Chapter 7: The Truth Hurts

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I was only 4 years old at the time.

I was just playing with my childhood cherub doll Lambert. It was a charming little doll. It was a purple little sheep that was dressed up in a little sweater vest and a blue ascot. At the time Lambert was my only friend. He was certainly a lot better than the other imp, incubus, succubus or hellhound children that populated the Lust ring. He never said a bad word to or about me, he didn't push me off a swing or into the mud, or mocked me until I cried. He was with me through it all.

After I was done preparing him for a 'mission' to go undercover in the exterminator's enemy base I suddenly saw a glittering light from outside. Which I found odd. Other than the neon signs and street lights we never had that kind of thing in Lust. And it was only the afternoon. They weren't due to turn on until about 6 pm. When I heard my dad tell me to not come outside I further piqued my curiosity. I picked up Lambert and made my way to the front door of the house.

After I opened the door that led to our yard my 4 year old mind was amazed. The light that I saw from outside was coming down from the sky. It wasn't the usual kind of light I was used to in Lust. It wasn't purple, blue, pink or red. It was a shimmering white light coming down from the sky. When my dad saw how fascinated I was he picked me up and held me up to the heavenly light to let the small bits of glitter fall on my face.

As I lifted Lambert up to let him take a look I felt someone kiss the top of my head. When my dad stepped back I saw a figure of a lady with wings on her back and a halo. As she used her feathered wings to go into the light my dad was tearfully waving goodbye to her. When I joined in on the waving the light was disappearing.



"Aaron!" I was snapped back to reality by Blitzø shouting my name. "Come on kid we don't have all day." Another flashback. It's been happening for quite some time. I don't know what triggered them.

"You okay?" Moxxie asked. "You're looking a little pale."

As Moxxie felt around for a fever I said, "Yeah I'm fine."

It's been happening for about a week. I would start having these flashbacks where I see this woman going into a ray of light as me and my dad watched. I thought I would get a break from that memory in my head when I'm awake. But it wasn't the case. It bugged me enough that I've never seen her face. But replaying it while I'm awake makes it worse. I haven't told my coworkers about them. I haven't even told Frost about these things. It's been getting to the point where I would not sleep for the rest of the night. Soon I wouldn't be able to tell reality from my dreams.

I was just thankful that we were able to get the job done. Cause I just wanted to go home to Frost and Fester. I was so sleep deprived that I could barely see where I was going. After I backed up from dumping our target's body into the dumpster I accidentally stepped on a stray cat's tail. Which caused it to run into multiple metal trash cans.

"Shh! Remember, we can't be seen." Blitzø reminded me. Then he slams the dumpster door loudly, but then falls into a pile of trash bags.

"Pardon my word, sir. But you're currently being the loudest." Moxxie pointed out.

Blitzø got up from the trash pile and was covered in garbage. "I said, shush your dick-sucking lips, Moxxie!"

Moxxie steps away from his boss for a short moment as the portal was opened, he was about to head towards the portal. Until Blitzø and I heard a click at the entrance of the alleyway.

"Get down!!" Blitzø shouted as he quickly tackled Moxxie to the ground as a net zoomed by.

And a human in a black tuxedo with a net gun in hand had us by surprise. As Blitzo looks behind us and sees another tuxedo wearing human jump down with rope from a building and in front of the portal.

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