I always tried to talk to u about it and all u would say is football this football that I don't need college I'm going pro.
Ross: that's all bullshit.
Laura: whatever Ross just leave. I don't need or want u. Oh and here u go happy anniversary. (Throws guitar and pik at him)
Ross: you got me the guitar I wanted and a matching pik with r5 embroidered on both.
Laura: and Ross just so u know I'm going to forgive u but I'm also going to forget u. There's no sense in hating someone I don't care about.
Ross: u don't mean that Laur
Laura: goodbye Ross (slams door in his face and goes back to bed)

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