Chapter 4- Aphrodite Help Me!

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I woke up that night to Adrien watching TV from one of the small chairs in front of the flat screen. He was entranced by the show and didn't seem to hear me wake up. I couldn't figure out what show he was watching, but I moved around in the bed, causing him to turn towards me.

"Hey, beautiful." He walked over and gave me a kiss.

"Hi," I croaked, my throat still dry. Adrien laid down next to me, putting his arm around me as he turned back to the TV. I placed one hand on his chest and cuddled into him. He kissed the crown of my head, his eyes still trained on the TV. I played with his pecs. They looked so different when they were relaxed. Usually I only saw them when he was railing me, but when he was just sitting, they were soft and squishy, creating a fun little plaything for me to poke. Adrien started to grunt.

"Stop that tickles." He swatted at my hands, but I kept annoying him, bringing all of his focus to me. He grabbed my wrists and moved on top of me.

"I said, 'stop.'" He was smiling and planted a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back, wrapping my legs around him. He grunted as his hips started naturally moving, thrusting into me. I was the first to break the kiss.

"Let me prep first." Adrien frantically nodded and got off of me. I got out of bed and rushed into my bathroom. I quickly douched, making sure that I was clear to have sex. I finished up with a few wipes and stepped back into my room.

Adrien had turned off the TV and was now laying naked in my bed, his erection prominent. His eyes met me and I played up my sex appeal. I slowly took off my shirt, dropping it to the floor. Adrien bit his lip, waiting for me to drop my shorts. I turned my back to him, dropping my shorts and underwear to the floor. I looked back at him, seeing desire fill his eyes. I slowly crept towards the bed, keeping Adrien wanting more. I crawled onto the bed, slowly making my way up his body. I stopped above his cock, lowering my mouth onto it. I bobbed up and down, never breaking eye contact with him. Adrien moaned as he grasped my hair. He held my head in place and he thrust his cock deep down my throat. I tried to maintain my eye contact with him, but I could feel tears forming in my eyes. Adrien was causing me to gag on the pure size of his penis and I didn't know how much more I could take. Almost like he read my mind, Adrien pulled out of my mouth and leaned forward to kiss me. He pulled me closer and cradled my face with his hand. His fingers brushed my lips and I started sucking on two of them. I kept them in my mouth until Adrien started to reposition me.

He put me on my back and slowly slid the two fingers I'd had in my mouth into my hole. I whimpered as he played with me. Adrien used his free hand to stroke my cock, overloading my body with pleasure. I dug my head into the pillows, my moans filling the room. I felt Adrien's hands retreat and looked at the blonde.

"Do you have a condom?" he asked. I reached into my nearest nightstand and found a bottle of lube and a condom, handing both of them to Adrien. He slipped the rubber on, adding another layer of lube to it. He slid his cock into me, moaning when he was fully in. His hips moved, creating strong, slow strokes. He gripped my waist, keeping my hips near his crotch. Adrien's head fell back as pleasure coursed through him. I smiled as he looked down at me.

"Fuck, you're so pretty," he huffed. He dropped on top of me, using his arms to support himself on top of my bed. He kissed me as his hips still drove into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, keeping him close to me. He broke my hold and pulled out. He pulled me up to him and whispered in my ear, "I want you to ride me."

I bit my lip as I positioned myself over him. I eased myself onto his cock, taking it all in before I started bouncing. I placed my hands on Adrien's chest as his found their way to my hips. I bounced on his dick, whimpering every time I reached the base of his cock. I kept grinding as Adrien's moans became more exasperated.

"Fuck! I'm close." Adrien stopped me, pulling out and ripping off the condom. He spun me around taking my dick into his mouth. I went back down on his dick. I had just reached the base when I felt liquid shoot down my throat. Adrien's cock pulsated inside my throat, releasing more cum. Adrien let out a loud moan, before going back to my cock. I kept working on his dick, knowing that it would be even more sensitive after he came. Adrien's cries of pleasure filled the room, causing me to come on his chest. I came up from his dick, swallowing the remaining cum in my mouth.

I looked back at Adrien and gave him a wink before I moved off him. I went into my bathroom and grabbed a towel. I wiped my mouth before heading back to Adrien. His chest and cock were coated in cum. I leaned over his dick taking the still semi-hard piece in my mouth and lapping up his cum.

"Fuck, you're so sexy." I wiped off his chest and threw the towel into my hamper. I looked at Adrien, who was now seated at the edge of my bed. He was seemingly trying to take it all in.

"Wanna shower together?" I asked. His eyes shot up to meet mine. He vigorously nodded before rushing towards me and lifting me into his arms, carrying me into the shower.

After we finished another round in the shower, we got out and decided that we would actually watch a movie. I heated up some popcorn and we moved to the recreation room which had a designated TV for movies. I grabbed a blanket and moved onto the couch next to Adrien. I cuddled into him, resting my head on his chest. He wrapped an arm around me and started flipping through Netflix. We snacked on the popcorn as the movie played. I truly didn't understand what was going on, but Adrien was almost entranced by it. I felt my phone buzz and looked down to see a text from Melody: Do you know how to solve this?

Attached to her text was a picture of a calculus problem asking for the derivative of a function. I opted to Facetime her and moved away from Adrien. He looked towards me as I went up to the kitchen.

"Help!" Melody cried, answering my call. "I don't know how to do this!"

"Why'd you double major in science if you don't want to do math?" I retorted.

"I didn't think I would have to learn math in Earth Science and Environmental Studies!" I explained how to do the problem as Adrien made his way up from the theater. He moseyed into frame, catching Melody's eye.

"Oh hi Adrien, didn't expect to see you." He gave her his signature two finger salute.

"Good to see you Mel," he replied. "What you up to?"

"Oh nothing, just asking my smart friend for calculus help."

"Calculus?" He turned to me in confusion. "I thought you were a dance major?"

"I am, but I'm also double minoring in Law and Society and Psychology. And due to the fives I got on both AP Calc exams, I tested out of the math requirements." Adrien looked me up and down.

"Wow, a beauty and a brain," Adrien flirted. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Melody.

"What'd you get for the answer?"

"F prime of x equals -2 over x squared."

"There you go!" Melody squealed in excitement.

"Yay! Thank youuuu!" I blew her a kiss through the phone.

"Use protection you two!" She teased before ending the call. I rolled my eyes and Adrien chuckled.

We moved down the stairs, Adrien carrying me the entire way. We plopped back onto the couch, spooning as we watched the movie. Adrien's arms held me close and filled me with warmth. Soon enough, my eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.

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