22 - Cookies

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In the POV of Dream, the next day

I wake up to see Nightmare still on my chest, her hand running through my hair as she breathes lightly. She looks peaceful and serene, a beautiful calmness infecting her aura.

"Good morning," she whispers, pulling her head up to my ear, resting her head on my shoulder. Her stomach faces down and her right leg is lifted over mine.

"Good morning. Did you sleep okay?" I ask, forcing my nerves to shut off. She was making the moves but I was too scared to make mine. Pitiful, I had to fix it. I have my chance but if I don't go for it, I'll throw this trip's meaning away.

"I slept great. It's fun having the person you've been dreaming about right at your side. How about you? Did you sleep alright?"

"Better than alright, you're here," I say, trying to be just as bold as her. I began to shuffle my legs, getting ready to get up but Y/n's right leg swings over my body. She moves atop of me and hugs me, laying her head across my chest. She was straddling me but she looked so calm. But I knew she wasn't. There was no way someone could be so calm when they do something like that.

"5 more minutes, Clay," she said, her voice sweet. I like it when she says my name.

"Fine, whatever the girl wants," I say, a satisfied humm coming out on her end. She snuggled into my chest and I chuckle. It tickled slightly, her warm skin grazing the cold touch of my open, shirtless chest. What did happen to my shirt? I know I sometimes take it off through the night but why was my body comfortable with that when I'm with Y/n. 5 minutes pass and she squeezes me into a tighter hug.

"Not yet, I like cuddling you."

"Let's go make breakfast together. There's something I have to get today," I say, stretching and lifting her off me.

"Can I come with you?" She looks excited but she can't come. It's a surprise for her.

"Sorry but I've got to get it myself. It's a surprise."

"Okay," she says, leaping from her bed to the door. "Race you to the kitchen!"

"You got a headstart, no fair!"

"This is just real-life speedrun! If you can cheat in that I can get a headstart here!" I run after her, tickling her as I catch up. We begin a tickle fight, laughing at each other as we move towards the living room. I tickle her just above the couch and she falls over, me on top of her. I pinned her...

We make eye contact, both of us aware of our position. She smirks a bit, looking from my eyes to my lips. I bring myself closer to her face, only a few inches apart. So close yet so far. She leaned herself upward and grabbed my neck, pulling me to her until our noses rested on each other. Our lips, only an inch or so apart, restrained.

I moved off her after a moment, bringing my hand to hers. I walked to the kitchen, dragging her with me, to the fridge. An untouched package of cookie dough sat angled to the right of the almond milk. I grabbed the bag quickly and set it on the counter, a smile forming on my face. She grabbed cookie pans from the drawer under her oven, spraying them with baking spray. 10 AM and we were making cookies, a dream come true even though I never thought about it before. She began to play music and put her hair into a messy bun, the bangs that fell out of it framing her face. Her loose tee was perfect, everything about her was perfect.

"What're you looking at?" She asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, nothing. Just the most perfect person to exist." A light blush covered her cheeks and she turned away, going back to putting the sugar cookie dough on the pan. The song Lowlife came on and she began singing and dancing as she finished the cookies. She placed them in the oven, continuing to sing. I watched as she smiled and danced. She came up to me and grabbed my hands. She began to slow dance, the next song coming on being Merry Go Round of Life from Howl's Moving Castle.

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