Chapter 43

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Meanwhile, as Maire walks to the hallway along with Clara, Hadley, and Nora, who tell of how her conversation went.

"I'm not sure," said Maire, as she shrugged.

"Not sure?" said Clara, as she tells Maire.

"Well, I do!" said Nora, as she raised her right hand in the air. "They're bumped out because Santa and Rudolph the rednosed reindeer didn't give them a taste of their known medicine."

After the girls said that, the girls then chuckled.

"But seriously Elfy, why didn't let me punch them at least a little. Come on, they deserved it." said Nora, as she tells Maire.

"Because, Nora. Violence, is never the answer." said Maire, as she tells Nora.

As Maire, Clara, Hadley, and Nora walk into the locker room, Tobin, Carli, and Lynn then tell them that they have been looking everywhere for them.

"We were talking with Van De Donk, Jill Roord, and Vivianne," said Nora, as she mumbled.

"You girls, shouldn't have done that." said Tobin, as she tells the girls. "Now come on, get your stuff, because we're about to leave already."

"Yeah, hurry up." said Carli, as she tells the girls.

After getting their stuff, Maire, Clara, Hadley, and Nora leave along with Tobin, Carli, and Lynn to the bus. While entering the bus, the girls then head back to the lodge. While in the hallway, Maire then goes to the infirmary room to change her bandages.

The next day, during practice, while Coach Jill is talking...

"I'd like to thank you girls. Since you are really helping us out there." said Coach Jill, as she looks at Clara, Hadley, Nora, and Maire. "Girls, I'm really proud of you, for really coming through. After your past arguments and emotions, you girls really started to act more as a team at the end."

"It was an honor playing alongside this team." said Clara, as she tells Coach Jill, who gives her a hug.

"Aww... Group hug!" said Nora, as she called out.

After Nora said that, the team shared their last group hug for their last game tomorrow. After being separated from the hug, Nora then sniffs, with a confused Crystal looking at her.

"Why are you crying Nora?" said Crystal, as she asked Nora.

"I'm not crying, it's the cold air that's making me feel this way." said Nora, as she tells Crystal, who smiles.

"The tough girl has lost her touch and toughness,"said Clara, as she and the other girls chuckled.

"Oh yeah, speaking toughness." said Nora, as she looks at Clara, while holding her squeeze bottle. "Thanks, for reminding me."

"Uh oh." said Clara, as she looks at Nora and begins to run. "Oh, come on Nora! I was just kidding!"

"Come back, here you!" said Nora, as she tells Clara while chasing her. "You think that I lost my toughness, huh! Well think again, come back here!"

"Run Clara, Run!" said Maire, as she tells Clara, while chuckling.

The rest of the girls, along with Coach Jill started to laugh.

Meanwhile, a few hours later...

Maire was in the infirmary room with Kelley. Maire was standing next to Kelley, who was sitting on the sofa close to her.

"I can't believe that we only have one game left." said Kelley, as she tells Maire. "Man, time flys."

"Yup, time sure does flies." said Maire

"I know, in which sucks because I didn't even get to hangout with my new prank victims." said Kelley

Maire then raises up an eyebrow.

"Uh... I mean, with the other newbies." said Kelley, as she grinded at Maire.

"Uh huh, right." said Maire, as she wasn't buying it.

"Well, either way, I hope you guys can come and visit us soon." said Kelley, as she stopped grinning.

"It all depends on our soccer schedule." said Maire, as she tells Kelley who pouts. "And yours."

"True." said Kelley, as she stopped pouting, and admitted with Maire.

"But, either way. If you're ever close to our area, then maybe we can hangout sometime." said Maire, as Kelley smiled, while standing up from the sofa. "Can you come with me, I'm going to go and get a snack."

"Sure," said Maire, as she followed Kelley from behind.

"Great." said Kelley, who was walking towards the door, while still wearing her medical boot air walker on.

"Here, let me open the door for you." said Maire, as she hurried to the door before Kelley could touch the door handle.

As Maire touches the door handle, she then gets shocked while grabbing the handle tight.

"GAH!!!" yelled Maire, as she jumped up, while letting go of the door handle. "WHAT THE?!"

After grabbing the handle again, Maire then gets shocked again.

"AY!" said Maire, as she yelled.

Maire, after hearing laughter behind her, sees Kelley, who was laughing hysterically.

"HA HA!" yelled Kelley, as she laughed.

"Kelley, why are you laughing?" said Maire, as she questioned Kelley, who walked to the door. "No Kelly don't! You'll get shock!"

Kelley then takes off the electrical buzzer from the door handle, without getting shocked, and opens the door, without her looking at the doorway.   

"What the heck, is that?" said Maire, as she questioned Kelley.

"It's an electrical buzzer." said Kelley, who was looking at Maire, not realizing that a person inside of a giant teddy suit was standing in the doorway.

"Uh, Kelley-" said Maire, as she tries to warn Kelley, who cut her off.

"Ha Ha, you should've seen your face Maire!" said Kelley, as she laughed, as the giant teddy bear walked a little closer to her.

"ROWR!!!" yelled the giant teddy bear, as she scares Kelley who squeals.

"AAAHH!!!" yelled Kelley, as she screamed.

Just then, the person inside of the giant teddy bear suit takes off her head. The person inside of the suit revealed to be Nora, who was laughing after taking off the giant Teddy bear suit's head.

"Ha Ha, okay now, that was funny." said Nora, as she laughed while pointing at Kelley.

"Good one, Nora." said Maire, as she looked at Nora who was laughing, and back at Kelley who was speechless, while having a scared face reaction look on her face.

"Come on, Zero. Let's go tell the other girls." said Nora, as she and Maire walked out of the infirmary room leaving the door open, after Kelley finally reacted.

Nora then puts her teddy bear head back on, as she was walking.

"Hmm..." said Kelley, as she looked at Nora, who was walking in the hallway alongside Maire. "If people say that Nora is the Princess of pranks, then she's a worthy challenger."

After saying that, Kelley then started to smirk.

"Let the battle begin," said Kelley, as she closed the door. "Aw man, I forgot about my snack!"

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