Chapter 5- An Epiphany from More Than Me

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I heard walking above me and jolted awake. Adrien was still asleep, his arms wrapped around me. Both of us must've fallen asleep before the movie ended as the TV was waiting on the information screen, just repeating the movie's trailer. I waited, listening to the footsteps. The footsteps were light so either my mother or Melody had made her way down. I tried my best to free myself from Adrien, who was locking me next to his body. With a groan of distaste, Adrien loosened his grip, letting me get up from the couch. I slowly stalked my way up the stairs, careful in case the footsteps were coming from a monster.

I found my mother in the kitchen, a pan already poised on the stove. She turned her face to meet me.

"Oh hi!" she whispered. "I saw you two downstairs and didn't want to wake you." I tried to blink the grogginess from my eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight pouring in from the floor to ceiling windows.

"Do you think he'll want breakfast too?" She continued cooking bacon and eggs, the pan popping with grease.

"I can ask," I croaked. My mother nodded and I turned to go back down to the basement.

Adrien was seated at the edge of the couch, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," he said, getting up. A large pop erupted from the kitchen and Adrien rushed in front me. He put his hand in front of me, hiding me behind his body.

"Is there someone here?" His eyes were peeled, looking around the room.

"My mom is making breakfast," I revealed, moving out from behind him. "She wants to know if you want anything." Embarrassment ran across Adrien's face as he turned to face me.

"Oh," he chuckled, scratching the back of his head.

"C'mon let's go." I motioned for him to follow me and we made our way up to the kitchen. My mother noticed us coming up and rushed to meet us. She had a giant smile across her face as she looked up to meet Adrien.

"Hi!" she said, opening her arms for a hug. Adrien met her hug and responded.

"Hi Mrs. Phillips. I'm Adrien." They broke apart.

"Nice to meet you Adrien. Gosh you're tall!" Adrien chuckled.

"Do you want some food? I was already cooking."

"What are you making? Can I help?" My mother's eyes lit up as she pulled Adrien towards the stove.

"Oh you can cook, that's amazing!" She turned towards me. "Josh, marry him or else you're never going to eat again." I rolled my eyes.

"I can cook!" I retorted.

"Using the microwave doesn't count as cooking," my mom objected. Adrien tried to hide his laughter. I pouted, causing the soccer player to blow me a kiss.

My mom and Adrien soon finished breakfast and brought the plates out to the garden. The fall weather made the air cool and bearable, a nice break from the humid summer heat.

"So Adrien, do you go to NYU?" My mother was starting the questioning she gave to every one of the boys she met.

"No, I'm at Columbia," Adrien replied.

"What're you studying?"

"English, but I'm also on the soccer team."

"Oh do let us know when you have a game, I'm sure Josh's dad would love to come and cheer." My mom seemed to be impressed with him, which wasn't something that often happened with the boys she'd been introduced to. We kept on eating, with my mother finding out that Adrien was originally from San Francisco and that we had first "met" in the San Francisco International Airport.

We were washing the dishes, when my mother started gathering her things.

"Alright you two I have to head off. It was nice meeting you, Adrien." He nodded.

"Likewise, Mrs. Phillips." She gave each of us a hug and then rushed out the door.

I kept washing the dishes as Adrien wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So does this mean that you are going to meet my parents at some point?" He kissed my cheek as I scrubbed the pan.

"I can if they are ever in New York." I looked up at him. "Or we could go out to San Fran sometime."

"I'd like that." Adrien gave me another kiss and then moved away from me. "I'm gonna go shower, call me if you need anything"—he paused looking around the townhome—"Actually, I don't think I'd be able to hear you in this big ass house." We laughed and he bounded up the stairs. I heard my phone buzz and I washed off the pan, so I could see who texted me.

Mom: Don't mess that up, I really like him.

Me: I never try to mess up my relationships

Mom: But try really hard with this one not to do something stupid.

Me: Alright mom, I try and keep him around

Mom: Please do, your father will love him!

I placed the last of the dishes onto a drying rack. I heard my phone buzz again and I assumed that my mother had sent me another text. When I looked at my phone it was a text from Melody.

Melody: Is Adrien heading back anytime soon?

Me: I don't think so why?

Mel: Lane just invited me over and I need to figure out if I should wear something sexy

Me: Do it, even if you don't fuck, keep him wanting lol

Mel: Didn't even think about that, good idea. Love your brain! Thanks, be safe with him! <3

I closed the door behind me, making sure that it was locked. Adrien was dressed in the same outfit he'd arrived in: a black tracksuit with the Columbia Lions logo where a breast pocket would be. He gave my forehead a kiss and waited for a taxi to get close.

"I'll text you," he said. "But if you're ever by Columbia, let me know."

"I'll let you know," I assured him. A taxi passed by and Adrien hailed it. He moved to the street and waited for the taxi to park.

"Adrien, I—" I started, but the words wouldn't come out. I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but I couldn't. The words got stuck in my throat and I just awkwardly stood there. I couldn't tell what was going on, but I just fumbled my words.

"I think—" I didn't know what my face was showing, but when Adrien looked at me all I could read was pain. He looked down at the pavement and then back to me.

"Got it," he replied. "See ya." I could hear hurt in his voice, but before I could try to say anything else, he got into the taxi and sped away.

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