truth or dare

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"y/n, truth or dare?"


"I dare you... ooh! I dare you to tell Sodapop Curtis you love him, every single day and time you see him for a month, no matter the situation."

A chorus of giggles came from all around the circle. Y/n huffed in annoyance and rolled her eyes.

"Jeez you guys, fine."

Y/n knew exactly what was happening. She and Sodapop had a complicated relationship. The type where they wouldn't consider themselves friends, but they also weren't strangers. Even through their limited interactions, people thought they were a match made in heaven, and everyone made sure the two of them knew. Even the whole gang had caught on and started teasing Soda with the endless ship names people had given them.

So the girl wasn't at all surprised when her friends gave her this strange request.

The next day, Y/n walked through the school gates and just her luck, there stood the man himself. With his perfectly carved face and hair, goodness his parents did wonders. Her palms were sweating, mouth dry, but the girl gathered as much courage as she could and strolled over.

"Hey Sodapop, i love you."

The boy gave a shocked but amused expression. A dust of red appeared on his cheeks as his friend next to him tried (and failed) to keep in his laugh.

"Oh wow- uh Y/n. That was unexpected. Thanks?"
he breathed, a small smile creeping onto his face, but Y/n quickly explained the dare and that after the month was over she'd stop. Sodapop's face fell the slightest bit, but she didn't notice.

"Well, I guess I love you too doll. Boy, your friends really do think you like me, huh?"

Y/n scoffed.

"Correction, they think we like each other. Don't think it's all me. I wouldn't like you even if you were the last guy on earth."

"Me too, y/n/n, me too."
Well that was the biggest lie of the century. To no one's surprise, Soda and Y/n ended up falling for each other, hard. This was the highlight of their days. The 'fake' words of affection ended up turning real, and saying they 'jokingly' loved each other was their way of expressing their bottled up feelings. But neither of them knew what the other was thinking, they both believed it was unrequited.

Days and weeks passed, and Y/n was told she could stop her daily chore. Although she didn't want to at all, she did, because she was too stubborn to admit she liked the middle Curtis.

After a couple days of not having the girl come up to him, Sodapop felt lonely. Over the weeks he enjoyed these little interactions, which then usually led up to proper conversations and hangouts outside of school. He had even taken her to meet some of the gang, and they loved her.

Her smile.

Her laugh.

The way she talked.

Sodapop used to think Sandy was the one, but now he was starting to realise how wrong he was. Y/n buried Sandy any day.

One sunny Friday morning, Soda walked through the gates, slightly slouching due to his exhaustion. Loud yawns escaped from his lips frequently, and he heard a soft laugh come from beside him. There she was.

"Tired today, huh Curtis?"

He nodded sleepily as the two continued to walk in silence. Whether it was awkward or comfortable, they couldn't tell, but nevertheless went on their little adventure to nowhere in particular.

The five minute bell rang, signalling it was time to go to class. Y/n waved goodbye to Soda, but he wanted more.

"Hey, where's my 'i love you'?"

Y/n's face twisted into confusion, then disappointment.

"Soda, you can stop now. The month's over-"

"But I don't want to stop! That's the thing, I love you Y/n, so damn much. My family loves you, 'c-cause they see how happy you make me. Can't you see, i'm so madly in love with you. I don't wanna lose what we have, even if it's fake..i'd rather live this fake life knowing that you at least care for me then."


He was shocked. She was shocked, so shocked she couldn't speak. Her stomach felt like it was going to explode from all the butterflies. His stomach felt like it was going to explode from all the embarrassment.


The greaser sighed a heavy sigh and quickly turned on his heel, mortified about what he just said. Any chance he had had disappeared.

Until he felt a slight tug on his hand.

"I love you too Soda, for reals. It's always been for reals. And who said i didn't care for ya now?"

Sodapop's face lit up with glee, he couldn't believe it!

A soft kiss was planted on his cheek, before finally landing on his lips-

"You two! Get to class!"
Hello! How are you today? Daily reminder that you are beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise lovely. I hope you enjoyed this imagine. It was a random idea i had before i fell asleep, and liked it enough to make this. Honestly, isn't my favourite writing-wise, but i need to update this book 😖 A vote, comment or follow would really make my day. i love you 😘

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