Chapter 28

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After two hours of long drive, the three of them finally reached the amusement park. After parking the car and getting the tickets the three of them walked into the busy park. Even though they had to travel far, it was definitely worth it. 

There were so many different kinds of rides, shops and games. They were both impressed and excited even though they were only at the entrance of the park. Jiyang despise being a thirty-two  he was also very excited. 

When they started walking in, a strong smell of cotton candy, hamburger and pizza and lots of delicious food hit their nose. This made hungry since they still haven't eaten anything since morning.

So they decide to first get something to eat.

With Wang yibo and XiaoZhan

Zhan and Yibo decide to go on a date since Yuan was with Jiayng and Xuan and Zhan was also free.

They were currently in a shopping mall which was owned by zhan.

"Baby so what do you want to buy?" Zhan asked Yibo, looking at him lovingly.

"Mm, I actually wanted to come here for the food since I heard there delicious foods here. So let's go!" Yibo said excitedly and dragged Zhan to the nearest food stall he saw.

He looked at the menu and ordered what he liked and asked Zhan. But Zhan didn't want to eat anything so he ordered a coffee instead. While they were waiting, they chatted about random things, but Zhan got a phone call in middle of their conversation.

"Oh sorry Yibo, let me just answer this." Zhan said looking apologetically.

"Is fine gege answer it." Yibo said, smiling kindly.

"Wait, when? And why didn't you tell me?" Zhan asked the person he was talking to. Yibo looked at Zhan curiously, wanting to know who it was.

"Ok sure, I will pick you up next week end, bye!" Zhan said, smiling and ended the call.

"Gege, who was it?" Yibo asked, pouting cutely.

"It's my other cousin, Yubin. He's Jiyang's little brother. He was studying abroad but he decide to come back few days ago, and he wanted to me and Yuan and he also wanted to meet you and Xuan since Jiyang told him about you and Xuan. He's really excited to meet you and Xuan and he's a very kind kid and he's the same age as both of you so I think you guys will get along. He's coming over next weekend." Zhan told yibo.

Yibo was happy about meeting more of Zhan's family members and getting to know them so he also got excited.

"Ok I can't wait to meet him." Yibo said.

Then after few minutes their order arrived but before eating Yibo wanted to go to the restroom.  He told Zhan and went to the toilet. While he was making his way to the rest room he didn't see or feel   a dark pair of eyes following him.

After Yibo was done, he walked towards the food stall and when he entered it, there was crowd around the table he and Zhan sat. Yibo was worried and immediately pushed past the crowd people to see what has happened.  But what he saw made both furious and upset.

Jessica was hugging Zhan and Zhan was trying to push her away. When Zhan saw Yibo and how hurt he looked he pushed Jessica with even more force then before which made her fall.

"Bobo listen, I didn't do anything it was her. After you left she came to me and started saying 'Baby I'm sorry please accept me back' and shit like that. I got angry so I stood up and was gonna come find you and that's when she hugged me and started beg even louder attracting the people around us. And that's when you came. Bobo you believe right? Answer me please!" Zhan begged Yibo desperately hoping he wouldn't misunderstand rhe situation. Of course Yibo believed Zhan he knew Zhan is a honest man and how much he resent Jessica even though he doesn't know the reason for it.

"Bunny, I believe. So don't worry and I'm not in the mood to eat anymore so let go." Yibo said clinging on to Zhan's arms. Zhan smiled happily and was ready to go. But Jessica being the dramatic bitch she is, started shout.

"Zhan are you gonna leave me for this bitch?  Yous slut how dare you seduce my husba-" Before Jessica could finish here sentence, a hard slap landed on her face.

Jessica, Xiao Zhan and the people around them was taken back.

"What are you all looking at? Don't you guys your own things to do?!" Yibo shouted at the crowd harshly while glaring at them. Since they knew who Zhan was and how powerful he is, they left.

"And you listen here, the slut here is you not me and Zhan gege is not your husband but he's my soon to be husband. He hates yous so much to the point that he wants to kill you. And I don't know what happened between you two and I don't wanna know anymore. So listen up you bitch, don't ever call my boyfriend your husband, got it and don't ever come near Zhan or me and most importantly Yuan." Yibo coldly said but he didn't shout.

"But Yuan is my son!" Jessica who's holding her right cheek which has been slapped.

"Yeah, I'm not saying you didn't give birth to him and I'm not sure what you did to him but I know one thing for sure and that is that you never ever cared for Yuan and never treated him right. Cause if you did he wouldn'tbe scared of you and he wouldn't love me like his own mother and I'm more than happy to be his mother" Yibo said.

"How dar-" Jessica wanted to say something but was cut off by Zhan who has been quite all this time.

"Shup up, if you dare say one more word about Yibo or Yuan, today will be your last day in this world." Zhan who has been quite all this time warned well more like threatened Jessica.

"So for this slut you will kill me, your son's mother?!" Jessica said angrily.

"Seems like you are tired of living." Zhan said smirking evily, sending shivers down Jessica's spine.

After saying this Zhan took Yibo's hand and took him outside to his car.

"I'm so sorry Yibo, our date is ruined." Zhan said sadly but Yibo could see how angry Zhan was through his eyes.

"Is fine gege but were you being serious when you said in a indirect way you gonna kill her?" Yibo asked, nervously. He also wanted Jessica dead but that thought will go away when he calms down but Zhan looks dead serious.

"That's something I don't want you to think about." Zhan said sternly.

"But I'm ready to tell you about what happened with me and Jessica and why Yuan is scared of her." Zhan said, sighing deeply.

"Are you sure? You don't have to if you don't want to." Yibo said, even though inside he was dying to know.

"No, I want to tell you." Zhan said.

"Then tell me when we get home and after we had a shower cause I want to wash my hand which touched her disgusting face and you have to have a shower is well because that slut hugged you" yibo said all this while pouting and looking innocent.

Zhan chuckled and nodded.

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