A love blossoming

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It's been 2 weeks since the practice match with Seijoh and you have been present for all of their practices. With your help, the members were able to have more self awareness on their strengths and limitations, to know what to work on more. Still, the level that they are at is not sufficient. Noya had recently joined back too. And no one expected how ecstatic he was when he met you. Jumping up and down, shaking your hands till you felt your shoulder might dislocate. However, he still refused to join the club with your brother still absent. Hinata had been enthusiastic about the reveal of our libero, annoying Noya to no end to join. You highly doubt it would work despite Hinata stroking his ego by calling him senpai every 5 seconds. I wonder if Asahi would ever go back to volleyball. I really don't want him to spend his last year in high school stuck in this slump. You thought.

You felt a sudden sharp pain on your head as Tsukishima bonked you on the head with his book. "What the hell." You jabbed his side, your elbow hitting bone. The blonde hissed and clutched his side, eyes threatening murder. "What the hell," he repeated.

"You need to eat more or people are going to include you in their World Hunger charity."

"Well at least I get free food," he wheezed. 

You scoffed at that. You looked around, it was just Tsukishima and you at the school entrance. "Where's Yamaguchi? Don't you two usually walk home together?"

"He went back home first," he said not looking at you. "Ah..."

It was silent between you two for a moment, both not really looking at each other's faces. 

"Do you want to walk home together?" "Let's walk back together."

You and him said respectively at the same time. His ears turned red a that. Shit, that's kinda cute. You thought. "Let's go, my skeleton built bodyguard," you curtsied dramatically and walked off. Tsukishima just rolled his eyes and fell in step with you by your side. 

You both walked in silence. You stole a glance at him. His expression was as serious as ever. He had his headphones slung around his neck. You always wondered what type of music he was into. You looked at his hair, it looked soft. Your eyes descended to his lips. They were a cute shade of pink. You wondered if they were soft too. Now that I got a good look at him, he really is quite good looking. You thought. 

You both arrived at an intersection. "Well I'm going to go back first, hope to never see you again," you said walking off. Your arm was suddenly grabbed and you turned back to glare at that lanky pole. "What do you want now?"

"You're not walking alone." He pointed at the dimly lit alley. "Especially not through that," he continued. You raised your eyebrows. "Oh? Is this chivalry I'm sensing?" He rolled his eyes as he stepped closer. "I just don't want to be the last person you're seen with if you get kidnapped or murdered. I'm not letting you ruin my life with your death." You rolled your eyes. 


Silence fell again and it was getting a little awkward. "You got any siblings?" you started.

He gave you a disgusted look at your attempt at building rapport. You brought up your elbow and he jumped away, hands up in defense. "Put that weapon away from me," he said. You laughed and dropped your arm.  He looked at you for a moment before sighing.

 "I've got a brother" "A brother"

You both said at the same time. You both looked at each other wide eyed. 

"Older?" you asked. 

"Yeah, yours?" he asked back.

"Yeah, he's a 3rd year in our school," you replied. 

Tsukishima blinked. His eyes were unfocused, eyebrows scrunched as if trying to recall before widening in surprise once more. "Is he that tall, bearded student you come to school with?" He gaped at you. "Yup. He may look too old for his age but he's a real softie," you said and giggled as Tsukishima's jaw dropped.

Tsukishima's mind clicked at that description. "So it was you!" he gasped.

"What?" you cocked an eyebrow at him. 

"The first day of school, I remember I saw a noisy ass couple at the school gate. Who knew it was you and your brother," he said. 

You gasped obnoxiously. "You had your eyes set on me since the first day of school? My, my are you a go getter," you teased. Tsukishima deadpanned at you before slinging his arm around your neck, putting you into a head lock.

You choked in surprise. "Hey! That's abuse!" you said. Despite him doing that, you were still able to speak and get enough air. 

Is he being gentle with me?  You thought. 

"Oh right, I forgot this is animal abuse," he said letting go, both hands up in the air. 

Never mind, he's still a piece of shit. You thought angrily as you kicked him in the shin. Earning another hiss.

You continued your journey back home. This time, it was Tsukishima who broke the silence. " So what club is your brother in," he asked. 

" Volleyball," you replied. 

Tsukishima gave you a pointed look as if he caught you lying. "It's true. He's just... on a break right now," you said, looking down. Tsukishima analyzed your face.  "Why?" he asked, his tone softer. 

"He faced an obstacle he couldn't overcome. The team lost and he took all the blame onto himself. He even got into a fight with the libero, one of his best friends," you answered. 

"I want my brother to think of good memories when he thinks back to his high school days. But that's never going to happen if he doesn't face his fears and come back to the club," you continued. All he's going to think about is regret instead. You thought. 

Memories of your brother being enthusiastic about volleyball came to mind. You remembered the countless moments he'd come back home from practice with new bruises on his knees and arms, and how proud he looked showing them all off to you. How his calluses on his palms thickened over time. You remembered the first time he came to you and ask you to help with training. And no matter how unreasonable your trainings were, he never quit. You did not know jack shit about training back then. So you googled a bunch of exercises and randomly put numbers of sets for him to complete. He didn't even make it through half of it before he flopped down on the ground saying how he's going to die. You had laughed but revised a new training regime that same day. You were going to show it to him but instead found him still out in the front yard exercising, until he completed the old regime. You remembered how you thought your brother was cool. And how admirable his dedication was. He wasn't able to walk properly for the rest of the week though. 

You both had arrived at the front of your house. You thanked the blonde for walking you home and turned to enter your home. Just before you opened the door you heard him call out to you.

"Maybe the reason why you can't get your brother back is because you ain't even a player. How do you expect yourself to relate on the same level as him as a spiker." Tsukishima said, his eyes on you. 

"Yea, I can't..." You paused as something clicked in your mind.

"But Hinata can." 

The gears in your mind turned. This time, for sure. You thought. I'm going to get him out of that slump.

You beamed at him. "Thank you. Guess you can be nice too, you smarty pants," you winked at him before entering your house. Little did you know that wink sent Tsukishima into a blushing mess. 

Fuck, that was adorable. The blonde thought before speed walking back to his home.

Word count: 1355

Asahi is coming back to volleyball hehehehe. And Tsukishima being a tsundere gentleman is for VIPs only >-<

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