Move On

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3 Year laters

Laura's PV:

I'm currently a Junior at NYU and I love it. Parker got pulled up to play for the St. Louis Blues. He plays right wing. That's right I know hockey. Pat also got pulled up except he plays for the Chicago Blackhawks. I go to there games sometimes. It's weird though because there both my best friends and I can't choose between them so I try to avoid the topic of hockey.

Within the next year I will be graduated from med school and going to intern at a hospital. I haven't heard from Raini or Cal in a while. I heard Ross's football career is really taking off he's on the news like every other day. Good for him though he got what he wanted which was his football career.

Ross's PV:

I'm currently back in California on off season. I'm here to visit Raini, Calum, my family and maybe Laura. A lot has changed in the last 3 years. I play football for the Dallas Stars. I became the youngest rookie in all the years football has been around. My career has been great. Traveling is cool but sometimes it gets old.

I still miss Laura but I know that ship has sailed most likely and she's over me. She's probably with Parker or something traveling with him. I heard he got pulled up to the NHL his first year of college as well as Pat. I knew they were good but I didn't know they were NHL worthy.

Raini's PV:

A lot has happened these past three years. Calum and I are still together and moved in together. I'm going to college for design and Calum's going to college for photography and Film. He wants to be a director. He's really good with a video cameras.

I really miss Laura. I always had her to go to and now all I have is Cal. Believe me I love him more than anything but a girl needs some girl time sometimes, and Laura gave me that. We also kept each other sane. I know I told her we would keep in touch but I guess we both just got busy and lost touch. I miss her a lot.

Calum's PV:

I'm currently at film school. I want to be a director because I love video taping things. Everything has changed since high school. I'm still with Raini the love of my life. I'm actually thinking of popping the question soon. But I miss Ross and Laura. Laura always tried to keep me a little normal and well Ross he's my best friend.

I'm going to see him soon though because he's coming home today. He's going to be here for the summer while he's on off season.


Raini: Cal what time do we have to pick up Ross?
Calum: he's coming straight here we don't have to pick him up.
Raini: oh okay.
Calum: I'm so excited to see him
Raini: me to. I just hope he doesn't expect to see Laura here. (Hears doorbell......opens it) Ross I missed u.
Ross: I missed u to Raini.
Calum: hey buddy
Ross: Calum I missed u man(bro hug and do handshake) where's Laura?
Raini and Calum look at each other.
Ross: what she's not here. Is she seriously still mad at me it's been 3 fucking years.
Raini: Ross
Ross: what?
Calum: Laura hasn't been back to California since the day she left for New York 3 years ago
Ross: no your lying
Raini: we're not. She hasn't called us in 2 years. It's like she died. Things have changed Ross when she said she wasn't coming back she wasn't kidding.
Ross: this is a joke what about her family she doesn't see them?
Calum: she lost contact with all her family. Before she left she didn't even say goodbye to them she said they don't care about her no one does.
Ross: that's a giant fucking lie I care about her u guys care about her. So she's been with Parker and Pat all these years and hasn't came to see her real friends??
Raini: yep. She posts pics with them on Instagram or Twitter saying hanging with the besties or missing my best friends referring to Pat and Parker. She also is still drinking, getting high, and cutting.
Ross: first were her best friends wtf is that shit. She should be missing us not those assholes they don't know her and 2. she's still drinking and getting high?
Calum: and cutting
Ross: how do u know she's cutting?
Calum: well 2 years ago we got a call from a hospital in New York saying she was in the hospital really intoxicated, high, and she had a lot of cuts on her body. They said she would have bled out and died if parker didn't find her.
Raini: then that's the last time we heard of her
Ross: that's 2 years ago though she could have quit cutting.
Raini: she post a pic on Instagram the other day of her arms all cut up with blood dripping saying this is what will take the pain away. With drugs, alcohol, and a knife emoji.
Ross: holy shit. We have to go to New York before she kills her self or dies of alcohol poisoning or OD.
Calum: Ross we can't just fly across the country to Laura and tell her what to do we don't even know where she lives.
Ross: yes we can and will figure it out. Now r u coming or not? This is our friend we've known her forever well use to know her. We have to help her.
Raini: fine
Calum: okay let's pack
Ross: no time I just booked 3 tickets for a flight to New York that leaves in 1 hour 30 minutes we have to go.
Raini: come on
Calum: well what r we waiting for??

(10 hours later after flight.........)

Calum: we need to find a hotel I'm tired af
Raini: same
Ross: me to

(Next day...............)

Ross: okay guys will start looking for her first on campus.
Raini: k
Calum: coolio
Ross: let's go
Ross: hey do u know where Laura Marano lives
Random stranger: no
Raini: do u know where Laura Marano lives
Random stranger: no
Calum: do u know where Laura Marano lives
Random stranger: yeah
Calum: guys come here. This guy knows where she lives
Ross: how do u know where she lives??
Random stranger: last night after we got wasted we went back to her place and fucked
Ross: (angry and jealous) where does she live??
Random stranger: I don't know I can't remember
Ross: get the fuck out of here your no help!!
Random stranger: okay but just so u know Marano is a good lay.
Calum: I would leave now if I were u.

(1 hour later at Starbucks...........)

Ross: we're never going to find her
Calum: yes we will
Ross: Cal do u know how big New York is if she isn't on campus who knows where she can be
Raini: she could be there (points finger to a table in the corner)
Ross: holy shit Laura
Laura: (looks up) fuck I got to get out of here. (Grabs her stuff and runs out)
Ross: why did she run out??
Calum: idk but let's go
Ross: Laura wait (catches up to her)
Laura: leave me alone
Ross: why r u running from us??
Laura: because I don't want to see u guys
Ross: why were your friends
Laura: no your not u used to be my friends. My friends are Parker and Pat now and some other people u don't know.
Ross: Laura u know that's not true. Oh and u need to stop cutting yourself I heard what happened to u 2 years ago
Laura: that's none of your business now I have to go
Ross: where the club a frat party?? Your going to get drunk and high maybe cut yourself some more, maybe fuck a random stranger??
Laura: that's none of your business and yes I do have to get ready for a frat party I'm meeting friends there so piss off Ross.
Ross: I'm your friend Raini's your friend Calum's your friend.
Laura: no Ross what did I tell u back in Cali oh yeah I remember I said "I forgive u but I'm going to forget u". I feel nothing for u. Your nothing to me. as for Raini and Calum I fucked that friendship up there to good for me. So can u all leave and go back to Cali.
Ross: you don't mean that Laur you've known me since I was in kindergarten
Laura: yeah well we were both different back then Ross. I have to go
Ross: all I know is this "new" Laura is not you the "real" you.
Laura: oh yeah Ross and who exactly is the "real" me
Ross: idk but not this person. I don't even know who u are anymore.
Laura: just go home Ross I don't want u here. What don't u get about that. I don't want u, I don't want to even be near you, can u just leave me alone. I like my life I have a routine and it works. I don't need u ruining it. Have u ever thought that maybe I like the way I live. It fulfills the darkness that lives inside me. I've moved on Ross you should to.
Ross: what happened to forever and always
Laura: I guess we don't get a forever and always.

Raura: I'll Love You Forever and AlwaysWhere stories live. Discover now