Chapter 2- How can Anything be "Better than Sex"?

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I let out a small gasp as Adrien pinned me to the door, his lips assaulting my neck. He pulled me on top of him, his lips now meeting mine. He lifted me into his arms, carrying me deeper into the room. Laying me down on the bed, he took off his shirt, revealing a solid six-pack of abs and large pecs. I slipped off my shoes as he did the same. He slipped off my tube top, revealing what little of my body I wasn't showing. He climbed on top of me, leaving none of my stomach untouched by his kisses. He moved up, renewing our kissing as he pulled off my pants. We continued making out as he pulled off his own pants, revealing his erection. He stood up, pulling me up as he did. He cradled my face, his thumb brushing my lips. I opened my mouth and sucked on his thumb. His finger played around in my mouth before he replaced it with his cock. I bobbed my head on his erection, coating it in my saliva. I felt him grasp my hair as he spoke, "Look at me."

I raised my eyes to meet his gaze and kept working on his dick. He was bigger than I had expected and I choked on his dick when trying to reach the base. This, however, just made him moan and hold my head in place. I kept choking until he finally let me breathe. As I pulled away strings of saliva connected his dick to my lips. He tilted my head up and kissed me before pushing me back onto his bed. He moved to his bedside table, grabbing a condom and lube from one of the drawers. He coated his fingers with lube and moved back on top of me. He slowly slid two fingers inside of me, playing with my hole. I wrapped my arms around his head, pulling him close. He began to kiss my neck as his fingers started to stretch me out more. I dug my head into the pillows, letting the pleasure take over me. I felt his fingers recede and I looked to find him putting on the condom. He coated the rubber in another handful of lube and pulled me closer to him. He slowly inched his erection inside of me, making sure he wasn't hurting me. He moaned as he slid in.

"Fuck, you feel amazing." He pushed the last inch in, causing me to gasp. He moved over me, his strong arms on either side of my face. We made out for a little bit, while he warmed up with soft, slow strokes. He soon switched to stronger thrusts causing me to cry out in pleasure. I wrapped my legs around his body, holding him close as the bed began to shake. I could feel him breathing on my neck, the deep gruff grunts just turning me on even more.

He pulled out and repositioned me on my hands and knees, facing the mirror in his room. He knelt behind me and eased himself into me, using the mirror to maintain eye contact. I felt his strong hands wrap around my waist holding me tight as he slammed into me. I moaned as he hit the spot, the bed now rocking with our movements. We kept rocking for a few minutes, both of us starting to pant with exhaustion.

"Fuck!" Adrien pulled out, ripping the condom off and shooting his cum onto my back. I kept looking at him in the mirror. The way his face contorted as euphoria shot through his body made me finish. He got up and grabbed a towel from his stuff and wiped me off. I got up from his bed and started grabbing my things, preparing to head back home. Adrien stopped changing his sheets to ask me, "What're you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just grabbing my stuff so I can head out." Adrien shook his head and continued to strip his bed.

"Just stay the night with me. I doubt Lane will care." Adrien threw his dirty sheets into a hamper and started redressing the bed. I moved to help him, adjusting the sheets as I saw fit. Once the sheets were back on, we awkwardly stood across from each other. Adrien was still naked, his penis, now soft, casually hung in front of me. Even when he wasn't in the mood, he was still big and I couldn't figure out how he'd fit it in his pants.

"You don't have to stare." Adrien broke me out of my thoughts. "We can have sex again, if you want." I blushed at the floor. He moved towards me, wrapped his arms around my waist, and we started round two.

I woke up wrapped in Adrien's arms. I could feel his steady breathing on my neck and knew that he was still asleep. I looked over at the other bed in the room, hoping that Lane hadn't come in while we were asleep. I found it empty and hoped Melody had made it back to her dorm safe. I tried to free myself from Adrien, but he was a lot stronger than me, leaving me stuck pressed against his body. I was by no means angry with my situation. He was a 6'4 being of pure sexual pleasure. I closed my eyes again, figuring there was nothing I could do while the strong man slept.

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