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10 Years Later:

Laura's PV:

A lot has happened in the past 10 years. I moved to Hawaii and got an amazing job there in the cardiac care unit. I really needed that break from everyone to just find myself and see who I truly am. I needed to get my shit together before I started seeing anyone and now that I have I'm married but will get to that.

I still talk to Parker and Pat. I don't go a day without taking to them. Parker found himself a girl. Her names Maia and she's super cool. They actually got married and have a kid. They've been married for 3 years now and the kids name is Maddy. That kid has Parker wrapped around her little finger. It's pretty funny and sad at the same time.

Pat found someone to. He stopped his hump and dump shit and met a girl named Sarah. She's super chill. She's kind of quiet definitely the opposite of Parker and I but she's definitely Pats type. But when he parties he parties and the same goes for her. Them quiet ones u got to watch them. There engaged to be married in July.

Ross is doing good he has his football career and everyone loves him. Him and I still talk he will always be in my life. He's like a virus he got under my skin and whatever I do I can't shake him. Ross is also married.........to me.

Plot twist I know. I never wanted to get married or have kids. I don't do the relationship thing remember. Well neither did Parker and look at him he's happy. Ross and I are happy to. He's always made me happy it just took me being an asshole and running from my problems to figure that out.

Believe it or not I moved out of Hawaii back to California. I still have a beach in Hawaii where I got to with Ross and our 3 kids in the summer. Yeah three kids I know. We have Jake he's 10, Conner who's 7, and Brigid who's 3. Ross is such a good dad and the kids love going to his games and watching him in the box especially Jake and Conner. I don't really think Brigid cares I mean she's only three and girls usually don't care for sports. But it's her dad so she might learn to love just like I did.

(At Laura's house in Hawaii.....)


????: what's up bitches?
Laura: Pat u may not have kids but we do and u can't swear.
Pat: wow who would have thought the Laura Marano who said fuck after everyone word would scold someone for swearing. And it's good to see u to.
Laura: it's good to see u to Patrick
Pat: don't call me that.
Laura: hey Sarah
Sarah: hey Laura this house is beautiful.
Laura: thanks it's my favorite place.
Sarah: I could see why
????: the parties here
Laura: Parker your here
Parker: well of course I am I couldn't miss an invite to the Marano's beach house in Hawaii.
Laura: shut up Mack. Where's Maia and Maddy?
Parker: she's getting Maddy out of the car she fell asleep on the way over here
Laura: oh
Parker: where's Ross?
Laura: in the house with the kids getting them ready for the beach.
Pat: cool so where's the beer?
Laura: u have an alcohol problem
Pat: I do not. I just got here off. Along ass flight and I hate flying I think I deserve a beer.
Laura: calm down I was just joking here.
????: what's up guys?
Parker: Ross man what's up. I haven't seen u since your wedding
Ross: I know. So how have u guys been?
Pat: good
Parker: busy with family and hockey
Ross: I know how u feel. I got 3 kids and football to juggle it's a pain in the ass.
Laura: hey those pain in the asses are your children.
Ross: Ik and I love them more than anything.
Laura: (peaks his lips) I know u do
Parker: okay lets go to the beach. I want to surf
Pat: oooo I do to.

Laura's PV:

As I sit here and watch my kids play with there dad, Pat, Parker, Maia, and Sarah it warms my heart because I finally realize what it feels like to be happy. I guess I did get my forever and always.

Raura: I'll Love You Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now