Chapter 27

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The next day, in the morning. The girls were practicing, on the practice field.

"Her kick left you a bruise?" said Clara, as she looks at Maire, who showed her the bruise that she got from Ayaka Yamashita.

"Yeah." said Maire, as she tells Clara. "I can't believe it, what's the whole point of wearing shin guards, if they aren't going to stop other players kicks, from hurting us." 

"You should have wear the adult shin guards, not the kids size shin guards." said Clara

"Hey, it's not my fault that I'm still growing." said Maire

"If we ever past by a sporting goods store, get some news ones when we do." said Clara, as she giggled.

"Yeah, remind me to do that." said Maire

"Sure thing." said Clara

Just then, Christen then walked towards Maire and Clara.

"Hey, girls." said Christen, as she smiled at Clara and Maire.

"Hey." said Clara, as she waved.

"Hi Christen." said Maire, as she rolled her sock up.

"So, that's the famous bruise? Does it still hurt?" said Christen, as she looks at Maire.

"A little, but not like yesterday." said Maire

"Well, I'm glad that you're feeling better." said Christen

"Yeah." said Maire, as she smiled at Christen.

"So... I hear that both Nora and Hadley, aren't talking again." said Christen, as she looks at both Clara and Maire.

"Again?" said Maire

"Why?" said Clara

"I don't know, but according to the girls, they haven't said a word since after their game." said Christen

"Hmm, that's odd. They were talking a day before yesterday." said Maire, as she tells Christen.

"I'll go talk to them." said Clara

"Yeah, I'll come with you." said Maire, as she tells Clara. "I hope it's nothing bad."

"Yeah, me too." said Christen, as she looks at Maire. "Also, Maire before I forget, Kelley wants to see you after practice."

"Really." said Maire

"Yeah, she says it's important." said Christen

"You can go, I'll go and talk to the girls myself." said Clara

"Are you sure?" said Maire, as she tells Clara.

"Yeah, you go ahead." said Clara, as she tells Maire.

"Well, okay then. If you say so." said Maire

A few more minutes, later...

Meanwhile in the infirmary room, Kelley pranks Sam, Lynn, Christen, Tirena, and Andi, while using the same remote control fake spider that she and Rose used (from Goal!), who were entering the infirmary room in order to visit them. Sam, Lynn, Christen, Tirena, and Andi, screamed out loud, so loud that it could be heard from outside and into the hallway.

"Kelley!" said Sam, as she blushes.

"Kelley! Oh my gosh!" said Christen, as she and the other girls were catching their breath.

Kelley, laughed hysterically along with the other girls, while pointing at Sam, Lynn, Christen, Tirena, and Andi.

"Y-you girls, s-should have seen your faces!" said Kelley, as she laughed out loud. "Ha ha ha!"

"Yeah." said Mal, as she laughed as well.

Just then, Maire then enters the room.

"What happened? Did I missed something?" said Maire, as she looked at Kelley and the other girls were laughing, while Sam, Lynn, Christen, Tirena, and Andi, were blushing.

"Kelley, scared us with those remote control spiders." said Andi

"Yeah, and it was not funny." said Tirena

Maire then looks at Kelley, who stopped laughing.

"Have you been holding onto them since our summer games?" said Maire, as she asked Kelley, who nodded.

"Yeah, I did." said Kelley, as she giggled.

Just then Tobin also enters the room, and closes the door behind her.

"Hey, girls what was all that screaming about?" said Tobin, as she asked the girls in the room, who all looked at her.

"Spider!" said Kelley, as she pointed behind Tobin.

"Where?!" said Tobin

"Behind you!" said Kelley, as she tells Tobin.

After Tobin looks at the door, she then screamed as she jumped up and flinches, while seeing the fake remote control spider on the door.

"S-Spider!" said Tobin

"Kelley!" said the girls, as they looked at Kelley.

"Sorry, I just can't hold it." said Kelley, as she giggled. "You have to admit, Tobin reaction to the fake spider is priceless!"

Tobin blushes and later sighs, while looking at the rest of the girls and later at Kelley. As the other girls tried hard not to laugh.

"Not cool Kelley, not cool." said Tobin

"Oh come on, Tobin." said Kelley, as she looks at Tobin. "You got to admit, that it was kind of funny."

"I'm going to get you back, for this." said Tobin

"Yeah yeah, whatever." said Kelley, as she tells Tobin. "Allie said that too, and she hasn't come up to scare me. She probably forgot about it. And I think that you probably would too."

Just then, Coach Jill then enters the infirmary room.

"Let me guess, Kelley and her pranks." said Coach Jill

"Yes." said the girls, as they all nodded at Coach Jill.

"Alright, let's hear it." said Coach Jill, as she sighs.

A few minutes later... 

After spending some time with Kelley and the other girls in the infirmary room, Coach Jill then announces that they are going to go to a snow play area.

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