Chapter 9: Lustful Pride Part 1

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Another good day at the office. We've been hired to kill a group of lumberjacks. And I gotta say it felt good. I was practically on a contact high. Blitzø even let me take one of axes as a souvenir. When one of the tree's that one of the lumberjacks was cutting down started to fall, the portal back home opened. Leaving the top of the tree peaking into the office.

"Woo, that was a fuck ton of lumberjacks!" Cheered Blitzø as we strolled through the portal home. Then Millie came through the portal in a crab style walk.

"I'm still so jazzed up!!" Millie shouted as she snapped the axe in half and laughed.

"Same here!" I cheered as Millie walked over to us and Moxxie tossed a severed head aside.

"Well you better stay jazzed, Babe," said Moxxie as he pointed finger guns at her. "because guess where I'm taking you tonight?"

"Don't you dare finish a filthy pun in my presence Moxxie." Blitzø said with content. "Besides, drinks are on me tonight. Let's hit up the new dive down the street."

"Actually sir, it's our one-year marriage anniversary." Moxxie told him. "So I'm taking Millie to Ozzie's in the Lust Ring!"

Millie's eyes started to sparkle and she squealed in delight. "Ozzie's?! No way! That place is always booked!"

"Yeah, well I've been planning it for quite a while." He said modestly.

"Moxxie!" She jumps into her husband's arms and kisses his face before they both start French kissing and making out.

Blitzø rolls his eyes at the display. "Ugh, can you two not?"

"I'm sorry sir. Maybe another time?" Moxxie asked.

"No, it's fine! I-I can come with the two of you, help you celebrate your boring as fuck monogamy."

"Uh no. The reservation is for us."

"Uh huh."

"Just us."


"Without you there. Explicitly without you there."

"I'll wear something nice. It's a big deal after all." He gets in between the two of them and hugs Moxxie and Millie tightly. "See you lovebugs later!" He whistles his way out and goes back to his office. Leaving us there as Moxxie growls in frustration.

"Relax sweetie, don't let him get to you today." Said Millie to put him at ease. "Let's just go home and... clean this blood off." She drags her finger down from her husband's chest and makes a seductive purring sound.

"Don't worry, I'll clean this place up for ya." I offered as I brought out my new axe.

"Alright Aaron. Oh and thanks for hooking me up with the reservation at Ozzie's."

"Oh no problem Moxxie. It's the least I can do." With that Millie led Moxxie out of the office for a romantic date for two in the most mood setting ring in all of hell and my home ring.

"Happy anniversary you two. Have a good night." I called as they exited the office.

When I was done filing the last of the paperwork and clearing that tree out of the office Blitzø walked up to me. "Hey there, sport. Any plans?"

"Nothing special if that's what you mean sir." I told him.

"Okay kid, how would you like to earn some overtime tonight?"

My eyes lit up with excitement. It was pretty rare that Blitzø offered overtime. He always said that he couldn't afford to give out overtime. "Over... time.... Overtime as in.... More pay?"

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