Stroll Through the Park

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Laura's PV:

Last night Ross kissed me and we had a heart to heart at dinner. Who knew that would happen. I was really shocked by the kiss though. But dinner was so nice we talked and he asked how school was and he knew about my therapy which I thought was weird. Then he said he checks up on me through friends which is how he finds out. I didn't know what to think? Should I find it nice knowing he still loves me and cares or should I file a restraining order. Know I probably wouldn't go that far.

Ross's PV:

Last night I kissed Laura and had dinner with her in one night which may I add was fucking delicious. I definitely ate the best burger of my life last night. We had a really good talk about my life and hers. She asked about my football career and I told her. I mean it really isn't all that it's cracked up to be. I love football I always will but the traveling gets old and the fans are annoying. But when Laur talked about all her accomplishments I couldn't help but admire her. She was so proud of herself and I was so proud to. This is something she's always wanted and once I thought about it I could never take that from her.


Laura: I can't believe u 2 assholes ditched me at the game with Ross. And you (points at Pat) he wouldn't have even known I was there if you hadn't screamed my name like a fucking moron.
Pat: hey you'll thank me later. Just make sure to name your first kid after me
Laura: hahahaha r u fucking serious. You and this asshole over here set me up didn't u?
Parker: maybe but you'll thank us later just make sure to name your first kid after me and then your second kid can be names after Pat.
Pat: hell nah I asked first
Parker: who cares I'm her best friend right Laur
Laura: no your both a bunch of fucking douchbags. And I'm not having kids so hate to break it to u but your names won't be passed down through me.
Parker: geeze calm down
Laura: your both lucky the whole thing didn't end in disaster.
Pat: well how did it end?
Laura: we're going for a walk in Central Park today
Parker and Pat: awwwww see I told u it would all work out
Laura: I still hate u both
Parker: sure keep telling yourself that
Laura: (rolls her eyes) so what do u 2 assholes have planned for today
Pat: okay words hurt you know and were meeting up with some old college buddies.
Laura: cool do I know them?
Parker: I think I'm pretty sure u slept with two of them??
Laura: (flips him off) fuck u!!!! Who r they?
Pat: Ben, Cody, Jake, Chris, and Sam
Laura: oh yeah I remember Cody and Chris they were 2 good lays.
Parker: your awful
Laura: ik but u love me. now I have to get ready for tonight.
Pat: u mean for your date with Ross
Laura: it's not a date. It's just 2 old friends hanging out and catching up.
Parker: sure you keep telling yourself that.
Laura: (flips him off)
Parker: love u to

(With Ross and Laura in Central Park)


Laura: so Ross ik this is weird to ask but how's Raini and Calum??
Ross: it's not weird Laur. There really good though they really miss u especially Raini. And Calum oh my god he's so much more normal when your around. Well what ever kind of normal he can be.
Laura: haha I miss them to. And Calum I don't think he has normal on his radar.
Ross: me either. He's actually thinking of popping the question to Raini.
Laura: really I'm so happy for them. They deserve happiness and I always knew they would end up together. There the perfect couple even though there so different.
Ross: Ikr they are total opposites.
Laura: they really are
Ross: so New York is really nice.
Laura: yeah it's nice but I really want to move I think. U know me I'm more of a warm climate person and the winters here are brutal it gets to be like -20 and it snows. It's awful.
Ross: hahaha so where u thinking.
Laura: Idk maybe Florida, Alabama, South Carolina, or Hawaii.
Ross: You would love all those places Laur but S.C isn't that warm in the summer. I could see u mostly in Alabama or Hawaii.
Laura: Hawaii is my first choice but I don't know.
Ross: Laur u would be the perfect fit in Hawaii. 1 it's warm there all year round 2 you've always wanted to go there 3 they have good medical programs right.
Laura: yeah they do and it's so beautiful there from what I've seen in the pictures. I've been to Florida so many times and I love it there to but I want something different. I love Alabama to but I really want Hawaii.
Ross: I have faith in u Laur. You'll go to Hawaii and achieve great things. You will find the cure for cancer or something.
Laura: I'm a surgeon Ross not a scientist.
Ross: well still whatever u do ik it will make a big impact on the world.
Laura: thanks Ross u always know what to say.
Ross: no problem Laur your going to make a huge impact on the world u already have.
Laura: idk about that there's a lot of people in the world
Ross: whatever your definitely going to leave your mark.
Laura: no I won't I'm just a nobody
Ross: your far from a nobody you save people's lives Laur
Laura: yeah ik but still your more important than me
Ross: I'm nothing compared to you. I can throw a football. You can perform open heart surgery. Which one would work out best in the long run?
Laura: you always know what to say.
Ross: I know it's one of my many qualities.

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