Runes of Rivendell

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(OMG last night I noticed this story was #80 under #Aragorn. Well I had just went to show someone and noticed it's now #52 so excited. Thank you everyone for the support and I'm trying to keep on this story for you all.)

The smell of death and fire was strong as the men from Gondor stood stopped in their tracks at the site before them. All the houses were crumbled to the ground in flames and dead elves littered the ground. Aragorn quickly snapped to attention turning to his men. "Look for any survivors and watch for any attackers." Aragorn took off towards the castle looking for his ex father in law. Throwing up the doors Aragotn looked around widely panicked their were dead bodies everywhere. Walking to the thrown room Aragorn stopped feeling the tears sting his eyes instantly. There on the thrown was a decapitated Elrond and his head was mounted on a torch sticking from the wall. Aragorn cried out in a heart breaking sob.

Movement behind him caught his attention but he didnt move frozen in sadness and shock. Legolas stepped into the room when he heard Aragorn cry out and was stunned by the scene in front of him. Who could have done such a thing it was so barbaric. "Aragorn you need to leave dont look at that." Aragorn heard Legolas and let out another sob walking forward. "We were to late, he needed me" Aragorn reached up pulling down Elrond's head and gagged quickly setting it down and covering it with a cloth.

Legolas watched Aragorn with sorrow. "We tried they made sure we didnt make it...who ever this is is clever." Aragorn nodded but suddenly ran to the window and threw up. All of this was to much for him it reminded him of the night Arwen was murdered. Legolas fallowed Aragorn and rubbed his back as he threw up till he was left dry heaving and shaking. "Aragorn come with me, you cant stay here" Aragorn shook his head the sobs taking over again as he looked at Legolas "This wasnt supposed to happen, who kills a king like Elrond like this. He was a great man he didn't deserve this." Legolas nodded agreeing with Aragorn but was worried for him this looked to be to much for Aragorn to handle. "Aragorn we will find them and they will pay alright" Tears were streaming down Legolas's face this was hard for him to and he could also feel the sorrow radiating from Aragorn. "Now come on let's go before the trail runs cold."

Aragorn nodded and fallowed Legolas out of the castle and to the stables where they grabbed two horses quickly. Every man they passed on their way they told them to quickly grab a horse and meet at the outskirts of Rivendell. After everyone gathered Aragorn spoke. "This attack is not going to go unpunished, we were attacked multiple times on our way here and Rivendell has been destroyed. We are going to track down who did this and bring the fight to them." The group erupted in cheers but some looked a little unsettled at the thought of the small group going to war with these attackers they didnt even know what race they are. They had been attacked by trolls and orks but the third attack they werent sure what attacked them it was late and dark. Looking around Rivendell they only found dead elves of Rivendell nothing else which means if any of the enemy was taken down they collected them and carted them away  to leave the Gondor army in confusion.  Heading out Aragorn and Legolas checked every detail on the woods around them. Legolas stopped realizing Aragorn wasnt next to him any more and saw him with his ear to the ground. "Shh everyone be quiet stop moving." The men turned watching their king and were impressed when he jumped up and pointed to their left. "They went that way their is maybe about five dozen or more of them." Hearing this some of the men took a step looking at their small group. "Sir we wont be able to take on that many our selves." Aragorn smiled brightly with a glint in his eyes. "Oh we wont be doing it alone. Someone else is already on their trail"
Getting back on his horse Aragorn road in the direction he had pointed to his men. "Well come on then" Legolas smiled catching up to Aragorn and riding alongside him. "So who is already on their trail." Aragorn smiled "The army that showed up before us to help back up Rivendell." Legolas's eye brows rose. "I thought only Gondore was called to help." Aragorn shook his head. "Galadriel wasnt going to be left out of all the fun, her and Elrond are friends why would he send for just me." Legolas smiled and continued to ride in silence. They could win this knowing Galadriel she already knew Aragorn would pick up on her trail and fallow. Aragorn stopped suddenly looking at the tree in front of them and smiled. Reaching out he pulled a piece of hair that was stuck to some bark. "Yep they are definitely in front of us." Looking at his men Aragorn smiled with a look of relief and determination "Let's hurry their not that far ahead"

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