Chapter 21

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A giant wave of mixed emotions engulfed my mind, I wanted to ask so many questions. If the Maker was for normal people a God, does that mean I'm just as vital? I saw the Maker fiddle with the severed wings that lay on a table opposite me, I knew she hacked them off when I was asleep.
I could tell she was distracted because I could finally speak, tears were swelling up and my voice was shaky. "Does this mean that my family aren't real? Where do I belong in the world? Please, I must know now." The Maker stopped fidgetting the wing feathers, the silence was deafening. Her gaze on me felt like a sharp sickle over my throat. I daren't say or do anything.
"You are my daughter, let's just say that everything you have done is just a fairytale, you know made up bullshit. I made you, took care of you for eighteen years. There is no brother Oliver, no Holy One and no one you have met exist. It's just you and me." The Maker made an eerie smile, everything I did and saw was all fake.

All I could do was make a blood curdling scream, violently thrashing myself to the floor. The amount of hatred, that was bubbling inside me was enough to kill this cunt!
Humanity left me entirely and pure primal rage took full control, I thrashed my whole body with all my strength to the floor.
Finally the restraints snapped, I was free, I ran towards the Maker and pounced like a prowling lion. She was begging for mercy, I felt like a predator about to make my first kill. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. My primal side was calming down now, but still felt alert and wary. I knew my idea was very risky, but I had to know.

I quickly let my soul go and Soul Wandered inside her mind, with a short glance I was shocked to see my body looking so wild and aggressive. I floated inside her mind, unlike other minds this one was oddly calm. Apparantly the Maker put myself and her in a seperate timeline bubble, I found that out because what she said was true, I am her daughter.

My mother sent a clone of me to the world I once knew, I delved deeper and found out that the Holy One was involved. The Maker was once a mortal that was two months pregnant, her mortal name was Peony Priscilla. Her life seemed normal enough. Or so I thought on one night she got into a deadly car crash, (must run in the family) scared and injured she saw the lion form of the Holy One.
Then it clicked, the Maker wasn't the Maker of the world. Peony was my Maker that made me who I am now.

The Holy One is real and put her in this timeline bubble, she gave birth to me here and the Holy One made a clone of me and sent the clone to the parents I once knew.
Whatever my clone did, was copied to my real body inside the bubble. All this delving was overwhelming, I had had enough and swiftly exited my mothers mind, I wanted to cry and wreck things. The world my clone lived in was real but I couldn't care, I flopped onto the floor like jelly and remained silent.

A week passed and my mother was scared of me, I didn't care what she thought of me. I hated living in this bubble, it had all the necessities of a normal house but felt very eerie. I got a lot of respect from my mother, mainly because I had a feral look all the time. I had an idea that was, wait here until your wings have grown, then return home.
A rather cool feature of being in a bubble above the clouds, was watching the sun and moon rise and fall from the clouds. I even saw lots of aeroplanes and jets fly alongside the bubble. I chuckled at the thought of how people flew, so restrictive yet exciting for the passengers on the aircrafts.

Another week passed, I was beyond angry I wished for a miracle to happen. Today I was going to jump out of the bubble, I was at the edge with my wings fully grown about to jump. Or so I thought, I heard a despearate scream, "wait!" I turned to see my mother, running towards me and hugged me, this of course caught me off-guard. My brain was in deep psychological conflict, on one hand I found her annoying and weak. However she was also tolerant and patient, part of me wanted to slice her neck with my inch long hand talons. While the other part wanted to take her with me to the time I knew and loved.

I felt her squeezing my ribs, feeling hesitant I remained neutral towards her affection. I noticed that she was also crying, she sputtered "please take me with you. I can't live here anymore." This wasn't news to me, I knew that she was getting sick of being alone. It was at this very moment that I made my decision, I consoled her and saw her blotched blushed, puffy face with tears rolling down her cheeks like a craggy waterfall.
The burden of guilt, shame and pity swallowed me whole, so I calmly asked, "do you really want to come with me?" She nodded her head, with a smile and pure joy erupted on her face.
We both released our hug, I told her to go get her things, but she refused as it was 'full of bad luck.'

Ensuring I still had all the Knight powers, I wanted to see if I could lift her with ease and fly. Luckily my mother didn't suffer with fear of heights or vertigo issues, I flew upwards a few metres and lifted her underneath her armpits. We flew around the bubble with ease, I put her down and grabbed a bed sheet to tie her legs to mine. A pang of paranoia told me to make her a parachute, with all bedding in the bubble. I did this until sunrise, everything had to be decent.
The finished parachute was a patchy and knotted mess of different bedding and fabrics, I prayed that we wouldn't use it, but if we had to I wished it would work.
My mother was keen to leave, "can we leave now? The parachutes all done now." I snapped in exhaustion, "no! We have to wait until dark, I need to sleep now we'll go tonight ok."
I got onto the mattress in the other room, and slept I knew this sleep was probably the last one that involved comfort.

Suddenly I was awoken by a loud caark of birds, I knew what that was, it was Corvus. Excited by that sound, I was sadly disappointed to see no birds but was curious. Why was my mother talking to the Holy One? I saw them outside of the house, so I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation with my keen sense of hearing.
"I can't wait to kill that Knight who made her a freak, she's so odd and not my daughter anymore." I sensed anger and resentment in my mothers voice, she of course put on a fake persona. Another thing was that she had no american accent, this was all a show and she lied to me.
Then the Holy One spoke in his loud growling voice, "I am proud of you Peony, she is our weapon to improve the human race. I have her friends so of course she'll bite the bait. Then we'll kill her in front of her so called 'friends,' and harvest her precious Knight infused human blood. If you can get every person on Earth, and convince them that we have a cure for cancer. I will finally become a proper deity and fight God to his knees."

I heard them chuckling, my mind was racing. How could I trust both of them? Never had I felt so fucking stupid until now. I had to quietly escape, it was dusk and I had to leave fast before I got caught.
This was the time to rely on instinct and fight no matter what happens next.

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