A thorn in your side

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The game progressed smoothly, ignoring the occasional snide remarks Y/n makes and the snickering whenever his receive fails. 

He grunted as he missed receiving the ball, but Daichi was there to cover for him. "Lame."

 An irk mark appeared on his forehead. He looked at Daichi to make sure he wasn't looking before pointing you the middle finger. "Captain! Tsukishima pointed the middle finger at me!" she ratted him out.

Daichi sighed. "Tsukishima, I know you and Y/n have some tension going on but please refrain from doing any of that in general as it is not appropriate. "Tsk. Fine," he mumbled. He glared at you and she stuck her tongue out at him.

" You too Y/n. May I remind you that you that you are only here to spectate. Please don't interrupt the match any further," he gave her a pointed look and she shivered. " Right, sorry," she apologized.

Tsukishima thought back to the time in the cafe when he flirted with her. He has never done anything like that before. But there was just something about her that brings out a different side in him. He stole a few glances while she did her work. He noted how she pouts slightly when she's concentrating, how her hair tends to get messier when she's stressed. He noted how there were some whipped cream on the corners of her lips. He thought about wiping it for her but had to force himself to look away instead. Yamaguchi too didn't fail to notice how slow he completed his homework. It was the reason why they ended up staying so late until the cafe closed. He remembered how she wore an off shoulder that day, exposing her collarbones. A necklace would look good on her. He made eye contact with her once more and she gave a thumbs down. A vessel bulged on his temple. A rope around her neck looks perfect.

He turned his focus back onto the game. He glanced at Kageyama. What's so special about him? He stepped right to receive the spike but the genius setter opted for a setter dump instead. Twice now he missed it. Okay he's good at volleyball I'd give him that. He thought back on how Y/n was looking Kageyama up. She must've known then, who he really is. Yet she's still friends with a guy like him. That made his guts feel funny for no reason. At first he thought she was interested in Kageyama. But this morning, he clearly saw her entering the school with her arm looped around the arm of a mature looking student. He's seen her all chummy with him before but that solidified his suspicions. It would be a lie to say he wasn't disappointed. But that's what he gets for getting his hopes up. So it was his fault, he's always been let down so why'd he think she was any different.


With no more disruptions or arguments between you and the blonde, the match progressed and the score was now a tied.  But, you'd attempt a silent provocation whenever he fails to block or receive. Whether it be you sticking out your tongue or very explicitly showing you trying to hide your giggles, you could tell he was irked. ALL when Daichi wasn't looking of course. Speaking of his receive, my gosh did he suck. You counted the number of times the ball flew out of the court and concluded a 1/5 chance. But with Daichi on their side, his mistakes were pretty much covered up well. Hinata and Kageyama have been discussing what to do with the fast toss. You've been jotting down things in your tablet the whole time and looked up just in time to see Hinata jump with his eyes closed.

What in the- why's his eyes closed?...BAM


The only sound heard was the echo of the spiked ball bouncing to a halt. The shock in your eyes mirrored everyone else in the gym, including Kageyama.

"I HIT IT!" Your short friend was jumping up and down in ecstasy. He showed his red palm to Kageyama and you. "You IDIOT! Why'd you close your eyes?" the setter grabbed him by the collar. "You said just hit it, but if I open my eyes I'd look at the ball. So I closed my eyes," Hinata said with stars in his eyes. "That, is the stupidest yet smartest thing I've hear you say," you face palmed yoruself.  Kageyama and Hinata were bickering again. You looked at Daichi who seemed awestruck by this new revelation to break them up.

"I can see them contributing to 50% of Daichi's headaches,'' you said. You looked over to Tanaka, whose energy levels soared after witnessing that spectacle. "Noya and Tanaka would contribute the remaining 50%," you nodded as you recalled how Asahi had mentioned how chaotic those two besties were. Suga chuckled in agreement at your statement. After witnessing that blind quick attack, you realised you were done with seeing your brother helpless and weak. You know that it won't be enough to convince him to try volleyball again if you just verbally tell him about the new additions to the team. You needed proof. You needed him to go all O.O like how you and everyone did when they first saw it happen.

The game ended with your friends winning. You made eye contact with Bitchyshima and you showed him a thumbs down while silently laughing at him mockingly. You didn't wait to see his reaction as Hinata pounced on you to give you a big sweaty hug with Kageyama standing on his side. Due to the environment you had to survive in, you learnt how to read the room at quite a young age. Hence it was relatively easy for you to sense a shift in a person's mood or atmosphere. Hence you didn't need to hear Kageyama to ask for you to praise him and offer a pat on his head for a job well done.

Kiyoko appeared by your side and dropped a box onto the floor. "What's inside?" you asked. "The new uniforms," she said while opening the box, revealing the stack of neatly folded black jackets.

"UWWWWAHHHH" Kageyama and Hinata hurriedly slipped them on, while the other two first years calmly accepted theirs as Kiyoko distributed them. You saw how Kageyama's face lit up as he realised the jacket fit perfectly. You wished you had a camera with you to capture this memory. This was the first time you saw him smiling naturally and carefree after all. Your heart was warm at the sight.  You made eye contact with Kageyama and you smiled. He looks so happy. You thought, as you saw the edges of his lips curve upwards, his eyes filled with joy as he clutched the hem of his new jacket.

And then he and Hinata started bickering... again. Daichi literally gave up at this point. You looked at the female manager's neutral expression. " I feel bad for you," you sighed, patting her head. Kiyoko blushed at your action, unused to this kind of interaction. It is unusual after all, for a 1st year to pat a 3rd year's head when it should be the other way around. Yet it didn't make her feel bad, the intention of your head pat got through well." I'm used to it," she replied, her voice sweet. "Oh yeah... I forgot you've got my brother to deal with. I can vouch with my whole existence that he is a handful," you placed a fist onto your chest.

She giggled, catching the attention of the energetic baldy who, thanks to Suga, didn't pounce at Kiyoko again. "Kiyoko-san just giggled!" his eyes sparkled as he thanked whatever gods he was praying to for this special boon. You cringed, " Please tell me you rejected him." She smiled at your statement. " Did so the very first day we met," she replied with a wink.

You sauntered towards Tsukishima to rub his defeat in his face when Takeda sensei burst in through the doors, chest heaving as he announced, "Aoba Johsai! I got us a practice match with them."

Your notes~


Q.A (Quick Attack)

Consistency: _%

Number of blocks: _

Number of plays till opponent predicts attack: _

Number of QA till Hinata runs out of stamina: _


- Success: _%

- Received by opponent: _%

- Out of bounds: _%


- Catches opponents by surprise

- Fast, so takes a while to get used to = score a lead of 3 points at least

- Hinata can become a decoy, especially since opponents become more cautious of the attack, they forget there are other spikers


- Good blockers will catch on fast

- Opponents may not attempt to block but focus on receive

- Trajectory of spike predictable and similar since Hinata's eyes are closed

- Only able to be done if both Kageyama and Hinata are on the court. If one is out, this attack is nullified.


Word count: 1087

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