Chapter 7- Better Late than Never

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I woke up the next morning in a dorm I knew all too well. I scrambled out of the bed and looked at the man sleeping next to me. Adrien laid there, fast asleep. I looked around the room, trying to gain some semblance of what happened last night.

I remembered going to the club with Melody, meeting Lane, Ambrose, and another boy. It dawned on me. The boy whose face I couldn't make out; he was Adrien! But how did he cloud his face? If he had manipulated the Mist, I would've broken through it, unless it wasn't Adrien doing it...

The blonde started to stir, pawing at the empty spot where I'd been. His eyes fluttered open, finding me standing near the bed.

"What?" he groggily croaked. I reached for my bronze bangle which was on the floor next to my clothes.

"Who are you?" I preemptively placed my hand near the concealed Celestial bronze shield. It wasn't the best weapon to fight a monster with, but it was all I had.

Adrien looked at me in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"I don't know how you hid your face last night, but you are not the boy I went home with."

"Josh we were together the entire night," Adrien retorted. "If you want to forget about it, that's fine." He looked away from me, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"You're lying," I pushed. "You weren't there last night, I would've seen you." Adrien returned his gaze to me. His eyes were now filled with worry. He stood up and tried to move towards me. I shuffled back keeping my hand close to my bangle.

"What are you talking about? You and Melody came to the club then you two came over to me, Lane, and Ambrose." Everything he'd mentioned was true, but I still couldn't figure out how I'd missed him. I dropped my guard, hoping that I wasn't making a giant mistake.

"Kiss me!" I blurted out. Adrien's face morphed into shock and confusion.


"Kiss me, that's how I'll know." I moved towards him. This was the first time I'd seen him in a month and my fear had kept me from noticing how much my heart hurt. Even with his messy hair, he looked so good. His black shirt hugged his muscles perfectly and his grey sweats didn't leave much to the imagination. I hadn't noticed, but I was wearing his clothes, just like I had the night we first hooked up.

Adrien shook his head before meeting me, cradling my face in his hands. Our lips met and I felt the passion I'd felt in the club, the soft lips, and the prickle of a beard. Sure they weren't the most uncommon feelings, but I knew that he was the person I had kissed last night. Someone might've been able to change his appearance, but no one could change the way he kissed. I broke the kiss and looked back at the boy in shock.

"It was you..." I agreed, looking down at the bed.

"I told you," Adrien snarked. I raised my eyes to meet him.

"Did I look different last night?" I asked. Adrien arched his eyebrow, a quizzical look coming across his face. I could tell that I was confusing him, but I needed answers.

"I mean you looked hot last night, so nothing really different." He chuckled and looked me up-and-down. "God I missed you."

I looked at the big blonde. I pulled him into a hug, snuggling into his chest.

"I missed you too," I confessed. Over the month we'd been apart, I did some major introspection, trying to figure out what was blocking me from telling the boy I loved that I loved him. A therapist and I had worked out that it was due to a deep feeling that I would mess up every relationship I was in. Unsurprisingly, it all stemmed from Jacob. We'd uncovered that he'd done a lot more damage than I had thought and unfortunately it was something that I wasn't going to notice until I met someone new. It wasn't something that was going to go away in one month, but we'd gotten a good start on it and I knew that I could say what I needed to in full honesty.

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