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Star's Pov

"Miss. Charlotte? I'm sorry to disrupt you but the Master has requested your presence" Looking up from my book I raised an eyebrow since that most certainly was not my last name. "Are you talking to me? My last name isn't Charlotte" I was the only person in this room but when the maids face turned bright red, I realized she was embarrassed. "Oh, my apologies. Have you not married the Master yet?"

"No... What does Katakuri want? There's no need to be embarrassed mistakes happen all the time. I'm Star who are you?" Since none of the other girls were currently here, I was growing quite lonely and it would appear that the worker was in the same boat as me. I could just tell from her eyes that she needed someone, I'd never deny a person the chance to have a friend that cared for them. "My name matters not Lady Star. The Master has requested to see you in his study but other than that I'm not sure what his intentions are"

She might not have thought so however I did and that was the first step in making yourself a new friend after all. "Your name is important to me. Please share it with me so I can properly address you" The girl looked young but I knew she was a vampire due to the fangs slightly showing from her lips. It never bothered me since I had already accepted that Katakuri was head over heels for me and he was a vampire. Returning my focus to her I waited patiently until she cleared her throat. "My name is Annabelle"

"Hm? That is a lovely name. Would you please show me the way to Katakuri's study?" I did want to talk with her more but Katakuri was also waiting for me so I'd need to catch up with her later. "As you wish my Lady" I was already determined to make Annabelle the newest member of my friend group however since she appeared loyal to this place, I didn't want to force her into it. "Annabelle, what do you do for fun around here?"

"Fun? I am sorry my Lady but the help does not partake in activities often" That just sounded wrong to me since why wouldn't they be able to do something in their free time? "Oh, would you possibly like to do something with me later? My other friends will just adore you" Well maybe not Hope since she was always wary of new people but everyone else would be fine with it. "I do not understand my Lady"

Being called that was slightly annoying although I knew she was only trying to be respectful towards me. "Please just call me Star and I'm asking you to be my friend Annabelle. You don't have to but I just have a feeling that you need someone. I have a whole group however there's also room for one more. What do ya say?" Her eyes were starting to widen but when they moved towards the door they shifted to the floor.

"Star, my brother has requested your presence. Why are you keeping him waiting? As for you servant girl, you can leave" That comment just made my blood boil and before I could stop myself, I was already yelling at the person who entered the room. "Hey! Don't call my friend that!" I might have raised my voice a tone or two higher than I realized but it didn't matter since whoever the hell this was just insulted, my friend.

"Ah, Star there you are! Why are you so mad?" I knew that voice and as my eyes returned to the still-open door I locked eyes with a familiar face. "Hope? Oh, it's good to see you. Are the others here too?" I briefly forgot what I was doing but as she spoke, I found myself smiling. The last part however did make me question the safety of one of the girls. "I heard Cora-chan was here and as for (Y/n) she's been yelling like a banshee for the past hour"

I knew (Y/n) could handle herself and if push came to shove, she was someone who'd consider taking another life to protect her own. "What about Yuki?" That girl was also hardheaded but due to a few anger problems we always walked carefully when around her. I just hoped whoever took her was prepared to watch their back. "She's spending the night somewhere else. We'll see her tomorrow. Are you coming to eat? Hawkins said the foods pretty good here"

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