A new beginning

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You saw Kageyama get off the bus and bee lined to our court.  You knew he was anxious about the match since his previous teammates were in Seijoh. You hurried off to find him after informing Daichi about it. You caught him sitting alone in the shade and decided to buy something for him from the vending machine first before approaching him.


Kageyama tried to calm himself down. He wanted to avoid Hinata since he can't bear Hinata looking at him right now. He thought about Sugawara senpai. Everyone in the team trusts him. Would they continue trusting me though? He thought. 

He thought back to how Oikawa senpai interacted with his team, how they all respected each other and were working so well as one unit. Will he ever be able to do that with his team? 

"Would they want me to be setter when Sugawara senpai has their trust more than I do?" He muttered. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt something cold touch his forehead.

"You think we're that shallow?" He looked up to see you looking down at him, passing him a carton of milk. "You're worried that this team will reject you like your middle school team aren't you?" you shoved another yoghurt carton into his face. "I got you both because I don't know which one you're feeling for," you said before plopping down next to him. 

He grunted and mumbled a thank you. There was a short silence before Kageyama said, "Do you think I'm selfish and arrogant?" 

 You turned to look at him as he continued, "All I wanted was to win. But maybe being overly passionate as what Tsukishima said, isn't good." He rubbed his face with his palms and muttered softly, "But I really love volleyball."

It was clear to Kageyama that he had an innate talent for the sport, plus he's a hard worker once he sets his mind to it. It'd make sense that his skill level was higher than normal when he was in middle school. It was his own weakness for being unable to comprehend how some people can't keep up with him. He didn't know how important teamwork was due to his immense prowess and when his team finally refused to spike his tosses it broke him.

" Am I still the same? I don't know if I have changed or not," he continued. "Sometimes, I get frustrated when my team isn't winning and I just automatically think that it'll be better if I did it myself. But I don't want to think that," he crushed his empty milk carton. 

You had a questioning look on her face while looking at the crushed cardboard box in his hand. "When the hell did you even finish it?" you said, astonished. Then you sighed. "Change doesn't happen overnight, milk boy. And it doesn't happen if you're doing it by yourself." you bumped her shoulder with his with a smile on your face.

" There are 6 people on your side of the court, but that's not all the people who got your back. The players on the bench cheering for you counts too. You have the whole team!" you stretched your arms outwards. You beamed and placed a hand on his shoulder as you said, "You are not alone anymore."

Kageyama felt his eyes water. Since coming to Karasuno, the people he met had been healing wounds they didn't cause. Hinata had always reassured him. The rivalries and competitions they had with each other was proof of a promise they shared with each other. But he always had doubts. Did he deserve to feel this happy? Can he really allow himself to go all out at 100%? The match with Seijoh was evidence of how his team got his back. That lingering emptiness he felt whenever he was on the court was getting replaced by a new sense of warmth and acceptance. And your words gave him the courage to take that jump, to trust others once more. Kageyama didn't know why he opened up to you in the first place but he was glad he did.

You pinched his cheeks and stretched it like it was mochi. "You've got to do something about that smile of yours though. Keep frowning and you're gonna get wrinkles by the time you graduate," you teased. Kageyama grunted and gently pried your hands away.

Kageyama caressed his stinging cheeks. And for the first time since middle school, Kageyama let himself smile, allowed the walls he built around himself down. He stood up and offered you a hand. You beamed at him as you took it. And that warmed his heart. He was glad he had the opportunity to meet you, and the luck to be your friend. Sure you both didn't start off well but right now, you were someone he could rely on. And he would be there for you when you need it as well.

Trust is something that's built. It'll take time but I'll work on it. He thought. 

You both walked back together in a comfortable silence.

"Oh Kageyama you're back," Sugawara senpai greeted us. Kageyama looked at you who gave him a thumbs up. You faced the others and yelled, "Yosh! Time to go back homies!" They responded with a cheer. Kageyama walked back towards his teammates, back to a bouncing Hinata requesting for more tosses, his chest feeling lighter than ever. 



Tsukishima watched Y/n chasing after Kageyama like the idiot she is. "Tsk." He didn't know why but that sight made him so annoyed. It's only natural for her to do so, Kageyama was the person she likes after all. But why does he feel so...

"Are you jealous Tsuki?"

Tsukishima jumped at his friend's sudden appearance. Yamaguchi had a smug look on his face. "What are you talking about?" he said.

"You've never really been good at hiding your facial expressions hehe," he giggled. "Me? Jealous?" He scoffed. "I'm probably annoyed at how she's being so clingy to him. Yeah that's it," he continued, speaking with more confidence. " Clingy is an ew. I like to have my personal space, so her being clingy wouldn't work well for us anyways," he concluded. "You thought about you two dating? Wow Tsuki, I didn't know you liked her that much," Yamaguchi teased. 

"NO I DIDN'T!" Tsukishima's ears turned a cute shade of red. "It's okay to like a girl Tsuki. You're not cheating on your dinosaurs so don't worry," Yamaguchi giggled and walked away.

Tsukishima just stood there mouth agape, staring at his best friend skip away, unable to come up with a comeback in time.  I don't like her, that's not it. But even if I do... 

Tsukishima thought of the raven haired setter. How you and Kageyama would suit each other perfectly. You were always burning radiantly while Kageyama was mellow like an evening tide. It's a good compliment of personalities. You and him however...

He thought back on how every single interaction you've had were just fighting and bickering. How you always managed to hit his nerves and how he always made you so frustrated your face turns red. He smiled to himself at that thought. You looked like a tomato when that happens. It was surprisingly adorable. 

Tsukishima blinked. Adorable? He thought. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm going crazy. He ruffled his hair in annoyance.  

"ARGGHH. Sleep. I need sleep."

Tsukishima trudged back to the boy's locker room and found Yamaguchi waiting for him. His friend smirked at him. " Why's your face red Tsuki?"

"Shut up."

"Hehe. Gomen Tsuki."

Word count: 1301

I think it's gonna take a long while for Tsukishima to admit his feelings. Boy is too in denial. But i'm all for the she fell first  but he fell harder kind of vibes so let's see how this story ends hehe.

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