21 - Day of Reckoning

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In the POV of Dream, March 4th

Nick sits on the bathroom counter as I ready myself. My suitcase was on my bed with Patches snuggled up on it. I wash my face and put on moisturizer,  Nick laughing and smiling at his phone.

"What are you laughing at?" I ask, giggling as I watch his smile continue growing. 

"George sent me a video of him falling down the stairs after I told him today is the day of reckoning!" He yells, his laughing refusing to stop. I finish getting ready and text Y/n.

Hey. Kerry Park at sunset. Wear a mask and glasses.

I grabbed my suitcase and got into the passenger seat, Nick hopping into the driver's. We drove to the airport, singing until we reached the drop off terminals. I pulled my mask up and got out, waving to Nick as he drove off. Entering the airport, I navigated the various hallways, accidentally going through security twice, before getting to my area. Orlando to Seattle, a three hour time difference. Hopefully, everything would be okay. I slid glasses down and slowly closed my eyes, relaxing myself into the seat.

In Seattle at 5:30.

I'm there early, precisely 29 minutes early.  I find a nice area with a great view of the city and lay down the blanket I brought with me from Florida. It's pretty chilly for what I'm used to but 57 degrees might be warm to them. I take a deep breath and check my messages. I click the singular notification quickly.

Clay, if you have the flower people there I will kick your ass.

I smile and sit on the blanket, staring at the skyline when I see her. She is walking on the path, her h/c hair swaying in the slightest as she walks. She looks anxious, hell I am too. This whole trip is crazy. I adjust my glasses and mask, making sure my features are hidden.

"Hey!" I yell to her, getting her attention. "Did you get a text too?" I don't want her to suspect me just yet. She rushes over nodding.

"Yeah, I did. Who are you?" She says while looking around.

"Me? I'm Clay." I take off my glasses and mask quickly, standing up as I do.

"You're kidding. You're kidding. No way!" She yells before jumping on me, wrapping her legs around me and hugging me. She crams her head into my shoulder. I hug her back, smelling vanilla.

"I'm not kidding, I would never." She hugs tighter, a sniffle tracing it. 

"I can't believe it. I thought this would be something completely different. I didn't think I'd see you. You're so perfect, Clay. You're amazing. Thank you so much. How was the flight? How are you? Where are you staying? Want to stay with me instead?" She rambles and I smile as I let her down.

"The flight was good, I'm doing great now that I'm here, and I'm staying at a hotel a few minutes from here."

"And? Want to stay with me at my place? I have more than enough room!" She takes off her glasses, revealing her e/c eyes. They were beautiful, more than beautiful.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable or intrude. I'm fine at the hotel."

"You won't intrude! I want to be with you as much as possible! You're here, in front of me, and I couldn't ever imagine it before!" She looked to the skyline, the sun setting behind it and reflecting the pinks and purples off the buildings. "You picked a great spot, Clay, honestly. It's gorgeous." She takes off her mask and smiles at me.

She was perfect. She was smart and funny before but she was also beautiful. I couldn't get enough of her.

"Not as gorgeous as you though."

"You're kidding." She sighs. "I couldn't ask for more. I've got two great views here. One next to me and one in the sky." She looked to me and to the ground, where the blanket was. She picked it up and began to fold it. She finished and took my hand. She walked me to her car and pointed to the passenger side. I happily obliged, getting in and buckling the seatbelt. 

We rode back to her apartment, going to her at-home pc and setting it up. I was going to teach her how to speedrun, a 'severely complicated skill' in her opinion. 


The stream starts and people notice she's not in a call. I stay quiet, to surprise them.

"Chat, I get it. We want to join call. You want Dream in call. Clay, come say hi before they freak out," she says, looking to me. Her eyes were soft, an invisible smile in them matching the one on her face.

"Hey," I say quietly.

IzzieIsntTaken- NO WAY!!!

QuackitysCheezit- YOU'RE KIDDING


Chat goes insane and we laugh, reading the new incoming donations together. She starts the world and I guide her through the basics. Soon, we're in the nether. She gets attacked by tons of blazes and begins yelling.


"Here, hold on. Move over a little bit." She rolls her chair over a bit and I roll mine up, taking control of the keyboard and killing them quickly.

"Thanks Clay," she says with a smile.

"Clay?" I ask jokingly.

"Sorry, forgot that's for off stream. Thank you Dream." Chat goes wild, beginning to talk about many things. My eyes go wide and she laughs, reading out some of the messages.


"Please, you know my name, don't you?"

"Y/n, stop egging them on!" I say wheezing. She laughs and the run stops, her dying to a wither skeleton from not running away. She says goodbye to stream and ends it, running from her computer quickly. I chase after her, catching her by the kitchen island as she is cornered. I run up to her and begin to tickle her sides, her laughing uncontrollably.

"Clay, oh my god, stop! I'm going to pee myself," She laughs out, beginning to try and tickle me back. I run away to her room, where her PC is and she runs after, tackling me onto her bed. She is now pinning me to the bed and our laughs fade into embarrassment. She was on top of me. I never thought that'd happen. She climbed off me quickly and went back to her PC, loading a single monitor with Netflix. The Mulan logo appears on screen and she jumps back onto me, rolling to my side after.

She rests her head on my chest, moving a blanket over us. She watches the movie, looking to me every few seconds to make sure I'm comfortable. But I couldn't be any more comfortable. I was in the place of my dreams, with her. She fell asleep quickly, leaving me to slowly fade into it as well, both of us in the embrace of the other.

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