Chapter 8- Does This Mean Double Dates?

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I held Josh close as I replayed his question in my head. He'd asked me to be his boyfriend and I could still feel my heart fluttering. It signified so much to me: the renewal of our relationship, the acknowledgement that we weren't just hooking up anymore, and the assurance that I hadn't screwed up the best thing in my life.

I felt Josh stir in my arms. He turned towards me. I gave him a peck on the cheek and waited for the grogginess to clear from his face. He shifted in my arms, turning his whole body towards me. His lips met mine and I could feel myself getting hard.

It was hard to keep me down when I was dating someone who looked like Josh. He had a seemingly permanent, perfect beach tan with honey brown hair that perfectly fit his face. His slender waist which hid his six-pack always turned me on, especially when I got to wrap my arms around him. It just felt so perfect when I held him close. Josh wrapped one of his legs around me, strengthening my erection. Through the darkness I could see his perfect smile, the dimples only making him more irresistible. I placed my hand on his thigh, feeling up and down his toned legs. They felt so natural when they were wrapped around me like they were keeping me right where I was supposed to be. I figured that Josh could feel my cock poking him, but just in case he didn't, I gave him a small thrust.

Josh giggled before wrapping a hand around my erection. My dick throbbed in his hand. His fingers felt so good as he began to stroke me. I moaned as his strokes became faster, my breath shortening. I grabbed his wrist, stopping him before I came. I moved him onto his back, interlocking our fingers. I had him pinned and began to make out with him. Josh wrapped his legs around me, pulling me into him. My cock teased his hole causing him to whimper. The sounds he made during sex were one of the hottest things about him. They were so divinely feminine and they turned me on even more. Everytime he moaned, whimpered, or gasped, I had to hold myself back from just sticking it in. He needed to be cared for first, then I could show him how much I loved him.

I let go of his hands and lifted him up onto me as I laid down. I moved his ass in front of my face. Josh understood and took my cock into his mouth. He always let me lead and was down to do whatever I wanted because that's what got him off. He wanted me to be satisfied and that satisfied him. I moaned as his head bobbed. His mouth felt amazing, taking it all, coming up, licking the tip of my dick, and then all over again. If I wasn't so focused on eating him out, I might've come right there. But I wanted to get him ready for me. I pulled him up from my cock, grabbing his chest. He gasped as my tongue went deeper inside of him. He started to bounce on my face, only making me more ravenous. I snaked one hand down his body. I started massaging his ass. His skin was so smooth and because of swimming, hairless. I didn't care if he was hairy or not, but when he was shaven, the sex was somehow even better. The way it made our bodies rub together made me even harder. I slapped his ass and he moved down my body, stopping right above my dick. He reached over to my side table and grabbed some lube, before coating not only my cock but his hole. I couldn't help but lick my lips as he began to finger himself with the lube.

"I have a condom in the drawer," I said.

"Are you clean?" I looked at Josh, knowing what he was suggesting with the question.

"Yes. Are you?"

"Yeah," he replied. Going bareback was something I'd never done, even with a girl. But if we were both clean, I didn't see the problem. If anything it was taking our relationship to a new level, one of trust and a deeper connection.

Josh eventually eased his way down on my dick. The way that he tightened around me sent a feeling of euphoria throughout my body. It felt so different without a condom on. It felt closer like we were really becoming one.

He began to bounce on me, moans escaping his mouth every time I fully entered him. His hands were squeezing my pecs. I could tell he loved my muscles, especially my upper body. I put my hands behind my head, showing off my biceps. He moaned even deeper and I knew that I was getting to him. I moved my hands around his waist and positioned my feet so that I could do the work. I loved when Josh was on top, bouncing or riding me, but there was something about him just looking pretty and moaning while I held his waist and pounded him that got me off. It gave me the ultimate feeling that he was mine. He was my boyfriend, the person I could see myself marrying. He was my person.

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