A Little Birdie

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WARNING: v mild smut warning (and tbh probably very very badly written😂)

Also, HBD TO THE QUEEN, TYLER MOTHAFUCKIN OAKLEY. This chapter's dedicated to you :')

-Caspar POV-

I hate being in America. I mean, I love it here! It's amazing. But the drinking age is 21, and I still have another month to go. So for now I'm stuck being the designated driver.

It sucks. Everyone's having fun and getting wasted while I'm just sitting there awkwardly.

I wish I could drink with them. To tell you the truth, I probably could, since this is just a house party. But of course I can't, because I have already been appointed the job of a cabbie.

I sigh and look down at my water. Lame, I know. But I wasn't in the mood for anything else. Besides, it's pretty much the only non-alcoholic beverage there is.

Tyler is one hell of a partier. And one damn good host, too. Almost everyone is out on the dance floor. Everyone capable to drink is.

Troye and I have been left by ourselves. But he's exploring the house right now. At least, that's what he told me. He's probably making out with Tyler somewhere.

And I'm sitting all alone.

I don't mind it, though. I've never been one for social events, anyway. In fact, I wouldn't have come if it hadn't been for the fact that there wasn't enough room in Troye's car alone for all of the guests to go home in.

I'm transferred back to reality as an incredibly intoxicated Joe Sugg comes hobbling over. It's like I'm an owl when it comes to him, I can hear him from a mile away.

"Hhhheeeeyyyy Caspaaaar. With an aaa." Even when he's drunk he's cute.

"Hello, Joseph."

"Why aren't you partying, Caspar?" I chuckle at his words and shake my head.

As I open my mouth to answer, he shuts me up completely as he sits next to me. Why would he miss out on what's happening on the dance floor for me?

"If you don't want to that's okay. I just don't want you to be alone, Caspy." He says as he snuggles into my side.

I don't know what to do. My crush is cuddling my arm. He's extremely drunk, but it's still happening.

Also, Joe never misses out on a party. What was he doing? Why was he completely leaving the dance floor, just for me?

"Th-th- thank you." I stutter. I tentatively reach over to play with his hair. I always wanted to feel it, it just looks so soft. Is that weird? Oh well.

He moans in delight, and I quickly pull my hand back.

"CASPY! Why'd you stooop." He groans.

"Because you were making sex noises, and I don't want people assuming anything."

"But why not?!" He continues to complain. I just stare at him. Is it possible he likes me back?

"Because we're not actually in a relationship?" I counter. Although I wish we were. He sits up and looks at me.

"But why not?" He repeats. My breath catches in my throat. He wants to be in a relationship? With me? No, no. It can't be! He's straight, for heavens sake! But then again, drunk words are sober thoughts...

"Because you're not gay?" He obtains an amused look on his face.

"Who told you that?" My heart starts to go faster, if that's even possible. I fumble over my words.

"I-I- um... I just assumed?" He shakes his head and gets up. At first I think he's going to walk away, but then I see him come closet to me. And before I know it, he's on my lap.

"Because a little birdie told ME that you have a crush." I swallow hard. Dammit, Zoë!

Joe leans closer to my face.

"I think that you and I would be cute together. #cute, am I right?" I tip my head back and laugh at his drunken state. I almost forgot he had downed 3 beers already.

As I bring my head forward again, Joe is right there, close up in front of my face. So close, in fact, that when my head goes to it's normal position, our lips meet.

My heart soars into overdrive. Never in a million years did I think this would actually happen. I've dreamed about it loads, but never thought it would happen in real life.

Joe detaches our lips for a split second, just to moan my name. He kisses me again, and he starts grinding on me.

I feel his hard length rub against mine, and I can hardly believe this is happening. My breath quickens as I start to kiss down his neck. He tilts his head for better access, and moans extremely loudly.

Just then, I hear a camera shutter, and an all too familiar laugh. I shove Joe off of me, resulting in a whimper from him. But it's too late.

My phone goes off and I shakily pick it up. It never takes Tyler long. He's tagged both me and Joe on twitter, and attached the picture of us making out.

He's captioned it: "Best birthday present ever. #Jaspar"

I look up from my phone and glare at him. He just laughs again.


I wake up to the sound of Joe vomiting. I sigh and throw the covers off of me. I get up and walk over to his room.

I sit down on the floor next to him, with my elbows resting on my knees.

"Looks like someone regrets having 6 beers, huh?" I say in a friendly, yet mocking tone.

He glances over at me.

"Oh, fuck off." And promptly returns to his retching. After he's finished, he looks at me again.

"Was it really that many?" He asks incredulously.

"Yeah." I reply simply.

"Oh. I don't remember. I don't really remember anything..." I stifle a laugh. This will be fun.


I decide to wait until the next day, just to be sure all his nausea is gone. I also took away Joe's phone and laptop, to be certain he doesn't know what's happened.

I take out my own phone, and open it to Tyler's twitter page. I pull up the picture from the party, and smile to myself.

I peek into Joe's room, and see him reading Girl Online (sobs.) So that's what you do without internet.

I walk into Joe's room, and don't hesitate to climb right on top of him. He looks up at me, a frightened look in his eye. But I can also tell there's some excitement.

"Um... Caspar?" He asks, while quickly looking around for a camera.

I just say "A little birdie told me you have a crush." I can feel his heart start to pound underneath me.

"Wh-what? Who?" He asks nervously, with a twinge of happiness.

"You." And I show him the picture. He stares at it and then looks back to me. But I have already positioned my face the same way he positioned his at Tyler's. So it is directly in front of his. So that when he looks back, our lips touch.

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