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I could hear my door opened as it creaked causing me to immediately pick my head up. My room or should I say prison cell didn't contain much. Just a metal bed frame that was glued to the ground and a small mattress on top. No blankets or pillows of course as that'd be too comfortable for an inmate. I didn't dare look up as I expected it was a guard coming in to get me for some new rounds of testing. Testing was random, there was no rhyme or reason to it. Sometimes I'd have test every day other times I wouldn't be seen for weeks on end.

It always made me wonder if it was my time.

So far I had shown no results to any injections. It's been four years and I still haven't shown anything. No abnormalities, no new found abilities, just scars over the past years.

"Yelena get up." I looked up to see Hera in a frantic state which wasn't her usually. "Come on, put these on." She said as she threw me some shoes. I gave have her a confused look before putting on the shoes. They never gave us anything other than the scraps of clothing that we wore as clothes. We got baths very now and then and food daily but nothing other than that.

"Where did you get the shoes?" I asked noticing that she also had shoes on. She cracked the door behind us before coming over to me to help me tie them on. "Enough of that, we don't have time for questions. We have to go, now." She said as she pulled my hand pulling me up.

"Go? Go where?" I asked nervous that any moment a stormtrooper was going to storm into here demanding us to get on the ground. "We're breaking out." She said as I stared at the woman shock. "What?!" I said as she pulled me out of the room.

In the hallways were fallen stormtrooper bodies. I couldn't help but stare as only moments ago I was just trying to go to bed before my long awaited death or round of testing. "What about Snow?" I asked causing her to speak up, "He's waiting for us but we have to hurry."

I've know Snow and Hera since I was brought here. Snow was already here when Hera and I arrived. Hera and I were brought here on the same day just from different places. We were on the same transport as they loaded us out. It wasn't long before we became friends and Snow joined the group.

"Why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked causing Hera to look back at me for a second, "You would've begged us not to go through with the plan." I frowned at the thought as I knew deep down it was true. If I would've known I would've begged them not to do it, in fear of the consequences.

"Hey stop!" We heard behind us causing us to turn. Hera pursued herself in front of her as she held her hand out in front of her. Suddenly the stormtroopers body flew to the ceiling causing them to get knocked out before their body fell back to the ground, no longer moving. That was Hera's power, she could manipulate gravity. It just randomly happened after one of the injections they gave her. She said hours after they gave her the injections she lost her sense of gravity. She would find herself floating in her room or sitting on the ceiling.

"Come one let's go." She said as she pulled my arm. I noticed as we passed that there was still some people in cells, "We aren't going to break them out?" Hera kept her attention forward as we ran through the halls. "We gave everyone a choice. Join us in our escape or not. Not everyone was on board and said they rather wanted to stay here than risk their life in a chance of escaping."

"So everyone knew about this except for me?" I asked causing Hera to look back for a second, "Precisely yes." I shook my head at the woman as I saw the familiar white hair of Snow. His powers were pretty explanatory considering his nickname. Snow's hair wasn't always white. It was actually black but after an injection and sickness as a reaction to the injection his powers developed.

"Snow." Hera called causing him to look back at us. He gave us a nodded before he sent a sheet of ice towards a stormtrooper causing it to cut off its head. "Took you long enough let's go."

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