Chapter 1

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Ten in the morning, I'm waiting at my desk for class to start. The subtle autumn breeze from the window catches my wavy brown hair until I hear the other girls giggling at me. I only went to this school for a week and was picked on by three girls: Isabelle, Zoe and Francesca. Francesca was a thick bitch but was shorter than me with ginger hair, a gappy smile and the biggest clonkers I've ever seen. Then there's Zoe the boss bitch of the trio, snarky, cunning and the brains. She had dark black skin but she has a nasty attitude, she's the bully of the school. Of course, she sends her accomplices Francesca and Isabelle to her dirty work.
Lastly, there's Isabelle another thick brained accomplice of Zoe's but with a short blond bob haircut and freakishly tall and strong.

I remember saying hello to her once to which she just slammed me hard against the walls, this gave me some bruised ribs and bang on the head.
I kept my head down until I saw Zoe's face as she just smirked at my face, "wow so are we sitting in class alone, hmm?" Her voice was full of mockery but I kept my cool, "I'm only five minutes early, what are you lot up to?" I asked with sarcasm which got Isabelle cracking her knuckles. I looked deep into Zoes brown eyes, I felt like a stray wolf trying to stand my ground.

Suddenly the bell rang and in came the teacher, Zoe muttered under her breath "next time you gave the nerve, I will..." Zoe and her minions went to their seats, the class began but just as I was going to relax I saw a light and noticed Isabelle had bought a switchblade and was taunting it to me. I knew Isabelle was crazy but I was scared, knowing that this girl would seriously maim me after class.
I thought of what to do until I saw a crow land near my window, it caarrked loudly, but something was off it was trying to say 'open' I ignored it then it got louder with more urgency. It pecked its beak on the glass, I was going crazy as I could hear it saying "open up I know you can hear me. Claire, please listen to me."

I was so confused with how a random crow knew my name, then the teacher came, opened the window and in a blur I saw the crow land on my shoulder. I tried to shake it off but its grip was strong. I thought about how it did that, and just like that, I was dreaming. This crow had other plans "no Claire you have to listen to me, I'm going to be your guide for life now, I will fly right beside you."

I so wanted to wake up from this nightmare but I did have to ask some questions, "will anyone see you? I can't be the freaky crow girl here and what if you die before me?"
The crow opened its wings to reveal a neon blue line with one line that hooked on my soul while the other end hooked around the crow's soul. I felt the slight bruises that this crow got earlier. "Does this explain anything?" I slowly shook my head in disbelief, the crow sighed and explained "first no one can see me I am your lifelong companion, people can only see me when they touch you. If anyone hurts you I feel it too, if you run away from me you'll die. This thread is called a Soul String, if any of us stray too far from each other it will rip causing us to die. I live as long as you for I am Corvus the Almighty Crow sent to help you, Claire."

I awoke fast, the teacher was concerned about me "are you ok Claire? You were gone for a minute, do you need to see the nurse?"
I agreed by nodding and grabbing my bag, exiting the classroom and making a beeline for my room. (Did I mention it's a boarding school?) I enter the girls' common room, it stank of strong perfumes with makeup products everywhere. I stormed into my room, slamming the door behind me but felt my face hit a wooden door. I open the door and see Corvus on the floor, grabbing him I felt the same pressure go around my ribs too.

This information was overwhelming to take in, I put him on the floor and just sobbed in my beds' pillows. I didn't ask for this, was this a cruel joke from the big man upstairs or did I fuck up so much this is payback. "Come on Claire, no one sent me I just need you to accept this, gah humans are hard."
I spoke through a mouthful of tears, "why me? Here I am in a private high school fulfilling my dream to be an actress. I guess there's only one thing to do then."
I touched the Soul String and realised that was the worst thing to do, I felt my stomach turn and vision go blurry. I was then lectured by Corvus, "you DON'T EVER TOUCH THAT! Nothing of this world can cut it, also if anyone touches you and stares at the Soul String it will show them their deepest fears."
I had it from here until I heard a knocking on the door. I gestured a shush with my hand, opened the door only to see Francesca.

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