Chapter 3: Unamusment Park

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Another day at the office.

This week has been rather slow. So far the only kill we got was when I finally got that fly that's been buzzing around the office. And sharpening my collection of knives. Since it was an uneventful week I brought Fester to the office. Plus my building was being fumigated so I thought it was better that I brought him to work. He seemed to be really friendly with Millie. And he seems to like Loona. It was nice that I brightened it up a little at work. But it would still be great if we got an assignment.

That was about to change.

"M&M, A-champ, get in here! We're going to Loo Loo Land!" Bltizø shouted on a megaphone.

Moxxie and I peered into his office and we said in unison, "Loo Loo Land?"

Millie smashed her head through the door window and in excitement shouted, "Loo Loo Land!"

Blitzø gave out another, "Loo Loo Land!"

Then Loona shouted from down the hall, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

After Blitzø's announcement we packed up the van and we were all dressed in black outfits with sunglasses. When we were ready to go we hit the road.

As I was done straightening up my bow tie I said, "Sir, when it comes to cash it's nothing I complain about. But is there a reason we're going to the shameless spin-off of the far more popular Lulu World?"

"Oh Aaron, so young and with so many questions." Blitzø laughed as he patted my head. "Well we got a special kind of job. We were hired to be bodyguards for Stolas and his daughter Octavia while they go to Loo Loo Land. I'm just hoping I don't see that fucking robot clown Fizzarolli."

"I ain't a fan of that creepy clown either. I still have nightmares about him. But why do you hope not to see him?"

When I asked this he realized something. "Oh that's right I never told you. Before I started I.M.P, I was a performer at Loo Loo Land. Every time I was on stage telling my jokes he would always steal my spotlight. But now that I started I.M.P I'm making lots more money."

Now that was a rather intriguing story. Before Blitzø became an assassin he was a performer at the subpar spin-off theme park of Lulu World. When Blitzø stopped at the car we were in front of a beautiful palace. It was a regal burgundy colored building with windows that are elegant and tall with pink stained glass.

Standing at the front door was a tall gray owl demon dressed in a Loo Loo Land t shirt and red shorts with a smaller owl demon girl dressed in goth attire. "Helloooo Blitzy!" He called out in a sing-song voice.

This had to be High Prince Stolas that Blitzø had told me about. "Yeah yeah, hey Stolas." He huffed as he got out of the van.

As I got out of the van I was in disbelief. An imp like me was being graced by being in the presence of the high prince of the Goetia family, Stolas. I must have gotten his attention somehow because he looked my way and said, "Oh, I see that you have yourself a new little imp."

"Ye-yes, I'm new to IMP." I stuttered as I bowed to him. "I am Aaron. Born and raised in the Ring of Lust. And it is an honor and a privilege to finally meet you Stolas, astronomer, herbalist, shapeshifter, Prince of hell, head of the Ars Goetia—"

"Please, Stolas is just fine. And you as well young imp boy." That was when Fester decided to pop his head out of my backpack. "Oooh and you have a demon corgi."

"Yeah this is Fester. I'm sorry it's been a slow week and I decided to bring him to work. Plus my building was being fumigated."

"Oh I don't mind. He's such a cutie." Stolas and his daughter go up to the van.

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