Chapter 30

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At the amusement park - Song Jiyang, Yuan and Wang Haoxuan

Since it was nearly lunch time, Xuan suggested eat something like a burger or something like that and the other two agreed.

So they went to find a place where that have burger.

"Oh gege, look there! It says hamburger." Yuan said pointing towards a stall which does say hamburger.

The three of them bought whatever they liked and decide to look around the rides they could go and the games and the prizes they could win, while eating.

"This place is so lively." Xuan commented while looking around.

"It is." Both Jiyang and Yuan replied at the same time.

"So which should we go on first?" Xuan asked excitedly.

"Let's play some games first, is not safe to go on any extreme rides just after eating." Jiyang said, making Xuan pout since he wanted to go on a roller coaster but Jiyang is right. Is not safe to go extreme rides just after eating.

"Then how about we go to see the animals?" Yuan asked.

"Animals?" Both Jiyang and Xuan asked confused.

"Yeah there is a part here where you could see animals, like the zoo and there is a also a water park here as well." Xuan told them.

"Woah! That's awesome! Let's go to the Zoo part then" Xuan said and started to walking with Jiyang and Yuan following him from behind. 

They followed the signs on the board to find where the Zoo is. On the way, Xuan was enjoying the view and didn't realize the two people behind bickering.

"Move! Stop touching me." Yuan said, pushing Jiyang away.

"Stop being delusional you stupid spoiled brat! I'm not touching, I'm stopping you from going near my future wife." Jiyang said pushing Yuan back.

"Your future wife? He's already my wife." Yuan said proudly.

"As if, he will ever marry a immature kid like you." Jiyang scoffed.

"And he wouldn't date a old man like you either." Yuan fired back.

"What did you say you brat? I'm gonna kill y-" Before Jiyang could finish shouting at Yuan, Xuan said " Oh look we are here." 

This made the other two who were fighting to turn around to see the sign saying 'Zoo'.

"Come on, let's go in" Xuan impatiently said like a kid who is about to go to the Zoo for the first time. 

Yuan and Jiyang smiled and nodded towards Xuan then glared at each other. 

They walked in and the first animal they saw was was three Giraffes in a large area of a land.

"This place is huge!" Xuan said in a awe.

"It is." Yuan agreed.

And they started to look around. After about a hour they were done looking at all the animals and they decided to go on some rides.

"What should we go on first?"  Jiyang asked.

"Of course the roller coaster." Xuan immediately answered. 

"Sure, let's go on the roller coaster" Yuan answered back just as fast as Xuan but with a evil intention.

"But isn't it too high and scary?" Jiyang asked nervously.

"No uncle, but you don't have to come if you are scared." Yuan said holding onto Xuan's arm and smirked.

"What? I'm not scared." Jiyang defended himself even though he is scared to the point he's sweating. 

"Then why are we waiting? Let's go!" Xuan chirped happily and dragged Xuan who was grinning and Jiyang who was sweating furiously.

They got into the line and while waiting Xuan realized the Jiyang was sweating.

"Jiyang gege, why are you sweating? Is it too hot?" Xuan asked worriedly which Yuan wasn't happy about at all cause he was getting ignored. But deep inside he was also worried since he knows how much Jiyang is scared of heights so he felt guilty for being to mean Jiyang.

"Oh no is fine." Jiyang answered back. But Xuan didn't believe him so he tried asking again but before he could ask Yuan said "Xuan gege I feel a bit scared to go on the ride so why don't you go by yourself and I will take Uncle with me and we will wait for since he doesn't look too well." And what Yuan said surprised the other two.

"Is fine Yuan, take him with you and I'm fine going on it by myself but you guys better wait for me and don't do anything without me." Xuan warned.

"Don't worry gege, we won't" Yuan said showing thumps up.

"Have fun, and me and uncle will wait for you under that tree over there." Yuan said pointing at a huge tree.

"Ok" Xuan said. 

Yuan then took Jiyang's arm gently and took him to the tree.  Jiyang was surprised so he didn't say anything til they reached the tree and they sat down.

Both of them didn't bicker like they usually did. They didn't even say anything to each other. It was a very awkward silence. If anyone saw them now, they wouldn't think they knew each other for years.

After few more of silence, Jiyang spoke up "Thank you, Yuan." 

Xuan was surprised to hear that and he felt his cheeks heat up and his heart beat increasing. He took few deep breathes and cleared his voice. 

"Is fine, you are my uncle after all." Yuan said. 

When Jiyang heard Yuan say he just his uncle, it made his heart clench and he felt sad and upset but didn't show it, instead he decide tease Yuan who still blushing.

"But Yuan, why are you red? Are you not feeling well or is it my handsome face?" Jiyang whispered huskily in Yuan's ear.

"What are you saying?! You old pervert! No wonder you are still single"  Yuan yelled while covering both his ear.

"I'm back!" Xuan who got out of the ride came while smiling happily. Because of the ride, his hair was messy making him look like he just woke up from sleep.

"It was awesome! Jiyang gege, you missed such good chance but is okay, since you weren't feeling well and we can't leave Yuan alone since he is scared." Xuan said.

'As if I'm sacred' Yuan thought to him self. 

Just like that they played and fooled around  and went on different kind of rides and bought more food and drinks and took many pictures and Jiyang and Yuan also got on along together which Xuan found suspicious but either he was happy that no body was fighting each other.

Since, is not summer anymore the park which is usually open till 11pm is only open till 9pm. And it was half past eight already, the  three of them decide to leave.

They went to parking lot and got into their car. Jiyang was on the driver seat and Xuan and Yuan was at the back seat.

 The ride back was quite since all of them was tired. After two hours they reached Xuan's apartment. Xuan got out.

"Thank you for hanging out with me and have a nice ride back home guys." Xuan said and waved.

"Yuan, come and sit at the front seat next to me, I'm lonely." Jiyang said. Normally Yuan would have just ignored Jiyang but today Jiyang was nice to him so he moved to front seat next to Jiyang. Then they drove off to Xiao Zhan's mansion.


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