Chapter 1: Help Wanted

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The Lust Ring.

What do I have to say about it? In Lust, if you wanna make it you have to be good at a few things; sex, stripping, escort, pole dancing, more sex and sex. I was never really good with that kind of thing. I mean when I practice in a mirror I'll be okay. But when it came to the real deal I would blurt out embarrassing things like, 'DO YOU WANNA PUT YOUR MOUTH ON MY MOUTH!'. I knew that I had no future if I stayed in Lust.

Which was what brought me to Pentagram City in the Pride Ring. But who was I kidding? It didn't matter if I was the most highly educated demon in hell. I would still be seen as a bottom feeding imp.

Speaking of which, that's me. My name is Aaron. I know it isn't the kind of name that you'd associate with a demon. You'll probably think that I would have a big fancy name like... Beelzebub or Zul.

Anyway, here I am. Eighteen years old and I was on my own. My dad's okay but he knew that if I stayed in the Lust ring I would have no future. Since I was now on my own the best I could do was take what I could get. And that's what I did.

At first I worked at a theme park called Loo Loo land in Greed. And I gotta say it was not as glamorous as the commercials and brochures said it was. The rides, food and entertainment were about as what you'd expect from a place that's a shameless spinoff of Lulu World (which is better and cheaper than Loo Loo Land). Needless to say I didn't stick around long.

I worked as a farm hand for a while in the Wrath Ring. It was a decent job. I loved working outside, I enjoyed working with the animals and I had a sense of accomplishment knowing that I lent a hand in providing food for the other rings. Only problem I had was the hazardous environment. When a flaming twister wiped out half the farm hands I put in my notice immediately.

Which is what brought me to Pride. I called in a few favors and I managed to wrangle myself a decent living space.

It wasn't terrible but it was less shity than my other options but they at least allowed pets. Which allowed me to house my little fluffy demon corgi boi. He may seem like a creature that may tear your face off and eat both your eyes and soul but he's a real sweet pup. That's what people tend to think when he has the head of a dog skull and a pentagram on his forehead.

But what was I gonna do with my life? It's not like my answer was just gonna fall from the sky. And to my surprise... it did. Well not out of the sky but in the wind that blew a flier right in my face. I got it off to get a look at it. It was poorly spelled and had terrible grammar. But I managed to decipher that it said that an assassination company called Immediate Murder Professionals or I.M.P for short was offering job interviews.

This was it. My calling. I had enough weapons knowledge to apply for this business. Plus it said on the flier that it was run by imps like me. So it was a sure shot that I'd be recommended for the job.

I went to the address on the flier and it led me to a part of town called Imp City. A district of Pentagram City that was mostly populated by hell born imps such as myself. I went up to the floor that was written on the flier and went up to the door that said I.M.P on the front.

I opened the door to the office and there was a large table in the middle of the room with three chairs on each side and one chair at each end. And on the other side of the table where I was was a large white board with handwritten charts and writing that said, 'FIX THIS SHIT!' in big letters.

I went to the receptionist's desk and there was a small white sign that said 'out to lunch, so fuck off'. Judging from the sign it looked like whoever worked the front desk was a piece of work. Then again most people down here are always a piece of work.

I took a seat near who I assumed was the boss's office and I put in my earbuds to listen to some music. When the song Root of All Evil finished up an imp peeked out of the office.

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