Chapter 9

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I slept for two days, Gab did my work on my behalf. I was dealing with multiple things like: does Gab know about this ability? Should I tell Frankie about what I saw in Zoe's mind? I also thought about seeing Zoe to see if she was ok.
I didn't know what to do, was I like Gab? A Knight or just a normal girl that since Gab arrived in her life this was all a fever-dream.
I heard the front door open and saw Gab casually walk into the lounge. I never saw Gab shapeshift as it was always faster than a blink of an eye. He laid face down on the tired second hand  leather couch. His wings stretched and fluttered a bit, the one thing I wish I had was wings, but I knew this would alienate me further.

I sat down on the dirty, firm carpet floor near him, I cleared my throat and heard Gab sleeping. I guessed that him taking on my life really took a toll on him.
The sound of him snoring always made me sleepy, I tried to ignore it but I closed my eyes and felt my soul get kicked out of my body and dragged into Gabs mind. It was almost like he 'fished' out my soul to just talk to me.
Why couldn't he just talk to me normally? I thought but I soon realised my answer was 'this is probably his normal.'

When I entered Gabs mind it was a beautiful paradise, full of life and colour, a far cry from Zoe's greyscale lifeless mind.
I noticed that we were on a tropical beach, white soft sand gently exfoliated my feet. That was another thing I realised that in his mind I was naked. Feeling embarrased but I knew that it was only normal, I had to keep reminding myself that he made me. In a very literal way, this was something I could maybe never compute in my life.

The air was a gentle salty breeze, seagulls called and dived in the water flying out with fish in their beaks.
I saw Gab on the shoreline of course he was naked, but he was fishing. I carefully approached him, it was then that I saw him with no wings. He still looked young but I knew that I was looking at his soul. His dark blonde hair waved in the slight wind, his whole body was well built and muscular. Maybe this is how he thought of himself as a human, I thought to which he replied "wow you're quick hun."

I gasped and fell on my rear, the sand comforted my fall. Gab laughed, "never seizes to amaze me that does. Yes making people the same is dull." I got up and stood next to him, I looked out onto the vast open sea. Gab reeled in his line and showed me a parrotfish, it looked pretty to me. However Gab threw it into a bucket, I looked into the bucket and saw hundreds of identical parrotfish. "No individuality, this is what us Knights do just aimlessly make humans. All humans unless made by me aren't unique. I've seen all you humans convince yourself but like these parrotfish, none of you are different." Gab vented and spat into the bucket of parrotfish.

I wasn't sure if Gab meant human bodies or souls, still though I felt offended. This he knew and he turned towards me and said "you are my creation! A Soul Wonderer, a person that can set their soul free and enter peoples minds to fix or help troubled souls. The best human, you may not be my Marvin but you are improved." A deep hatred started boiling inside my stomach, I spoke back to him in defense. "Is that how I am to you? A project you made, I..." Gab hushed me with a "shush," he made a  waving hand gesture and jusr like that we were in a different place.
This place was the stratosphere of the Earth, below us was my home and above us was the vast abyss of space.
Gab held my hand and walked to a large cloud, above it was hundreds of winged Knights and underneath were thousands of little ethereal people. They all looked alike, falling like raindrops onto the Earth.
Was that how everyone including me started life? I thought to myself only for Gab to regretfully answer "yes Claire, everyone on the world starts like this, from celebrities you admire, to the homeless people you pass on the streets. It all started here, oh I'm sorry Arbiter." I saw Gabs eyes swell with tears, I felt a little bit sorry for him.

I was thrown into my body like a speeding javelin, I awoke and saw Gab loudly cry on the couch. This was awkward because I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what he meant by the 'Holy One' maybe it was his boss.
All of a sudden we heard knocking on the front door, I knew it was Frankie so I got up leaving the crying Knight. I headed to the door and opened it, only to see Zoe.
Panic rushed through my body, my heart raced so hard I could feel it, my mouth felt dry and my joints tensed ready to run or fight.
I was expecting Zoe to knock the lights out of me. At this current moment though she was shy, her eyes were swollen and wet with tears. Zoe was shaking with fear, maybe I really did damage her but why was she here?
I invited Zoe to come in and she immediately balled her eyes out on my shoulder, sputtering out apologies, "I'm sorry Claire, it's Isabelle she's weird and dangerous." I calmed her down, "it's ok Zoe I had a strong feeling she was the culprit." I lied, but consoled her further. She sniffed and looked at me with her bloodshot eyes, my mind whirled with what to do next.

I couldn't let her see Gab or send her out, but I thought to just show her my secret, so I threw caution to the wind. I guided her to the lounge, she saw Gab on the couch and screamed in shock. "What the fuck is that!" Zoe exclaimed, I blocked the door and restrained her arms. She was shockingly strong but I snapped her out of panic, "Zoe it's ok this is Gab. He's ok with us. I got to tell you something too."
Zoe collapsed on the carpetted floor, hyperventilating and shaking even more. Gab lazily got up and helped her calm down by touching her forehead. In an instant she relaxed, no longer hyperventilating or shaking.
I wished I had that trick he pulled, we all sat on the thin carpet floor, Zoe kept staring at Gab which was understandable.

I took a deep breath and caught Zoe's attention, I was nervous myself but I had to let not just her know but Raymond and Frankie as well.

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