Author's Note

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I am the worst author ever. I'm so sorry that I haven't post in almost over two months. Life has just been crazy and hectic. I have about one more year of college before graduating so there's a lot that has been going on. With that being said I still want to continue this story. I have some high hopes and expectations for this book. I will start to update but the updates will be a slower than usually because I really need to pass my classes. I'm also planning on going back and editing my two other stories if you are from those or have read them before. I just love the feeling of writing and the feedback you all give me when you enjoy my writing.

I just didn't want to post crappy chapters for the past two months that I wasn't proud of. I hope you guys understand the break I took and are ready to read. I'm glad to be back!

See you in the next one! -Darlinsolo

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