Chapter 13

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                      Diora Johnson|Dee
                     Houston, Texas📍|

I woke up to one of the twins crying I looked around not seeing Jahmir in sight I got up and went to the other side of the hospital room I picked up Kahmir sat down and begin feeding him. We been here for 2 days now i'm so ready to go.

"Hey ma" Jahmir said coming in with food

"Hey" I said kissing his lips

Kehmari started crying once she heard her dads voice he washed his hands and picked her up. When I was done feeding Kahmir I burped him and put him back to go back to sleep. While Mari was quiet in her dads arms I began eating before I had to feed her

"Did they say we can leave today" I asked Jahmir

"Yea if they pass the car seat test" he said

"I hope they do cause I miss my bed"

He laughed once I was done eating I grabbed Mari from Jah's arms and started feeding her

"Ugh either today or tomorrow we gon go clear out yo condo" he said eating

I pouted cause i'm gonna miss my little house

"Oh okay"

"What do you want to do with all the furniture"

"I don't know sell it or whatever" I said shrugging he just nodded

My mom called me and I answered


"Hey baby how you and the babies doing"

"We're doing okay I just got done feeding them" I said pulling my shirt down and burping Mari

"Did they say anything about y'all going home yet" she asked

"No not yet"

"Okay bye keep me updated I love you kiss my grand babies for me"

"Okay I love you too talk to you later" I said hanging up

I laid Mari back down and the doctors came in

"So I just need you guys to sign this dad you sign here and mom you sign here"

We both signed the birth certificate

"In about a hour so we are going to come in and do the car seat test if they pass it you guys are free to go" she said smiling

I smiled and nodded and with that she left

"Bae i'm about to go shower" I said getting my clothes out the bag

"Aiight" he said

I went into the bathroom and took a shower once I was done I brushed my teeth and washed my face and fixed my hair I put lotion on then walked out the bathroom. I put my
dirty clothes in the bag.

"Bae did you ever set up the baby monitor" I asked putting on my socks then I put my slides on

"Yeah I did it the other night"

"Oh okay"

We just sat here and talked until the doctors came in to see if the babies were doing okay.

"Okay so we are now going to start the test" Dr. Martin said

They got everything set up and grabbed the twins putting them in the car seat after putting a monitor on them

"How long do they have to stay in there for them to pass the test" I asked

"90 minutes" she said

I nodded and watched

90 minutes went by and the twins did great

"They did it" I said hugging Jahmir

"Yea they did" he said smiling hugging me back

This was a proud parent moment

"Well y'all are ready to go home schedule an appointment for them by next week" the doctor said smiling

"Okay thank you" I said

We started to pack our things and I changed the twins diaper I got them dressed in matching Nike bodysuits Kahmir had on a grey body suit with the booties to match and a little beanie Kahmari had on a black one with booties to match and a little bow as well it was cute.

"Aiight ima go put this in the car then pull the car up to the front to get y'all"

"Okay" I said sitting in the chair

While we were waiting on Jah I just scrolled on instagram

Jahmir walked in with two doctors behind him with a a wheelchair

"Come on" I put my phone in my purse and he grabbed it for me

He helped me in the chair then handed me the twins they rolled me to the elevator we got on and pressed the button to the lobby. We waited till the elevator came to a stop we got off and headed to the car which was parked in the front.

Jahmir helped me put the twins in then I got in the back with them. We said our goodbyes then pulled off heading to the house I text my mom letting her know we were now leaving the hospital since she said to keep her updated.

We pulled up to the house and got out I tried to grab one of the twins car seats but Jahmir told me not to so I just grabbed my purse and the bag we brought to the hospital. Once we had everything we headed to the front door I unlocked it and walked in with Jahmir behind me

"WELCOME HOME" everyone yelled causing me to jump and the twins to cry

I picked Mari up and Jah grabbed Kahmir

"Thanks guys this is nice" I said seeing everyone was here

"No problem it was yo baby daddy idea" Nick said

"Aww thanks baby" I said kissing his lips

I sat down on the couch with Kahmari in my arms my mom took her from me and Jahmir's mom took Kahmir from him.

"So what we gon do for your birthday" Jasmine asked

"I don't know I don't want to do too much probably just hang out with you guys or something" I said

"Mmm" Carmen said

We all just talked and enjoyed each other's company for the next few hours.

Everyone started to leave and me and the twins headed upstairs to start getting ready for bed while Jahmir cleaned and locked up the house. I wiped the twins down and changed them into some pajamas I laid them on the bed and put pillows around them. I changed really quick and while they were quiet I started to pump so they can have food for tomorrow. Jahmir came in the room and sat on the couch next to me.

"I'm tired" he said

"Same" I finished pumping, and putting it into 4 bottles and taking it downstairs to put it in the fridge. I headed back upstairs

I walked into me and Jahmir's room

"Help me take them to their room" I said grabbing Mari

He grabbed Kahmir and we walked to the room which wasn't too far from ours we laid them in their beds. I made sure the baby monitor was on before we left out the room going to ours and going to sleep.

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