Chapter 10

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*Morgan's POV*

What would my mom say about this? I know she wouldn't just let me go. Maybe I shouldn't tell her and just sneak off. She would know I did it for a good cause right? Or maybe she would just think tha-

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Harry interrupted my thoughts. He laid his big hand on my knee and gave it a little squeeze. He watched me out of the corner of his eye, trying to keep his eyes on the road.

"I'm worried." I sighed. I honestly had no clue what I was going to do.

"About what, love?" He asked, now rubbing my knee.

"My mom. I don't know if she will even let me go. She is really strict and I doubt she will let me. She's already mad at me anyways." I felt like I had messed up everything for everyone.

"Maybe I can talk to her?" Harry said. I wasn't quite sure if that was a question or statement.

"I guess." I smiled at Harry and intertwined our fingers.

We drove in silence for the rest of the way until we drove up into my driveway. Harry got out and I stayed put. He came over and opened my door.

"Well, are you coming?" He chuckled.

"Yeah." I half smiled, and allowed Harry to walk me to my door. I found my key in my purse and unlocked the door. When we entered the door, there was no one in sight. "Maybe she's in her room." I said, pulling Harry along behind me.

I knocked on the door. Nothing. I slightly opened the door, just to be sure. No one was home. Then I realized something.

"My dog is not here, so she must be away." I blurted out.

"You could call her." Harry suggested.

I nodded and pulled out my cellphone. I dialed my mom then heard a familiar voice.

"Hello?" The person said.

"Dad?" I asked. My parents hadn't talked in five years, but I still remembered his voice. It was deep and husky like always.

"Morgan, is that you?" He replied.

"Y-yes. Where's mom?" I was worried.

"Your mother if fine. She came over to my place and she is just at the store right now. She has been worried about you. Where have you been?"

"Um, I have been at a friend's house." I lied, and looked over at Harry. He was sitting on the couch playing with his fingers.

"Well your mom would want to talk to you, I know. She came to me to see if you had come over, and I told her I havn't seen you since the divorce. What happened between you two anyways? She didn't want to talk about it."

"It's... nothing." I lied, "Can I come over to your place and talk to you and mom? I need your address by the way."

My dad gave me his address and we both hung up. I couldn't believe this. My mom went to dad to see if I had went over there. Why would I want to see him? I still had bad memories about him.


"I HATE YOU DAD! ALL YOU EVER DO IS HURT ME AND MOM!" I screamed, running into the kitchen.

My dad was running after me. When he caught up to me, he slung me around by my arm and threw me to the floor. He had a belt in his hand and started beating me with it.

"How much do you hate me now?!" He yelled, hitting me harder.

I remember him cheating on my mom the next day. Then she divorced him not long after.


"Who was that?" Harry asked.

"My dad. I told him we were coming over there to see my mom. She went over there looking for me and couldn't find me."

Harry nodded, and saw how upset I was just by my facial expression. We went back out to the car, and Harry typed in the address on his GPS.

My dad must have gotten a new house since they divorced, because I didn't recognize the address.

It was only a thirty-five minute drive to my dad's house, but it seemed like two hours. After the long trip of silence, we drove up in a driveway to a green house.

It actually looked nice. I didn't remember my dad being very good at decorating either.

Harry and I walked up to the front door. I knocked very lightly and before we could do anything, a tall, dark haired man opened the door.

"Hello. Your mom will be here soon. She just called and said she is just now checking out at the grocery store." He said. So this is what my dad looked like now. He looked the same, in a way, but had lost some hair.

I just nodded and walked in. I still don't forgive him for what he did. He never apologized anyways.

"Would you two like something to drink?" My dad asked.

I shook my head and Harry answered for me too.

"No sir, thanks." Harry awkwardly answered. His hand was holding mine as we sat on the couch.

I heard a door open right after my dad walked out of the room.

"I'm back." I heard my mom say. I missed her voice so much. My dad mumbled something and my mom came around the corner. "Morgan! I have been worried sick." She said, after giving me a huge hug.

I think she noticed Harry, because she wrinkled up her nose. After we heard her long speech about how much she was worried, and how she was real mad at me, I asked her what I came here for.

"Mom, I was wondering, if I could go on tour with Harry and the boys?" I said, giving her my biggest smile possible. I felt Harry rub his hand down my back.

"Do what?" She frowned.

"Go on tour with Harry? Their guitar player broke his arm, and I could play for them." I told her.

"No way I'm letting you go on tour with five boys. There is no way." She demanded.

"Please, ma'am? She is our only hope and I really want her to go." Harry interrupted my mom and I's conversation.

My mom gave Harry a death glare.

"I'll think about it." She said, and left the room.


Hey yall! Okay so I have had the flu, so sorry I didn't update earlier. I need 10 more votes until I update again!!! (:





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