Chapter 3- More or Less or What's the Best?

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I clicked the seatbelt in my taxi and waved to Adrien as I sped off towards my townhome. Adrien and I had kept on hooking up for the past month and slowly begun a consistent rhythm: I would come over for a party, we would leave together and have sex in his dorm. It was something I had expected to do in college, but I thought I would be more explorative with my sexual partners. I couldn't help the fact that Adrien was probably the most knowledgeable boy I had ever been with. Somehow he always knew what I wanted and how to pleasure me. He was never selfish in bed, but knew how far to go to get me off. He'd take control, letting me just be pretty, while he did all the work. His sex drive was insane. There was one time were he finished really early and I was fine with us just moving on and watching a movie, but he almost willed himself hard again to fuck me and make me finish. He was dead set on making me happy and he was doing an amazing job.

As we kept on seeing each other, Melody posed the very real question: do you like him as more than a hookup? It was a tough question because I really did like being with him and there were even nights where he'd invite me over to watch a movie or study with him. But I couldn't tell if I was ready for a relationship. The last time I'd been in a relationship it'd been a trainwreck. Jacob had seemingly been a great guy, who really liked me. But it wasn't until after we broke up that I realized he only wanted me for sex, which I wasn't completely opposed to, I just wish I had known. I'd gotten attached to him as he was the first person to ever really show interest in me sexually. I found happiness in him or what I thought was happiness and because of that I associated happiness with being with him. This caused me to write off all of our fights along with the horrible things he would say to me. He made sure that I thought he was the only person in the world that would love me like that, the only person who would dare date me. He kept me in a prison so that I would be of use to him. Eventually, he found someone prettier that he liked to fuck more and dropped me. It was the most heartbreaking thing I'd ever been through, but it was a necessary evil.

My friendship with Melody blossomed after that. We'd always been good friends, but we didn't start out that way. We met through our mutual friend Diana, who moved to Las Vegas a few years after introducing us. After that we drifted apart as we didn't have the person who glued us together anymore. Once we had learned of Diana's death, we immediately rekindled our friendship. There was something about loss that brings people closer together. Since then we have become inseparable. We did most everything together and even when we were apart we made sure to keep in touch.

I hurt my heart so much that I couldn't tell her Diana was alive and well, probably even better than when we knew her. She was a centurion at Camp Jupiter and the person who freed me from the control of the Titans. When I saw Diana, I had so many questions for her, the most important being "would she tell the world she was still alive?" It was a tough question as she had been dead for half a year when I first saw her. She decided she'd go back to her family in due time, but since Camp Jupiter was so weak, she needed to help her new family first.

I felt my phone buzz and looked down to see a text from Adrien: Text me when you're home. I wanna make sure you're safe.

I opened the front door of my home to my surprised mother.

"Hi!" she exclaimed. "I thought you would've been here when I got here." I gave her a hug.

"I was with Melody," I lied. I knew that if I told her were I really was I would get a plethora of questions and a time and place for Adrien to meet my parents. I didn't want to push it that far especially if I wasn't ready for a relationship.

She nodded and motioned for me to follow her. She'd been putting away groceries for me and was just about finished.

"Do you want something to eat? I have a little bit of time before I have to head back."

"I'm good. I ate with Mel." She nodded. I made my way up to my room and opened my laptop. I texted Adrien that I was home safe and started pulling up the essay I had due in a few days. It was a relatively easy subject and I knew that I could knock it out quickly, but there was something about writing it that was putting me off. My laptop chimed and I opened the message from Adrien: Glad to hear <3

I looked around my room, thinking about my next move. I had to figure out if I was ready for a relationship and there was no way to test it out without putting something on the line.

Me: What are you doing this weekend?

Adrien: I have a scrim Saturday morning but nothing else. Why?

Me: You should stay the weekend at my place.

Adrien: Text me the location and I'll be there around 1 on Saturday.

Me: 122 Waverly Place, New York, New York 10011.

Adrien: I'll see you then <3

I closed my laptop and took a deep breath. I hadn't noticed but my heart was racing. I was putting it on the line and I just hoped that when it came down to it I could say what I needed to say.

I heard the doorbell ring and I rushed down from my room to get it. Neither of my parents were in the city this weekend, so thankfully I had the place to myself. I opened the door to the 6'4 soccer player, whose hair was still wet.

"Hey," he said, giving me a little two-finger salute. I ushered him inside, where he marvelled at the building.

"This is your house?"

"It's a townhome, but yeah."

"Are your parents here?"

"No there back in Long Island."


"No, that's where we live. This is just our home in the city." Adrien looked at me, his eyes wide with shock.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just didn't take you as a rich kid." I shrugged, moved into the kitchen, and started heating up a bag of popcorn.

"Where can I drop my stuff?"

"Third floor, take a right if you take the stairs, left if taking the elevator."

"You have an elevator?"

"It's a big townhome!" I joked. I realized how confusing my home was and moved to meet Adrien.

"Here, follow me." I stepped into the elevator and hit the button labelled '3'. Adrien stood next to me, marvelling at the gravity of my family's wealth. The elevator dropped us on my floor and I led him to my bedroom. Adrien dropped his stuff in my room. I moved to head back downstairs, when Adrien grabbed my hips. He pulled me back into the room, turning me around to face him. He looked down at me with the biggest smile on his face.

"I never got a 'Hi' from you," he chuckled, kissing me.

"Hi," I mused, kissing him back. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards my bed. We made out for a few minutes. He had me pinned to my bed, using his arms to keep me where he wanted me. He moved his kisses to my neck and started to tug my shirt off. I grabbed his wrist and looked at him.

"Adrien, I don't really want to have sex right now." Adrien moved to a kneeling position.

"That's fine. Do you just want to cuddle and watch a movie?" I vigorously nodded and we moved under my bed's covers. Adrien wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my neck. We both looked at the TV mounted on my wall. We scrolled through Netflix before settling on a movie we wanted to watch. We didn't watch much of it before I felt Adrien's consistent breathing on my neck. He'd fallen asleep.

I felt bad that I had teased him, but it was something that I needed to check out first. I had to see how he felt about this. I closed my eyes, a smile forming across my face.

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