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"Eat your food." I said to the kid as I held on ration in my lap. The child looked down at his ration before looking up at me and whining. "Look I know it's not a frog or something but its all we have right now." I said as I gave a look that said 'listen as you are told'. The child looked away from me before looking down at the ration and picking up a piece of bread before putting it in his mouth. "Good job." I said as I watched the child finish the piece. "Come on." I said before picking him up and bringing him up to the cockpit with me. I put the child down the second we reached the top as I continued to climb up the last few steps.

The Mandalorian was steering the ship as I sat in my official seat behind him. We had only been two minutes up here when I heard the Mandalorian speak, "Stop touching things." I opened my eyes to see the child with his ears pointed down as he looked at the Mandalorian. The child cooed but knowing how he was he wasn't going to stop unless the Mandalorian removed the thing he was messing with. I was correct as the ship started to violent shake due to the child touching something.

The Mandalorian picked up the child before setting him into his lap. I watched as I was surprised the Mandalorian took him instead of asking me to come and get him. "Let's see Sorgan." The Mandalorian said causing me to sit up. "Looks like there's no star point, no industrial centers, no population density. Real backwater skug hole. Which means its perfect for us." I got up from my chair as I leaned over to look at the map. I had never been to Sorgan but from the sound of it, it didn't sound too bad.

"You ready to lay low and stretch your legs for a couple of months, you little womp rat? Nobody's gonna find us here." I lightly hit the back of the man's helmet causing his head to move forward a little bit. He turned and looked back at me as I shook my head, "It's not nice to call him names."

"Neither is hitting people." I looked away from the man before looking down at the child that looked up at us. "You don't know his name?" The Mandalorian questioned before looking at the kid, "I'm surprised you know with your mind reading and stuff." My eyes didn't looked away from the child as I answered, "I never tried to dug in that deep into his mind. It can be painfully when someone is trying to fight it." I said before moving to seat back in my seat.

The Mandalorian turned in his chair, now facing me as I continued. "I've only seen surface things like dreams when I know he's in a deep sleep. But nothing more, never had a reason to." I looked away from the child as he looked between the Mandalorian and I, probably knowing that we were talking about him.

"How long have you known him again?" The Mandalorian asked causing me to instantly answer, "Three years." I hummed at the thought, amazed that it's been that long. "Three years and sometimes I feel like I don't even know him." I whispered as I reached out for the child. He grabbed on my finger as he cooed causing me to smile. "Anyways," I say leaning forward taking the child out of the Mandalorian's lap. "I think it's time we go to Sorgan."

We weren't too far from the planet causing us to land in little to no time. As described it was pretty empty. Other than the beautiful forestry around us. "Listen. I'm gonna go out there and I'm gonna look around. It shouldn't take too long." The Mandalorian said as he landed the ship. I gave him a raised eyebrow as I looked at him. "You expect me to stay here, with him." I said nudging down at the child in my arms. The Mandalorian nodded causing me to laugh, "That's cute tinhead, let's go." I said as I climbed down the ladder into the lower deck of the ship. I could hear the Mandalorian sigh before he followed me down the steps.

I shuffled my weight from one foot to the other. "Nervous?" The Mandalorian asked as he opened up his weaponry chamber grabbing a few things. I shook my head as I looked to the door, "There was so many trees out there. I've never seen that much green." The Mandalorian stopped for a second to look at me, "I was held captive on two different occasions and before then I lived in a city. Trees were never a common thing for me."

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