Chapter 8: Fallen Angels

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It was my first official date with Frost. I was a little skeptical about it. But after yesterday I was more sure of myself to be in public with him. Since Blitzø gave me sometime off Frost and I were going to have a day with just the two of us.

Today I had it all planned out. After we grabbed some coffee from Pentabucks we'll go to the mall and show Frost my favorite shops. Next we're gonna have lunch at that sushi place. Their stuff was cheap but really good. After lunch I was gonna show him the biggest park in the city. And to wrap up the day I was going to show him the most beautiful secret spot in all of hell.

After I was done freshening up I put on my Anubis shirt and was ready for my outing with my boyfriend. As I peeked into our room I said, "Frost, are you ready to go?"

"Just finishing up my sweet imp." He replied. He picked out a black leather jacket, some ripped jeans, and a Lord's of the Underworld shirt. When I fixed the collar on his jacket and pecked him on the lips we were ready to go.

We walked to the Pentabucks down the block, ordered what we wanted and waited for our drinks. When our order came we hopped on the bus for a day of fun together.

We got off at our stop that was next to the Dante Levels Mall. It was a standard shopping mall with lots of stores and food places to choose from and a place where you can just chill out and browse.

My favorite store to hang around at was a store called Stylish Occult. As I said before it was where I got my tail pierced. I think Frost was a little uncomfortable with the taxidermy animals they sold there. I do have to admit they are kinda creepy. After I got a few metallic pins for my collection we moved on to another store.

Next I took him to my favorite video game store called The Megabyte Pixel. They sold gaming consoles, game collectibles, and spare parts. It was also where they sold the latest games. I even got Little Nightmares there when it first came out. Frost seemed to enjoy it.

And finally I took him to a music store called the Vinyl Scratch. They sold all kinds of music cd's and mixtapes of all genres. They also sold MP3 players, earbuds and headphones. When we exited the store after purchasing two sets of earbuds it was around lunch time.

The restaurant we went to was a sushi place. Their stuff was pretty quality and really cheap. I was pretty close with someone who worked there as a chef so I knew that we weren't going to have food poisoning the next day or be unknowingly subjected to cannibalism. After the hostess showed us to our table we sat down in a booth and skimmed through the menus. When we were set on what we wanted the hellhound waiter came to our table.

"Hello gentlemen." He greeted us. "Welcome to The Golden Lion. I'll be serving you this afternoon. Have you decided what you want or do you need more time?"

"Actually we have. We'll have The Shitaki and Nigiri. Is that alright Frosty?"

"Oh whatever you say my little imp. You know what I like." Frost replied.

"It's our first official date." I told the waiter.

"I admire you both for coming out in public." He said as he took our menus. "So that'll be the Shitaki and Nigiri."

"And some egg rolls." Frost added. The waiter wrote that down and he went off into the kitchen so that the cooks could prepare our food.

After our drinks arrived Frost said, "First date in a while?"

"Actually, this is my very first." I told him.

"Ha! Good one Aarie." He chuckled. When he took a sip of his lemonade he realized that I wasn't joking. "You're not screwing with me? Do you not see how cute you are?"

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