Chapter 27

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The next day

*Knock, knock*

"Who the hell is that so early at the weekend is well?" Haoxuan groaned and woke up to open the door. He was about curse at the person who just disturbed his sleep.

But when he opened the door he didn't see anyone and then he looked around and still saw no one. He was about to close the door after cursing at whoever knocked on his door to just wake him up from his deep slumber.

But before closing the door he heard voice excitedly say "Xuan gege look down is me A-Yuan!"

Xuan eyes widened seeing Yuan looking at him with a skate board in one hand and a bag on the other hand.

"I'am so sorry Yuan, I didn't see you there, come in" Xuan said and welcomed Yuan in.

Yuan went in gladly and sat down on the couch after putting his things down. Xuan followed him and sat in front of him.

"Is fine gege is my fault for showing up too early and by the way gege you look even prettier with your morning face." Yuan apologized and also complimented Xuan which obviously made Xuan blush.

"T-thank you Yuan" Xuan stuttered while thanking Yuan.

"Oh, and mom told me you liked sweet things, so here I bought you sweets and chocolates for you to eat later." Yuan said handing the bag he brought with him to Xuan.

"Oh thank you Yuan, you are such a sweet kid" Xuan said while accepting the bag.

"Anyway gege go and get ready, I wanna go somewhere!" Yuan jumped up and said while pulling Xuan up.

"This early?" Xuan asked.

"Yeah, so go and change." Yuan pushed Xuan into his room. Xuan sighed and went to do his morning routine and to get changed.

Yuan went and sat back on the couch while playing with his phone. While Yuan was waiting for Xuan to come he heard a knock on the door.

Since Xuan was changing Yuan decide to open the door just in case is some important work.

When he opened the door, he was met with the smiling face of someone who he didn't wish to see at all today.

"What are you doing here?" Yuan asked, rudely.

"Oh kid I'am you uncle so respect you brat!" Jiyang scolded the annoyed Yuan and flicked his forehead and pushed him out of the way and made his way into Xuan's apartment.

"Uncle Jiyang that hurts" Yuan whined rubbing his forehead while following Jiyang in.

"You deserved it for being rude" Jiyang said back sitting down.

"So rude" Yuan mumbled sitting down but opposite to where Jiyang was sitting.

"Where is Xuan?" Jiyang asked.

"Changing, now you tell me why are you here?" Yuan asked.

"Didn't Xuan tell you?" Jiyang asked back.

"Tell me what?" Yuan asked, confused.

"That I will be hanging out with you guys as well." Said nonchalantly while looking around the place.

"WHAT?!" Yuan yelled.

"What's going on Yuan?!" Xuan asked rushing out of his room to see what's going on. But when he went out he was surprised to see Jiyang there as well.

"Oh, you are here already?" Xuan asked Jiyang.

"yeah and I see that you have already changed so let's get going, shall we?" Jiyang asked.

"Um sure" Xuan said looking down.

"Wait! So he' coming as well for real?" Yuan asked, displeased.

"Sorry Yuan I forgot to tell you and I thought you will be fine since he is your uncle" Xuan explained himself.

"Yeah, don't worry gege, he's my uncle after all" Yuan said while glaring at Jiyang.

"Yes, my beloved nephew, so let's go now" Jiyang said back while glaring at him as well.

Both of the kept on glaring at each other for few more seconds then said at the same time " Let's go"

"Sure let me get something before we go" Xuan said and went into his room and came back with a back and his phone.

They went out to the parking lot.

"Wanna take my car?" Jiyang asked while looking at Xuan.

"Yuan are you fine with it?" Xuan asked Yuan.

"Mm" The only reply they got from Yuan. Xuan awkwardly nodded towards Jiyang.

They walked together towards where Jiyang has parked his car. Jiyang unlocked the car and opened the front door to Xuan. Xuan was about sit down when Yuan stopped Xuan from sitting at the front and took him to the back seat and made hims it with him. Xuan laughed Yuan's cuteness while someone at the front was burning in jealousy.

"So where are we going?" Jiyang asked turning around and looked at Xuan.

"Somewhere in China" Yuan answered while taking his phone out.

"Of course I know that you brat and I wasn't talking to you in the first place" Jiyang replied to Yuan's sassy comment.

"I thought you spend too much time in your office to the point that you don't even know which country you are in" Yuan said back sassily.

"Ok stop both of you, Yuan tell me where we going?" Xuan asked sweetly to Yuan.

"We are going to a amusement park but far away from here, it takes about two hours." Yuan told Xuan.

"Oh amusement park? It sounds fun IK haven't been to one in a long time." Xuan said.

"Give me your phone, my dear uncle." Yuan asked Jiyang. Jiyang didn't want to argue so he gave it to Yuan.

"Here" Yuan said giving the phone back to Jiyang. He put the location on google maps.

"So let's go" Xuan said and the other nodded.

Jiyang started to drive off to their location.


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