Chapter 9- Dinner and a Show

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Melody, my parents, and I sat in the Rocco B. Commisso Soccer Stadium waiting for the game to start. Columbia was up against Cornell in their last home game.

Melody pointed at Lane who had just finished warming up. He winked at her and gave her a small wave. Lane had asked Melody out on a date after we had all had breakfast together. Melody had assumed that Lane was liking her more and was waiting for him to ask her out. Now, we were a pair of best friends dating a pair of best friends, the perfect setup for a long life of friendship.

From the field, Adrien found me in the crowd and waved. I smiled and waved back. It was hot seeing him in his soccer uniform, which I had never seen up until this point. It wasn't the farthest departure from his normal attire of gym clothes, sweatpants, and anything else comfortable or the rare occasion that he dressed up to go out with me, a simple close-fitting button down and tight slacks. But there was something about a baby blue jersey and white gym shorts that seemed so right. It might've been the way the jersey hugged his biceps so closely or the way that his shorts perfectly cupped his ass. He slightly lifted his shirt to wipe his face of the sweat that had accumulated during the team's warmup. Even from the stands I could see his washboard abs and the happy trail of hair that led down to an area I knew all too well.

A whistle blew, knocking me out of my lust, and the two teams of players huddled accordingly. After the teams spoke amongst each other another whistle blew and players filed onto the field. The game started with neither side giving up space for the other to score. After around fifteen minutes of back-and-forth, Adrien scored the first point of the game, sending the crowd into an uproar. My dad jumped up and down, seemingly more excited than I was. My mom and I laughed at him. My father was a giant sports fan and ran me through a gauntlet of sports before I settled on swimming and dance. He loved the competition aspect of sports. He loved coming to my swim meets and dance competitions. He was my biggest fan at The Dance Awards and cheered louder than everyone else when I won Senior Male Best Dancer. He did the same when I won the 200 IM at Winter and Summer Junior Nationals for swim. He loved success and he usually always found it.

The rest of the first half of the game went on with Cornell scoring a point, tying up the game 1-1. During the fifteen minute break in between the halves, Adrien and Lane came up to the stands to see us. They each gave me and Melody a hug. My dad extended his hand towards Adrien, who shook it.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Phillips!" It was the same way that he had greeted my mom the first time he met her.

"Nice work with that goal." My dad's voice radiated pride, just like it did when I won.

"You're coming to dinner tomorrow right?" My mom had been pushing the idea of dinner with Adrien since she'd met him.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Adrien responded. My mom squealed with excitement.

"Is there anything that you want to eat?" Adrien scratched the back of his head in thought.

"I could go for some sushi." My mother's eyes lit up.

"I know the perfect place we can go!" My dad tried his best to calm down my mom, who I think was having the best time of her life. She loved planning things, but I think that it came more from her need to be prepared.

A whistle blew, signifying that there was five minutes left in the break before the second half started. Lane and Adrien started to move back to the field so they could stay warmed up, when my mother spoke.

"Wait! Can I get a picture of you four? You're all so cute!" We grouped together with Lane and Adrien in the middle and me and Melody at our boyfriend's side, respectively. We smiled for my mom who must've taken at least thirty pictures, before letting the boys get to the field.

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