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It definitely wasn't easy training the villagers. Apparently the only one that knew how to shoot was Omera. I stood next to the Mandalorian and Cara as they were giving the villagers a run down. Even though the villages said they were okay with me being here I could feel their energy, and it was the exact opposite. That is if the side eyes I was getting wasn't enough.

"You okay?" Cara came up beside me as I watched the Mandalorian try to teach the villagers to shoot. I hummed in response as I watched them fire just to miss the pots handing from a stick. The only one that was able to make the shot was Omera, confirming that what she said was the truth. I watched as the Mandalorian walked up to her before nodding his head. "They look good together, don't you think?" I turned my head towards Cara giving her an annoyed look, "I know what you're doing and it isn't going to work."

"Doing what?" Cara teased before she walked backwards away from me and towards the villagers that she had left training for a short break. I shook my head as I watched the villagers tie together large branches to create a barrier. I knew I could benefit them with my abilities, but I also knew that they did not want me anywhere near them. So I went with the latter of the two options.

"Do you know how to shoot?" I turn my head towards the familiar voice of the Mandalorian. He was standing rather close to me causing me to step back a little. "Sorry to startle you." He spoke causing me to shake my head, dismissing his accusations, "No, I don't know how to shoot." He gestured over to the now empty practice area that the villagers were at moments ago, "Would you like to learn?"

I shook my head before looking away from him, "I don't need to learn how to shoot. All I've ever needed has been within my fingertips." I said as I lifted my hand up, moving them. "You never know when it could possibly fail you." He said causing me to look at him and glare. "It never has before." I finished off with causing him to come back with another comment, "That doesn't mean it never will."

I looked at the man to see that he was still looking at me. Seeing that he wasn't taking my no as an answer I rolled my eyes before walking past him and towards the practice area. "Fine." I stood where the line was that the Mandalorian made for the villagers. I felt the cold metal of the blaster touch my fingers as the Mandalorian passed it to me. But unlike any other blasters that he had this was the one that he always had on him.

I took it from him before he gestured for me to give it a go, "Whenever you are ready," he said softly causing me to raise the blaster toward the pots and fire. Of course, as expected I missed the target. I lowered the blaster before looking at the Mandalorian, "Well that was fun."

"Were you even trying?" He asked causing me to glare before handing him the blaster, "I shot. We're done now." The Mandalorian grabbed my arm slightly as I tried to walk away, "The purpose of learning how to shoot is to hit the target. For starters you were holding it wrong." I watched as the Mandalorian started to walk before I lost sight of him. I felt him behind me as I felt one of his hands grab mine. "For a beginners I would shoot with both hands." I felt his other hand come up to grab my other hand putting it at the bottom of the blaster, "Using two hands allows for more control."

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as the Mandalorian continued to direct my hands where to go on the blaster, "Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready or are in a dangerous situation. It'll help you avoid misfires." I turned my head, forgetting how close the Mandalorian was towards me. "Have you ever misfired?" The Mandalorian was quiet for a few seconds, probably observing my face, "No, now focus Yelena."

I looked at the target and just as I was about to shoot the Mandalorian spoke up, "You're tense." I lowered my hands in annoyance causing the Mandalorian's hands to also lower as them held mine. "How can I focus when you're talking up a storm behind me?"

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