Chapter 46

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The next day, Maire is in Gael's workplace, along with Gael, Jace, and Three. Gael and Three are both giving Jace the "good cop" and "bad cop" impersonation, while also switching roles in the process.

"If you ever break Maire's heart, then you will be hearing from the two of us." said both Gael and Three, as they looked at Jace.

"Oh, brother." said Maire, as she put her hand on her forehead, and later looked at both Gael and Three. "No offense, you guys, but I'm pretty sure that with your threats, you are going to scare Jace away, and I'm going to be single again."

"Sorry, Maire." said Three, as he tells Maire. "But, it's the brotherly code, that we have to say this, and make sure that we make ourselves clear."

After Three says that, Jace then looks at Maire.

"Don't worry, you guys." said Jace, as he smiled at them and at Maire. "I promise that I won't hurt Maire, or her feelings. I also promise to love her, and protect her, whenever I'm around her."

"We'll see about that." said Three, as he crossed his arms, while looking at Jace.

After talking to Maire, Jace, and Three, Gael then sees his crush (a girl named Trisha, who also has a crush on Gael), walking towards them.

"Guys, do me a favor." said Gael, as he tells Maire, Three, and Jace, in a low voice. "Don't embarrass me in front of Trisha."

"Who's Trisha?" said Jace, as he asked them.

"Gael's crush." said Three, as he tells Jace.

"Quickly, everyone acts cool." said Gael, as he tries not to look at Trisha, who was still walking towards them.

"Hi Gael." said Trisha, as she smiled while greeting Gael, as she stood next to them.

Trisha later turned to Maire, Three, and Jace.

"Hi Gael's little sister, hi guys." said Trisha, as she smiled.

"Hi, Trisha." said Maire, as she, Three, and Jace waved.

Before Gael can say "hi" to Trisha, he tries to act cool around her, in which he actually embarrasses himself right in front of her, while tripping on the table leg and falling on the floor.

Three started to chuckle quietly, as both Maire and Jace started hard not to laugh.

After Gael stood up from the floor, Trisha then smiles at him, as she helps him up from the floor.

"We didn't have to do anything to embarrass him, since he already did it himself." said Maire, in a low voice, as she told Three and Jace. "Noob."

After Gael and Trisha are done talking, Trisha then leaves while waving goodbye to Gael and at Maire, Three, and Jace.

"Man, that was embarrassing." said Gael, as he told Three, Maire, and Jace, after Trisha left their sight.

"Sure it was, and we didn't have to move a finger. To embarrass you, because either way you did that yourself." said Maire

"Ha, ha, ha, very funny." said Gael, as he laughed sarcastically while mimicking Maire.

"Honestly, I feel like that runs in the family." said Three, as he tells both Gael and Maire, as he and the others started to chuckle.

A few hours later, both Gael and Maire returned home.

After getting a text message from Three's brother, Gael then turns on the television after Three's brother texted him to do so.

"What happened?" said Maire, as she asked Gael.

"I don't know, but Three's brother told me to turn on the television and head to one of the news channels." said Gael, as he told Maire.

While Gael turns on the television, he then goes to the nearest news channel, in which it shows a video of the incident that happened in the ice lake, in which Maire saves Hadley from falling in.

"Aw, great." said Maire, in her thoughts. "Uh oh, not this again."

After thinking that, Maire then realizes that someone had recorded the whole incident, and posted it in the video news channel, in which it was sended to various other news channels as well. Aurora, who was in the washroom, comes to the living room. After seeing the video, which turns out to be blurry as first, and later cleared, shows Maire's face being zoomed in the video.

Aurora, Gael, and Maire then gasped.

After recognizing Maire's face in the video, Aurora then turns to Maire.

"You're grounded!" said Aurora, as she tells Maire, in a scold tone of voice.

"You're busted!" said Gael, as he tells Maire.

"Oops." said Maire, as she looked at both her mother and Gael, with no other thing to say.

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