Chapter 42: Join the Fight!

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Hey guys!!! I'm not sure yet... but I'm thinking about writing an original story (not a fanfic) and publishing it on wattpad to see if it's any good... do you think I should? Tell me what you think in the comments!!! Hope you like this chapter!!! ;)


   "W-what was that?" Lucy spun around.

   "Everyone! Get out of town as fast as you can!" Juvia shouted, "This way, please!"

   The bustle of the crowd sent waves of panic throughout the whole population of Magnolia... except for the members of Fairy Tail. The fear they held was much different than what the citizens felt.

   "I'm going to go find Laxus!" Mira shouted as a second crash vibrated the very air around them, "You keep getting the citizens of Magnolia to safety!"

   "Okay!" Lucy nodded and returned her focus to the panicking crowd, "Everyone continue this way!"

   'Juvia wishes Gray-sama was here...' Juvia sighed, 'But Juvia doesn't know where Gray-sama went...'

   "Hey, Juvia!" Lucy's shout broke through her train of thought.


   "I know it's a lot to ask but..." the blonde mage seemed to hesitate, "Can you keep the crowd moving? I feel like something's happened to Natsu..."

   Her eyes widened in surprise, "Juvia thinks Natsu is fine-"

   Lucy shook her head, "I know I'm stupid for worrying... but I feel like... something's going to happen..."

   'Juvia really doesn't want to have to do this all by Juvia's self but...' she nodded in consent, "Juvia can handle it!" smiling in determination, she exclaimed, "Juvia can do anything in the name of Gray-sama!"

   "U-uh..." Lucy eyed her skeptically, "Good luck!" and with a turn of her heel, the celestial wizard was disappearing down the street, heading straight towards the sound of explosions.

   "Be safe... Lucy..." Juvia murmured, "Alright! This way! Juvia will make sure none of you get hurt!"


   Wendy held tight to Romeo's hand, partially to mask the uncontrollable shaking her body was doing. "D-do you think everyone will be okay?"

   "Yeah!" he grinned, "Natsu will stop that thing and Erza'll beat up the Mistress lady!"

   Sniffing, she nodded, "I-I hope so-"

   "Oh, quit worrying, child!" Charle swooped down to meet them with Lily and Happy by her side.

   "Charle!" she squeaked.

   "Honestly," the white exceed crossed her arms, "You've got to be more confident in yourself, and not to mention your comrade's abilities."

   "I-I know..."

   "Then get to work! We haven't got all day!" Charle ordered, then glared at Romeo, "And you! Quit distracting her!"

   His face flared up a bright red, "I-um-uh," he let go of Wendy's hand rather hastily.

   "Charle!" Wendy whined, "Don't be mean!"

   "They're in loooooove," Happy crooned.

   "Oh, shut up, tomcat!" Charle snapped.

   "Anything for you, Charle!" a swooning Happy sighed in a daze.

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