~when you first meet/when he first sees you~

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You and Ponyboy met at the nightly double. You came with your soc friends, Cherry and Marcia, after their boyfriends left. Pony couldn't seem to take his eyes off you. Johnny seemed to notice, and kept giving his friend tiny nudges and whispers that you were just able to hear. You turned around, subtly checking him out, and gave a small smile. A little while later, Cherry invited them to sit with you three. Ponyboy instantly accepted, itching to talk to you.

"Hi, I'm Ponyboy, Ponyboy Curtis. Most people call me Pony, but you can just call me 'mine'."

You giggled at his charms. It wasn't long until the two of you got lost in a conversation. Marcia and Cherry kept giving you warning glances.

'Don't get too attached to the greaser. Our parents would never understand.'

You didn't listen.


Johnny Cade laid eyes on you the very first day of school. He thought you were the most beautiful being to walk the earth. Every morning he would wait for you to walk through the gates, even though he didn't dare utter a word. He'd just watch, glad to be in your presence.

At first you didn't take any notice. You thought Johnny was just another person that happened to always arrive the same time as you, but after a while, you started to pay attention to him. Every day he was waiting with those lost puppy eyes. You thought it was cute.

One day you decided enough was enough. You were going to talk to him. As you walked past the gates, you noticed the boy wasn't in his usual spot.

"Hey, lady! You with the h/c hair!"

Turning around, you saw a tall boy in a Mickey Mouse muscle tee pointing at you.

"Umm, me?" you shrieked.

He nodded swiftly. "Yeah, you. What's your name?"

"Y/n? Y/n L/n.."

"Tuff. So Y/n, my friend Johnny Cade, bit shorter than me, tan, dark greasy hair," Your face instantly relaxed, after knowing who he was. "has been dying to talk to you, but hasn't had the guts to do it. So, I was wondering if you would want to meet him, do me and him a favour?"

You thought about it for a minute, before accepting.

"Great, he'll meet you at the lockers during lunch, savvy?"

"Can't wait."

You and Johnny thank Two-Bit everyday for bringing you together. Two-Bit now puts on all his resumes "matchmaker."

TW: Sexual harassment/assault

New York. Not the most pleasant place to be for a youngster. You were walking down the street one day, alone (which really wasn't your smartest move), when a guy a bit older started walking over.

You tried picking up your pace, but he was able to catch up pretty easily. You reached into your pocket for your blade, but just your luck, it was at home.

"Curse you Y/l/n." you whispered.

"Aw, poor baby doesn't have her weapon. Sorry darling, you ain't getting away from me today." the man growled. He pushed you to the wall, pinned you down and started sucking on your neck. The desperate attempts you made to pull him off failed, and you were now stuck.

Pushing, kicking, punching, nothing would work. Suddenly, you felt him being yanked off your frame. Your eyes shot open, only to see the man on the floor, beat up to a pulp, and a tough handsome looking individual hovering above him.

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