A new Letter

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Aragorn sat with Legolas enjoying his lunch for the first time in a long time. Legolas was helping Aragorn to rest when needed.

Even though Legolas was here for Aragorn and they have confessed their love for each other a thousand times over the thick sadness of Angel being gone hung in the air. Aragorn smiled at Legolas as he ate his food slowly.
"Why are you smiling so much?" Legolas said looking at Aragorn with a smile of his own but was basking in the joy of seeing that smile. Legolas loved when Aragorn gave off that handsome face splitting smile that he seemed to only give to him.
Aragorn took another bite of his food then looked up at Legolas again smiling. "Am I not aloud to smile at someone I love"
Legolas looked down smiling and feeling a blush creep on his face.
"I guess it's okay" Legolas said softly.

Before Aragorn could reply a servant walked in with a letter. "King Aragorn a new letter has arrived from the enemy...." the servant looked distraught and worried.
Aragorn held out his hand for the letter not really taking notice of the servants emotions. These letters came all the time. This letter though was different looking at it you could see blood smearing the parchment.

Aragorns eyes went wide and panic filled his veins. No letter ever looked like that, they were always written on very fine clean partment. With shaking hands Aragorn tore open the letter and looked at its contents.
The letter had bloody finger prints on it and droplets and smears of the blood. Aragorn felt sick instantly feeling his heart sink to his stomach.

Legolas got up quickly moving closer so he could see the letter. The fine elegant handwriting was now jagged and messy like the writer wither wrote it quickly or angerly. This sent alarms off in both Legolas and Aragorn knowing instantly something bad happened.
Aragorn cleared his through and with his shake voice started to read.

"Dear King with lost daughter"
Aragorn gulped, the letters usually started out saying.
"Dear, father of Princess"
This change alone was alarming, and Aragorn felt the worry, sadness, and sickness grow deaper... taking another breath he continued to read.

"The half breed needed to be punished"

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