Chapter 6- Complete and Total Blackout

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I kept glancing at my phone, hoping that it would buzz with a text from Adrien, but it never did. In the past two weeks, Adrien had almost completely cut communication with me. He would respond when I would reach out, but he didn't text like he used to. Every time that I reached out to plan something he was either busy or would have to do something last minute. I figured his avoidant nature was due to his season kicking up, which I knew firsthand wasn't easy. If I wasn't dancing, I was swimming. If I wasn't swimming, I was studying, etc. Neither of us really had copious amounts of free time, but before it had always seemed to work out in our favor.

I could remember the last time I saw him so vividly. I had just tried to tell him I loved him, when the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. It was like my subconscious was taking over my brain, protecting me against what could happen.

I looked around my dorm room, still trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Lane was out getting something to eat which left me alone with my thoughts. My mind immediately went to Josh. I thought we were going strong, but the way that he spoke to me when I left, it radiated with doubt. He didn't finish his sentence, but what little he did say made me feel like he wanted to break things off, so I did or at least tried to. Whenever Josh reached out to me, I couldn't help but respond. Eventually, he'd stopped reaching out and I'd assumed that I'd meant we were done. I could feel my heart ache as I squeezed one of my pillows. It hurt thinking about my life without Josh, but I couldn't make someone love me.

I heard the door open, revealing Lane and Ambrose in the doorway.

"Get up Verity!" Ambrose said. "We're going out!"


"You're in a slump and I'm assuming that's because you and Josh aren't good right now." Ambrose was right on the money, but I didn't think it was so obvious. "So we are taking you out." I reluctantly got changed into something that wasn't sweatpants and a t-shirt and followed Ambrose and Lane towards the club.

New York's November weather was starting to wear me down. It was much colder than late falls in San Francisco, but I was starting to get adjusted. I held my jacket closed as we waited in the club's line. A group of girls waved at us, though I didn't really pay them any attention. Ever since I'd been with Josh, girls didn't interest me like they used to. Josh was able to perfectly mesh masculine and feminine traits, creating someone who was able to interest me in both aspects of my sexuality. He was the perfect person for me.

By the time we got into the club the energy was already high. Everyone seemed to have at least one drink in their system and were letting the music take control. We ordered a round of shots at the bar and then moved to the dancefloor. The lights and music overloaded my senses, making everything that had been on mind fade into the background.

I didn't know why Melody had invited me out so late, but I was going meet her at the club regardless. I rushed out of the taxi, looking for my Filipina friend. I saw a girl in a white mink coat, white corset, and black mini skirt wave at me. If I hadn't known Melody, I would've assumed she was a fashion major. I moved next to my friend, giving her a hug. She looked me up and down.

"We have to stop dressing the same when we go out," she jested. I looked down at my white cropped jacket, white tube top, and black skinny jeans.

"You know I have to ask—" I started.

"Faux, of course," Melody finished. "I wouldn't dare!" We both laughed. The bouncer motioned for us to enter. As soon as I walked in, I could feel the club's energy course through me. It revitalized me, bringing my spirits up. I needed this after the month I'd gone without Adrien. Without him, it was like something was missing from my life.

"Let's get some drinks!" Melody had to yell over the blasting music. I vigorously nodded and we moved to the bar. We ordered a round of shots and then each got a vodka cran. We moved onto the dancefloor, when I saw him. It was hard to make out his face, but I could tell I could easily bounce back with him. I looked closer at the boy and noticed someone familiar. I tapped Melody and pointed at them.

"Look! It's Lane and Ambrose!" I yelled. Melody looked over to where I was pointing and turned back to me.

"Who's the other person?" I asked. I peeled my eyes trying to focus on the boy I was going to hookup with, but every time I tried to focus on his face it seemed to shift out of focus. I tried to focus and clear the Mist like my mother taught me, but I couldn't. Something was messing with my vision, keeping me from seeing something. I grasped the bangle on my wrist, knowing that I had at least some defense should a monster show up.

Melody ignored my question and pulled me towards the soccer players. Lane and Ambrose greeted us with hugs. The other boy was a little shy and didn't introduce himself. I was about to ask him for his name, when Melody grabbed my arm, pointing to the ceiling.

"You hear this?" I tried my best to catch the song, but the noise of the club was overpowering me. When I could finally hear the song, Nicki Minaj came on with "Wobbledy wobble, wo-wo-wobble, wobbin'."

"Ass so fat, all these bitches' pussies is throbbin'!" I shouted, finishing the lyric. "Bad bitches, I'm your leader, Phantom by the meter, somebody point me to the best ass-eater!" Melody and I rapped along to the song, which had encompassed our lives since its release. Each of the boys jumped in for Big Sean's part creating our own five-person "rap duo".

Once the song was over we moved to the bar, grabbing another round of shots. I tried my best to hit on the other boy, who still hadn't introduced himself. He was quiet, which I wasn't expecting, especially because he was insanely attractive from what I could barely make out. Usually hot guys never shut up because they know people listen to them because they are fun to look at, but this boy didn't even open his mouth once in the five minutes since I'd started partying with him. I didn't understand what was going on with him, but he seemed to be confused or shocked, though I didn't know the reason for it.

We ordered another round of shots before heading back to the dance floor. We moved to the music, the alcohol soon influencing our decisions. Lane and Melody eventually started getting touchy, both of them obviously liked each other a lot, but never made anything official. Ambrose was dancing with some random girl, their bodies moving together. The other boy and I had also become more touchy and I had begun to dance on him. His hands held my hips as I moved them in a circular motion. We kept dancing, our bodies moving perfectly together. Eventually we started making out, our desires taking over and keeping our lips locked. Even this close, I still couldn't make out his face, though this might've been the alcohol's doing.

His lips were soft and I could feel the prickle of a beard. His kisses were passionate, which surprised me as I didn't even know his name. Every time that I tried to ask him about it, his words were drowned out by the music. I tried my best to keep my guard up, but the alcohol was now fully in my system and my senses were nearly completely gone. I tried my best to shoot him more questions, but I could tell that my speech was slurred and that whatever words I was saying probably didn't sound like words. I didn't remember agreeing to leave the club with the boy, but the next thing I knew I was frolicking down the street towards Columbia.

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