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"I think I'm high. Am I in heaven?" Yuri blurted out as Doyoung quickly turned to her and held her face.

"You're awake! Hold up, I need to get Taeyong!" Doyoung yelled as he ran out yelling out Taeyong's name.

Yuri laid back as she closed her eyes feeling sore all over her body.

"About time you woke up." Taeyong said, walking closer to Yuri.

"What do you mean? How long was I asleep?" she asked as Taeyong sat on the bed.

"3 days. The others kept on checking on you from time to time." he answered as he sighed.

"How are you feeling?" Taeyong asked as he stood up.

"I feel like I was beaten up by 10 guys." she asnwered and chuckled a bit as Taeyong tilted his head to the side.

"Well maybe because you were." Taeyong chuckled as he stared at her face.

"Hey uhh. Can you help me get up? I wanna see Yangyang and the others." she said as Taeyong wordlessly helped her up.

"Yuri! I was so worried oh my-" Yangyang rambled and ran to the towards to the two.

"Yuri, you're awake. Here, come eat." Kun said as Taeyong held her tight.

After eating, and bickering of course, they all had something to do, while Yuri had none.

"I'm just gonna listen!" Yuri insisted as she held Taeyong's arm tightly.

"You need rest, Yuri." Taeyong chuckled and shook his head,

"I'll be sitting there the whole time. You won't even realize I'm there!" she said, looking like she was about to cry. Taeyong stopped whatever he was doing and crossed his arms then stared at Yuri.

"You promise?" he asked as her eyes lit up and started to aggressively nod.


Taeyong shook his head and put his hand on Yuri's waist as the two walked out Taeyong's room.

"They're waiting. Everyone's there. You want me to taske Yuri to her room?" Doyoung greeted as he smiled at Yuri.

"She's coming with us." Taeyong said as Doyoung's eye widened,

"Are you- oh okay. Sure." he answered as they entered the elevator.

The three entered the elevator in silence as a small ting was heard, as the doors opened.

There was a big and long table and full of men. Literally.

They all stood up to greet Taeyong as their eyes fell on Yuri, who held onto Taeyong.

"Is everything ready? Everyone here?" Taeyong asked as he walked with Yuri clinging onto him like a child.

Taeyong helped Yuri sit on one of the chairs,

"This'll be quick, don't worry." he said as Yuri nodded at him, trying not to mind the stares she was getting.

"Okay, so, what did you guys get?" Taeyong asked as he walked to the center.

"We found nothing but guns, nothing really interesting." Chan answered as Taeyong turned to the left, where EXO were seated.

"We got into their system and found locations of their hideouts." Suho answered as Taeyong nodded while Kai slided a folder to Johnny who took it.

They were talking while Yuri was listening as Baekhyun suddenly appeared by her side.

"Yuri, right?" Baekhyun said as Yuri nodded at him.

"How's your injury? I heard you got shot." he said as Yuri nodded.

"I'm good. I just have trouble walking because I was shot on the thigh." she said as Baekhyun was about to answer but Yuri cut him off

"Did you hear that?" she asked, causing everyone to look at her. She heard another click,

"There it goes again." she said and scanned the room.

"Get down!" Taeyong yelled as Baekhyun covered Yuri and continuous gunshots hit the room as everyone tried to run for cover.

"Fucking hell, just kill me at this point."

"I'm too young to die!"

"Then you shouldn't have joined a gang you dumb fuck!"

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