11 - Sapnap???

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In the POV of Dream, 10 days later

I woke up, checking my phone to find a few notifications from Snapchat. I had made a new private snapchat to be more active with everyone, especially since their was a groupchat made for the dream team. However, I added Y/n on it first. I looked at the messages, a spam of how she had no clue that I lived with Sapnap when it was announced before the DSMP stream.

Y/n >:)

You're kidding right.
You live with Sapnap???
I had no clue?!?!?!
Brb asking Snapmap if you're cute
He said you're not
So rude of you though smh

It was on his instagram
He posted a picture with my cat

Dang, guess I'll only visit Tessa when I go to FL

Wait you're coming to Florida?!?!

Yeah but I'm only seeing Tessa sorry


I laughed reading the texts before I called Tessa. She had probably been woken up by my call by the sounds of it. I could hear her groans and tiredness from the other side of the line before I could hear her actually speaking.

"What the fuck Clay, I was literally sleeping," she said. I stiffle a laugh and settle.

"Watch yourself. If mom heard that, you'd be a goner," I said, still trying not to laugh.

"Whatever. How can I help you?"

"When is Y/n coming to Florida? She said she's coming to visit you," I said, almost frantic.

"Not saying. You're not allowed. I'm not seeing her face or anything. She'll have her mask and glasses like Ranboo, I'm guessing. It's just a small meetup for a day and then she's going back."

"I'm going with you."

"Mom knows and she won't let you. Get absolutely rekt," she said, laughing. She then hung up and I stared at my phone, my jaw dropped. This girl would visit my sister but not me?

I tweeted and things immediately started to happen, along with George replying with a sly DNF joke

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I tweeted and things immediately started to happen, along with George replying with a sly DNF joke. I set my phone down and went to make breakfast when a tired Nick sat at the counter.

"You're so loud, you woke me up. Just let Tessa meet Y/n and forget that it ever happened. You and George make me feel like I'm third-wheeling when I literally live with you," Nick teased, fiddling with a fork in his hand. I began to make eggs and bacon, one of the only dishes i can make without any insruction. As I finished the food, I plated it, Sapnap taking a picture and putting it on his snapchat. Soon, my phone buzzed and it was Y/n.

"Hey," I said as I pointed my phone camera to the ceiling.

"Teach Tessa how to make food like that for when I come. I told her I would make lunch and dinner but I wanted her to learn breakfast," she said in a very serious tone.

"What the fuck, why can't I just make it for you," I said, stifling my laughter.

"Because you aren't cute. I told you this before and you were more worried about me not visiting you," she said, now knowingly teasing me. 

"I am cute. He's just jealous," I say, sticking my tongue out at him in the process just to tick him of.

"Yeah, whatever. Just teach Tessa how to make it." And with that, Y/n hung up and Nick began laughing uncontrollably.

"Dude, she was just trying to see your reaction. Her and Tessa both set it up that they would prank you like that. She's not actually coming." With Nick saying that, I felt a sense of relief. I wanted to meet her but I had to accommodate my anxiety and hers with it. To make it easier, I would go to Seattle. Wait, why am I planning this out already? She hasn't even seen my face yet. Wait, I have an idea. A great idea, even.

I grab my wallet and keys, yelling to Nick that I'm leaving, and driving to my parents house. I arrive and knock on the door, surprising my mom when she sees me there. Tessa is on the couch, staring at me in disbelief.

"Tessa, want to go shopping with me? I have a new idea," I say, waiting for her response. She jumps off the couch and puts some shoes on and races me to the car.

"As long as you don't leave me in the car with a spider again, sure." I wave to my mom as I drive off, Tessa playing her music on aux. I pull into my house, leaving her confused but she follows me inside.

"I need you to call Y/n and ask what her favorite flowers are. Don't tell her you're with me. Just say it's a school project or something," I say, booting up my computer and loading up a flower delivery shop website that is located in Seattle.

"Uhhh, okay," she says as she begins calling her. She puts her on speaker and, to help even more, asks extra questions. Soon the call is about to end and I have a list in my head. "Alright so your favorite flower is a black rose, your favorite color is F/C, and your favorite season is F/S? Okay, thank you!" Tessa hangs up, watching me customize the arrangement. Black Roses with F/C ribbon to hold the bouquet and a personalized note saying March 4th, the day I would surprise her in Seattle.

"Shit, I need her address. I'll just text her quick. If she asks you, say it's for her birthday, which just so happens to be coming up," I say and Tessa nods. I recieve a sudden text and confirm the order, having the delivery be made on her birthday for extra measure. I begin to look at possible present ideas when Tessa yells at me to stop.

"That one, right there!" She yells, getting Nick's attention from his room.

"Drista, why are you yelling? I'm streaming," Nick yells, walking to my room.

"I'm helping this idiot pick out a birthday present for Nightmare," she yells back, immediately picking up on the hint that stream might be able to hear her.

"Quiet down, it's supposed to be a surprise!" I say, trying to quiet down everyone's tone.

"Too bad! Get that for her. I'm going with Nick to play Minecraft," she says, running to his setup. I laugh, Nick chasing her back to his stream. I look to where Tessa pointed, seeing a 'couples' Minecraft figurine box with a custom message. I click it, laughing to myself. I begin customizing it, for the fun of it, when I need a message to go on the front part of the box, which is glass. I think for a moment but then it comes to me. I type ' "Opposites" ' and click submit. I buy it, inserting her address for delivery and setting it to arrive on her birthday, just like the flowers.

It's funny though. Everything between us is called Opposite because of our names but, he things that truly are opposite between us are bonded by something similar. It's weird. Her birthday is exactly opposite of mine and mine of hers. My favorite flowers are white roses and hers are black roses, but we both have favorite roses. It's crazy to even think about, especially since we both randomly got that one song by Eminem on both of our playlists on that one day.

I begin looking at plane tickets and book a round-trip. I'll stay for a week in a nearby hotel and show her my face when I knock on her door. Of course, I'll make sure I text her right before telling her to cover hers. I turn off my computer and go to Nick's room, watching as he and Tessa play Minecraft on stream.

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