Fated Alpha

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Kim Dokja met his fated alpha, in the time of the year that's extremely cold. There were several heavy snowfalls during the winter, and day by day it got even colder. Even if it was always so cold, Kim Dokja would always wait outside of the building, waiting for his fated alpha to get out of work.

Kim Dokja never talked to his fated alpha, he would always look at him from afar, with loging in his eyes.

But this day, his fated alpha didn't appear at the same time he always do, and the sky was getting darker. The north wind was blowing snowflakes, which made Kim Dokja's face hurt. The icy ground he was stepping on was reflecting the pale moonlight – it was like 'the wind was blowing snowflakes like flowers, and the moonlight reflects on the ice crystals like a broken mirror.'

Kim Dokja was cold, the breath he exhaled became a white mist, rising up and down, snowflakes drifting in this breath. 

It was late but Kim Dokja continued waiting, he knew that his fated alpha and him were connected by the red string of fate. That's why even if Kim Dokja doesn't know anything about his fated alpha, he still love him.. for that simple word could never be enough to convey the worth and value that's his fated alpha to Kim Dokja: Anyone can come to love, but Kim Dokja's alpha is infinitely more than just anyone.

When Kim Dokja gaze at him, his eyes find home; they find peace; they find safety, it's as if Kim Dokja's soul is at rest, and he's at ease within his visage; the violent stream becoming stagnant and calm, Kim Dokja's lungs escape their proverbial prison, and he can breath once more.

Through an unfathomable weight mired by strife and misery, Kim Dokja's life was engulfed by a darkness he never once hoped could be calmed, nor absolved.. But just seeing his fated alpha, Kim Dokja found an unending warmth, surrounding a heart which calls his name.

Kim Dokja long for his alpha's gentle touch and warm embrace; his alpha's hugs, his arms around him, where Kim Dokja would feel calm and safe.

In all Kim Dokja's life, he had never imagined that the red string of fate would ever exist.. it tears him asunder, and he's left struggling to believe what simply is, and fearing what could ever be.

Without knowing how, or when, or why, his presence was born unto Kim Dokja's own; and through all the substance in the subtleties and nuance of his day,  Kim Dokja find and garner substance within his own: His alpha can become the calm to Kim Dokja's storm. 

The love Kim Dokja feels for his alpha is not as simple as love. He has trembled at his alpha's presence, not because he felt fear or remorse for himself. He trembled knowing that he finally met his fated alpha. Kim Dokja trembled knowing the depth of his feelings and intrigue for his alpha can not be surpassed or compared to anyone before.

Right now Kim Dokja is trembling, not because of the cold he's feeling. Is because the only thing left to fear, after having suffered a lifetime among ghosts of himself and death itself striding along as his only friend; the last and only thing he could ever fear anymore, is losing his alpha in any way.

Kim Dokja loves his existence, because he knows that by his alpha's gentle touch and fluent tenderness their hearts could entwine, Kim Dokja have come to realize the last thing he would have ever imagined, even upon his final moments in this reality, and life: through his persistent admiration and sweet echoes of loving candor; by such beautiful intent and conviction from and for him, Kim Dokja come to also love himself.

Red String Of Fate| Yoo Joonghyuk x Kim DokjaWhere stories live. Discover now