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"Hey Yuri! Can you get my boxers?!"


"I'm telling-"

"Okay! Okay! Oh my god shut up!"

"Taeyong, I found her but she doesnt have much info as I expected but there are three others" Doyoung said and placed a folder on the table as Taeyong raised a brow,

"What do you mean?"

"See for yourself" Doyoung replied and exited the room.

Taeyong opened the folder and started reading, "Park Yuri huh?"

"It's breakfast time!" Kun yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, as they heard the mention of food, they all rushed downstairs with empty stomachs, the smell of the food Kun made hitting their noses. 

"Just in time, I'm neomu hungry" Lucas said as he sat down with Chenle who was trailing behind him.

"I'm sitting next to xuxi!" Chenle exclaimed and took a seat.

"Mark, Lucas and Jaemin, eat up faster. We're going somewhere" Taeyong said and went to his room,

"Where do you think we're going?" Jaemin asked with a mouthful of pancakes.

Lucas and Mark shrugged as they continued to eat with Ten and Johnny bickering in the background.

"Hey, do you guys like dogs or cats more?"

"Of course cats are better!" Jeno smiled, his eyes forming crescents.

"Dogs are superior!" Renjun retorted while pointing his fork at Jeno while Mark, Jaemin and Lucas went upstairs to take a shower.

After a few minutes, Taeyong came downstairs and waited for the three.

"I finished first!" Jaemin cheered and ran down the stairs.

"Hey what did we say about running down the stairs?" Doyoung said as Jaemin sheepishly smiled.

"Let's get it!" Mark yelled while dragging a whiny Lucas behind him.

"Let's go kids" Taeyong chuckled and stood up.

"Hyung! I wanna come too!" Jisung said and stood up from his seat.

"Alright, let's go" Taeyong said with the four boys following behind him.

"Where exactly are we going?" Mark asked as they entered the van,

"Hmm, let's say we're picking someone up" Taeyong replied leaving the four confused.

"Oh- some people" Taeyong corrected himself, not leaving his eyes off the road.

"What do you mea-" Jisung was cut off by Lucas covering his mouth.

"Let's just wait 'til we get there" Lucas said, taking off his hand off Jisung's mouth.

"Okay, we're doing number three" Taeyong calmly stated as he unlocked the doors.

"Number three?!" they all yelled, not expecting that.

"Yeah, deal with it. The stuff are in the truck. Go get them" Taeyong replied as the four groaned while getting out.

(number three is like a code thingy, i'll explain in the next chapters!)

"I shouldnt have come along" Jisung whined as they took out some materials from the trunk.

"Stop whining and let's just finish this" Mark sighed and went to Taeyong who was waiting for them.

"Be extra careful when knocking them out. Make sure not to hurt them and if I see any scratch or a drop of blood, y'all know what happens next" Taeyong warned and led the way.

"I'm a bit nervous" Jaemin whispered,

"Me too. What does he mean by extra careful?" Lucas whispered back at Jaemin as Taeyong suddenly stopped walking with his right hand raised.

"On the count of three put the thing in" Taeyong said,

"One", Jisung gulped. "Two", Jaemin let out an unsteady breath. "Three!"

"They should be knocked out in a few seconds" Mark said as they slowly made their way inside the house.

"Come on, let's go check" Jisung said as they all went inside, seeing three people sleeping soundly.

One on the kitchen floor, two on the couch and one on the end of the stairs.

"Oh my god there's a girl!" Jisung panicked and they all looked at Taeyong.

"So, that's why you said be careful" Jaemin nodded in realization.

"Yeah now get them in the car" Taeyong ordered and went out to start the car, leaving the four boys flustered.

"It's a female oh no!" Mark panicked as he and Jaemin picked up a guy.

"Ji, you take the girl" Lucas said in a nervous voice.

"What?! Why me?" Jisung complained as he watched Lucas pick up two guys easily.

"It's not like I have a choice, do i?" Jisung groaned and carefully picked up the girl.

"I can't believe I'm holding a female in my arms!!" Jisung squealed and walked as fast as he could to the van.

"Uhh- where do I put her?" Jisung quickly said as they chuckled him.

When everything and everyone was in place, they went back home.

"Hyung, why is she here-" Mark was speaking and cut off by Taeyong,

"I'll explain later Mark. Calm down" Taeyong chuckled. 

"You've chuckled for- like the 5th time today hyung. What's up?" Lucas asked with a smile.

"Yeah, what's up hyung?" Jisung asked too as Jaemin and Mark nodded.

"Why? Do you want me to be serious all the time?"

"Nope" they all answered at the same time, making Taeyong chuckle again as he pulled up.

"Alright, I'll take the girl since Jisung is a whiny baby" Taeyong said before getting out of the van while the four exchanged glances before getting out.

They came in carrying one person each, except for Jaemin, as the others looked at them with confused expressions on their faces.

"Doyoung, are the rooms ready?" Taeyong asked when the others were about to question their presence.


"Come on, you three. Follow me" Taeyong calmly stated and started walking upstairs, glancing at the sleeping girl in his arms.

"This is so weird" Mark whispered to Jisung who was walking beside him.

"Tell me about it" Jisung groaned, struggling to carry the guy.

"Okay Lucas, take that guy in that room. Mark, take him to that room. Jisung, to this room. " Taeyong ordered while pointing the rooms with his lips.

"I am so confused" Mark mumbled before walking inside the room Taeyong pointed at.

After they put down all the guys, they immediately went downstairs to talk to the others, except for Taeyong.

"What was that all about?" Ten asked with an  eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, why were you guys carrying unconcious people?" Yuta asked taking a seat next to Winwin.

"And there was a girl?!"Chenle screeched.

"Yeah. A human being with a vagina. Women are scary" Jeno said while clinging onto Doyoung.

"Hell yeah, they are" Jaehyun laughed followed by a light scoff.

"So, what'd you guys do?"


sooo, any thoughts abt the story? any suggestions? just comment hsbhdb, okay but dogs or cats??

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